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Posts posted by Cruisin-Geezer

  1. :DMy sister has booked a surprise cruise on the aurora on 22 of this month . I have never been on a cruise ship before and I am worried how I will manage the bunk bed sleeping arrangements, is there any way to avoid climbing a ladder to bed ?


    Its a bit late now, but you really should have asked your TA to tell you precisely what your sleeping arrangements are. And if that were not suitable to ask what would be more appropriate for you ladies. I'm surprised that they would book three 'mature' ladies into a cabin with bunks, but you need to check it out. Your sister is very kind to have booked this surprise for you, but two weeks of discomfort and fear/risk should not be a price you are expected to pay.


    If the TA can't help, your only other recourse would be to present the problem to the Reception Desk on board the ship. They may have a spare cabin.

  2. Excellent Review LC! It reminded me of all the same places we visited around the Baltic and I recognised everything you talked about (apart from Berlin, where we've not been), although we didn't do many organised tours. When we were there we did private tours in St Petersburg with TJ Travel, who delivered the best tours we have ever done - a bit more comprehensive than yours and absolutely exhausting, but completely worth it. Elsewhere we did our own thing - easy to get around these cities and we probably did more than you did on tours. But then, being Europeans, we are probably more familiar and therefore confident to head out into our 'back yard' to begin with.


    But your account is comprehensive, well described, and clearly you had a most fulfilling time - well done! We'll leave you to write up the forthcoming SE Asia trips that we are sharing with you - it will save me a job . . . hahaha! :D


  3. There needs to be a like button!


    Not only do they not realize how irritating and boorish their behavior is, when it is pointed out to them, they get defensive and insist nobody complained. Most people are too polite to tell anyone they are acting like fools!


    "If you reject . . . and avoid the people, you might better stay home."


  4. It sounds like your table definitely acted inappropriately during dinner. Unless you were in a private room, you should have acted more appropriately. Please consider your fellow cruisers in your actions in the future.


    I also found the "fake stealing" of items just inappropriate and immature. I would have hated to be near your table at dinner.


    I think that ibfern is coming in for undue criticism for trying to portray in a fun and light-hearted way that she and her friends enjoyed their mealtimes on their cruise. If she is guilty of anything, I would suspect it is exageration!! The problem is that in reading the written word alone, we cannot take into account body language, facial expressions, voice intonation, etc when assessing the communication. With respect to all critics, we do need to lighten up a bit when reading what she said. Two points come to mind if we were to take what she described literally:


    1. If this was on Cunard, they would have made the whole group walk the plank!


    2. But even on Princess, surely the Maître D would have had a discreet word to ensure that behaviour was within confines, so as not to spoil the dining experience of other passengers.


    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


    To change the subject:


    kennicott - May I please thank and congratulate you for your clear and informative review - Excellent!


  5. After one night of being next to your table I'd ask for quick change to anytime dining just to have some peace & quiet. :rolleyes:


    Oh my, Amelia, you're coming in for some stick here!!! But I'm sure you have broad shoulders.


    I recall a Trans-Atlantic we did a couple of years ago and we had a wonderful table of 9 - Brits, Irish, Dutch & American - we had an absolute whale of a time - laughing, joking, and getting a bit loud as the wine flowed. And one of the waiters joined in with a new conjuring trick each evening - great guy! We were the last to leave every night, but we had no kleptomaniacs or food fights. Nor did we seem to have any disapproving neighbours, although I do recall one couple with a look of 'we wish we could have been on that table - they're having such fun!'


    So I agree with kjets: Oh my! If we want peace and quiet we stay at home or in our cabin! If people are having a wonderful time, and not being rude, crude or degrading anyone, then it makes me smile!


  6. Hi LC - fancy talking to you here! Enjoyed your review - I guess we will need to wear bibs when we see you on the Sapphire in Dec! We're thinking of doing a cruise on Royal P next year, but this review has not overly encouraged us, but we'll discuss when we see you.


  7. I just realised that we will be in Sihanoukville on Christmas Day, will that make a difference??


    Hi Kiwi_cruiser


    I recall you were earlier on the Roll Call for the Sapphire H452, 18 Dec, but then resigned out of it, saying you might sign back in later.


    I've just seen your enquiry re Sihanoukville and thought you might be interested in the Christmas Day tour I have organised with Don Bosco. We still have a few places available. You can view the itinerary on my dropbox:



    If you want to join us, simply sign back onto the Roll Call and let me know.




  8. So pleased to read Egon's lengthy and articulate 'report'. I can relate to what he is saying as my sister spent two years in a residential home after her third stroke. Many of his frustrations were hers too, but Egon so impresses us with his positive and clear-minded outlook. May things only get better.

  9. Oh Egon - GREAT to hear from you - you are a REMARKABLE MAN. We are so pleased to learn of your progress and the testimony of your fighting spirit. Keep up being a living miracle!

    With Best Wishes

    ROGER & IRENE from UK

    (Poesia - TransAtlantic - March 2012)

  10. Great news of Egon's steady recovery - its essential that he is stimulated and clearly those around him are all doing a fine job. Here's praying that the surgeons are successful next week with the bladder issue.

  11. We're so sad to learn of Egon's stroke. We had dinner with him aboard Poesia in March this year and enjoyed so much his piano playing in the Atrium. Just yesterday I posted my much belated review and in it I mention the remarkable Egon.

    With a stroke there is always hope - my octogenerian sister had three and still battled on to restore most of her faculties. Egon most certainly has the same fighting spirit, which is what he will need. But come what may he has lead a remarkable life and it is our privilege to have met him. We do prayerfully wish him the best in God's grace.

    Roger & Irene from UK

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