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Posts posted by cruisecop2006

  1. We woke up after a 11 day cruise to FoxNews showing our ship docking in Bayonne friday morning with possible cases of corona virus aboard. After searching the news with information regarding the passengers that are being tested for the virus I find a story regarding a crew member found onboard dead half way thru our sailing and they are awaiting autopsy results before the next cruise can depart. I am Diamond Plus on royal so obviously I am a big fan and supporter ,but i can honestly say I am pissed beyond words at this moment.We were never told anything about the possible corona virus patients onboard. we were not given any information at all regarding any off this. If I had known the possibility existed for this virus to be onboard I would have personally spent a lot more time in my room. This was so poorly handled by RCCL I am beyond mad. AS of this moment we feel we are sitting on a powder can with the fuse lit. I figured we would get an email with maybe more details when we returned home but have received absolutely nothing.All they seem to be worried about is when the next cruise sets sail and the casino open. But yet 4900 people were let off a ship possibly exposed to this virus without a word. Not to mention a health of unknown origin aboard. I am really soured at this moment.

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