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Everything posted by lkloc

  1. Thanks for both reviews! I'll be on the Voyager maiden voyage Nov 8 to Antarctica. First cruise, so nothing to compare it to but we have high hopes! Very excited!
  2. I'm on 11/8 Voyager one too. I've gotten a couple emails from Atlas since booking the trip. Received the 30 day countdown email last week. My TA emailed saying Atlas confirmed our booking w her and said we should be getting travel docs this week. The only part of the trip not really explained is the Tierra Del Fuego tour. At least I know from their email that it is pre-cruise and not something squeezed in at the last minute before returning to BA. It would be nice to have a little more info but I'm not sweating it. I'm sure it will be fine. We're getting very excited! This is our first cruise and a bucket list location for my husband. 😁
  3. Thanks for the replies! BayGirl22 - I've done the MyAtlas site but minibar selections are not included in that. Maybe that's a new thing and maybe it has to do w what Michael_A said above?? Oh well I won't worry about it for now.
  4. We're first-time cruisers and I've booked an Antarctic cruise with Atlas. It's the maiden voyage of Voyager on Nov 8, 2023. I'm trying to figure out how Atlas cruisers chose their minibar selections on previous or upcoming cruises. I've asked my TA and she checked w Atlas and was told that we should submit a list. But I have no idea what to choose from. My TA doesn't understand why they said that and thinks there's an issue of some kind but she suggested to go ahead and submit a list of items and she'll forward it along. Is this normal? Do you make your choices when you board? I read somewhere that they place their vendor orders several months before sailing so it doesn't make sense to me to wait. But I know nothing about cruising. Thanks so much for any advice you can give 🙂
  5. I got an email today from Atlas regarding my upcoming Antarctica cruise. Mostly it just welcomed me aboard and explained and provided a link to the pre/post ops and gave a link to the MyAtlas acct. It also said that optional kayaking must be booked in advance but I don't know how to do that. There's no mention on the MyAtlas site - which so far is just a checklist of preferences and waivers. I will ask my TA about it if necessary but figured I'd check around here first. We're first-time cruisers and know nothing!🙃
  6. I haven't gotten very far in my research. When I said I'm just beginning I meant it. It's not quite as obvious as the brochure/airfare/cruise-only categories. All I know is, I went through the booking process and noticed the price changed at the end to an additional $300pp. I didn't connect the dots at that point.
  7. Thanks so much for posting this question bubbaed. I understood the cruise-only fare but didn't realize the OLife "freebie" wasn't free. I did notice the difference in price but hadn't figured out why. I am just beginning to consider my first ever cruise, so I have a lot to learn!
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