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ny photog

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Posts posted by ny photog

  1. I use Picasa from Google on top of a series of folders and sub-folders that I've used for years. After I go through photos and filter out the blurries and dupes from a trip or whenever I empty a chip, I rename the files individually for small numbers or en masse with IrfanView for large batches (A great image utility and viewer...and it's free!). IrfanView has a great batch-processing function that allows you to enter a name pattern like "Hawaii 2002 - Hilo" and ### indicating how many places you want the program to use for numbering then is adds sequential numbers to the name while moving it to a the folder you want it in. The image with the snow is "Hawaii 2002 - Hilo 033.jpg". Using folders and sub-folders made it easy to find an image by going to "Photos" - "Travel" - "Hawaii 2002" - "Hilo". Picasa has made it easier than ever to locate an image. Before I'm done typing "Hilo" in the search window, Picasa has located and displayed all 94 pictures from the batch. I have about 45,000 images on my system and without some kind of organization, I'd never see most of them ever again!:D


    I'm a big fan of Picasa for it's organizational function, but many people use it's excellent image tools for retouching, e-mailing, slideshows and sharing online with Picasa Web Albums. I use PBase to post and share my travel photos because it allows more control over layout and design than PicasaWeb, but I also have a set of Web Albums just because it's so easy to quickly post a batch of photos to share. Oh yeah, it's all free too.


    Here are links if you're interested:


    Picasa - http://picasa.google.com/

    IrfanView - http://www.irfanview.com/


    If you want to look at Picasa Web Albums - http://picasaweb.google.com/pierce324 or PBase http://www.pbase.com/pierce324 (both mine.)


    Too much answer? ;)



    Thanks for the info. I'll give Google a try. I've used their search engine for many years (online college courses) and I love the way that Google "thinks". Thanks again

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