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Posts posted by ILOVEMEXICO

  1. I like to play Bingo too. Its called ENTERTAINMENT. Unlike what is being said by some of the previous posters we really aren’t stupid. Your insults are well heard. You choose your fun and I’ll choose mine. I don’t need some stranger calling me a sucker because I choose to spend an hour listening to the calls and seeing if I get lucky. Yes, believe it or not we all know its luck. I promise I will not question how you spend your money if you mind your own business too. Maybe us Bingo players think you’re a sucker if you go to the spa, or the art auction, but hey its your money so have fun the way you want. Please stop insulting those of us that want to spend an hour doing something we enjoy. I can afford to lose the $30 or I wouldn’t be playing, but again, thanks for making sure we simpletons know we are just throwing our money away.



    Perfectly stated - I agree it's just a form of entertainment and everyone has a right to spend their money how they want - regardless of the odds - and yes everyone hopes they win but in reality if we don't it doesn't matter - its fun while we are playing - whether it's bingo, slots, cards or whatever.

  2. Hey Low Carb Buddies!

    Tomorrow...I pack for the Cruise, last notes for my DD as she watches the house and doggie sits Sadie. Do some cleaning so when we get back I won't worry about doing anything else but going back to work and sulking that we didn't do a B2B! haha We leave bright & early Sun morning - and be back on next Sunday.


    luvroberts - I'm so sorry that they changed your ship! But DD went on Liberty last summer and really liked it. I know you'll still enjoy it - you'll be Cruising!


    Cerabella - Your so sweet to ask for pictures! I'll keep in mind your request as I go through some old ones and new ones from our trip!;)


    Welcome susiefay, and IloveMexico! It's so nice to see new faces around! :D


    Pink - Hope your feeling better...because you are packing for your Cruise too!:p


    Ok, you all have a great week - keep LC-ing - I plan to be a good girl - ok, well at least most of the week!;) Will read your posts when I get back!



    Thanks for the welcome - enjoy your cruise:)

  3. I feel Bingo is the same as slots, gambling, etc., payouts aren't based on what is taken in. Where on the ship is Bingo offered - never played but wouldn't mind trying - when we go to Vegas (or gamble on the ship or whereever), we take X number of dollars to spend knowing that we don't expect to "win". It's entertainment for our holiday.....

  4. Wow sounds like everyone is doing great. I haven't checked in for awhile, Donna if you only gained 6 pounds I am proud of you and hope that is all I gain. Did you drink any Miami Vices' or DOD and did you just cheat slightly everyday. I am down 20 pounds. I wish I would have found this diet before I spent all the money on Plastic Surgery.LOL I am really wanting to loose another 20 by my cruise on 1/23/09 I really think I can. I am not craving much at all.


    I am quite the baker for the holidays so I know that will be my weak point. I have only cheated on weekends and that consists of 7 or 8 tortilla chips on Saturday nights. I haven't missed pasta which is good. I am so looking forward to the cruise for the drinks and the funny thing is I don't know if I am going to like them anymore. Sounds wierd but I swear my tastebuds have changed.


    I am hooked on the jalopeno poppers... You cut them in half, take seed out if you don't like them really hot (I do) fill with a little cream cheese, top with a little shredded cheddar and wrap with bacon (I take a strip and cut down the middle and accross to make 4 pieces) bake at 450 for 20 minutes and it is YUMMY.


    I made the poppers - they were GREAT. Instead of wrappiing with bacon, I diced finely bacon, onion and pepper (I used yellow) and mixed into the cream cheese. They are definitely a keeper. Thanks again.

  5. Hello & welcome susiefay & other new ones... I know Ihave read & re~read this thread for a couple of years,( as well as other threads on CC, of course...):p


    I personally think that support for the low~carb way of eating is key, hence I finally joined to participate too not so long ago... Others valuable input on eating out, snacks & how to cope with a carb~laden world out there I find sooo very helpful...


    If you haven't already, one of the very best things highly recommended is to read or re~read the Atkins book, & perhaps visit sugarfreesheila.com ...She has a ton of advice, recipes, & other inspiration for us gals (& guys) plugging along.


    Hope all have a low~carb day, if not, a low~carb week!!:D


    Thanks for the website - it's great!!!

  6. I tried spaghetti squash last year and was very disappointed. It's not pasta... the consistency of mine was too mushy. Did I cook wrong? Probably. But it was just so frustrating!


    A little over a week to go...


    Pinkbikini - My girfriend told me to micro 1/2 of the squash upside down with about 1/4 inch of water which is what I did - I also think it was overdone if you wanted to use it as a substitute for spagetti; I still liked it as it was a change for all the standard veggies. I am going to try baking it the next time like suggested by cruisin4fun323 as it would probably turn out more like spagetti which would be great with a low carb pasta sauce!


    Enjoy your trip..........

  7. Wow sounds like everyone is doing great. I haven't checked in for awhile, Donna if you only gained 6 pounds I am proud of you and hope that is all I gain. Did you drink any Miami Vices' or DOD and did you just cheat slightly everyday. I am down 20 pounds. I wish I would have found this diet before I spent all the money on Plastic Surgery.LOL I am really wanting to loose another 20 by my cruise on 1/23/09 I really think I can. I am not craving much at all.


    I am quite the baker for the holidays so I know that will be my weak point. I have only cheated on weekends and that consists of 7 or 8 tortilla chips on Saturday nights. I haven't missed pasta which is good. I am so looking forward to the cruise for the drinks and the funny thing is I don't know if I am going to like them anymore. Sounds wierd but I swear my tastebuds have changed.


    I am hooked on the jalopeno poppers... You cut them in half, take seed out if you don't like them really hot (I do) fill with a little cream cheese, top with a little shredded cheddar and wrap with bacon (I take a strip and cut down the middle and accross to make 4 pieces) bake at 450 for 20 minutes and it is YUMMY.



    cruisin4fun323 - thanks for the tip on jalapeneo peppers - I love them too - how many carbs do you count? I was on atkins a few years ago and did really well - unfortunately a few pounds have crept on but more in inches so I'm trying it again as well as exercising so I can get into some cruise clothes for our cruise in Feb. I don't crave sweets but do crave the fresh bread, rice and especially pasta and of course I now like red wine which I didn't drink before.

    A friend recently told me about spagetti squash which I have never had or cooked and since it is an OK vegetable on Atkins, I thought I'd give it a try and bought one on the weekend - it is very good - just steamed it and then served with butter and salt and pepper.

    Thanks again......

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