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Posts posted by ianqld

  1. We came out from Scotland in 1961, I was 3yrs old.

    The only memory I have of it is a photo my uncle took of me and my cousin (also 3) having a peeing contest over the side from the top deck. :(

    My uncle swears to this day that he heard people from the decks below complaining about the warm rain.:D


    Thanks to Mick (mickalex) and the National Archives I now know it was on the SS ORONTES departing Tilbury.


    I was able to track down a photo (thanks to Duncan Whitrow) of the ship docked in Outer Harbour, Adelaide in 1961. This is where we got off the ship, probably when this photo was taken.


  2. P&O Pacific Sun - December 8, 2007 - N739


    Videos on "Youtube" - copied from my review (too lazy to write any thing different).;) :D


    Video 1 - Snorkeling Champagne Bay. 1st attempt with home made underwater housing for the video camera. Actually it is a clear plastic box with a rubber gasket.


    Video 2 - Snorkeling Mystery Island. 2nd attempt (getting better)


    Video 3 - Snorkeling Isle of Pines. 3rd attempt (might be as good as it gets, will not quit my day job)


    Video 4 - At Sea coming home (mostly water)


    Video 5 - Sailing up the Brisbane River





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