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Posts posted by atlmagic

  1. My wife and I just happened to notice a South American gentleman drunk out of his mind moments after we boarded the ship. We noticed not cause he was drunk but because he was wearing Zorries (Flip Flops) with a suit!


    No matter what he wore during the cruise, zorries were his footwear of choice.


    One night there was a storm a brooin'. We we told by the staff to avoid the upper ouside decks till they could get out of the storm. Our friend didn't listen. (Neither did we since we were there to see him.)


    Suddenly a gust of wind hit the ship. The deck tilted and he was THROWN across the deck, slamming into a guard rail. He was still smilling and happy, but we later saw him in a cast. He must have broken his arm and at LEAST a rib or two. But he was still wearing the zorries, drunk and happy.

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