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Posts posted by ladycajun

  1. My wife and I love to cruise. I have been cruising since 2004. I go with a large contingent of friends from High school, work peeps etc. Everytime we have a different mix with anywhere from 8 to 40+ in our group. We are the crazy cajun cruisers and always have t-shirts made for each cruise. My wife and I have been together 2 1/2 yrs and I got her hooked on cruising within the first year. We will be sailing for Halloween this year,on Carnival Ecstacy, dressing as gangsters and flappers. I am looking at the transatlantic on the Carnival Magic next year, looks awesome. I have stuck with Carnival since its so affordable and have never felt like I couldn't be myself. I also want to do Hawaii soon and have a commitment ceremony on the beach prior to sailing. Wow that sounds kinda random..LOL that's what happens when you work at night..

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