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Posts posted by PeterPaul

  1. Sorry to rain on the parade, but I looked at the McDonald's website and the mcmuffin has 420 calories and 1110 or so grams of sodium and the smoothie has 210 calories and close to a quarter cup of sugar for the sugar grams.That's half the days calories right there if you are on 1200 calories a day and then you still have the whole day to get through Then I looked at the dunkin dounts flatbreads that are made of eggwhites . I think sodium makes people thirsty and hungry more when they aren't. etc and those are just as bad. If you look at the Starbucks website or Sonic for nutritin info those will really scare you. Even the so called "healthy fast food" isn't even healthy. Then they wonder why people dont lose weight. The subway sandwiches sound healthy but aren.t Even the so called healthy one has over 1000 grams of sodium and I think that's the veggie one! I was getting a chicken sandwich from chic fila which I thought was decent until I saw the sodium content was almost 2000 calories and the wrap itself was in the 600's.


    There's a good article on the web called 'eat this, not that" about how fast food people are duping consumers by touting some of their menu is healthy when it's not.


    Good luck to all. PP




    Weigh in 326.6..........bleh. I know my problem. Its food. I got in three 45 min. workouts, but I keep feeding my face, argh.


    I had a wildberry small smoothie from McD's and an egg/bacon mcmuffin. So...about 500 calories. I love the smoothies.......low fat yogurt and real fruit blended in (I so get the little seeds from the berries, lol.) Sure it has some sugar in it, but hopefully its mainly natural from fruit and the yogurt. I had to stop and get stamps for some bills, so I had to leave without BK and run by on my way into work. Good thing is I think I'm done with the chicken biscuits. I have a weird thing about chicken and the texture. No chicken with bones b/c its slimy and has those red lines in it. And if its boneless......I have to watch out for those little rubbery ligament thingies in them. It will totally make me gag and I feel like I'm going to right now thinking about it. Plus the last couple of times the chicken was sooooooo greasy I couldn't stand it. Not that the egg/bacon mcmuffin is the best, but it drops about 100 calories. I asked for no cheese.


    Still love french fries though. *rolls eyes*


    Anyway, Zumba tonight. I really gotta be careful with my knee though. Its my right knee and is really giving me an issue again. going up the stairs is a big problem. I can do one or two steps, but then I have a lot of pain. So then I end up going up with the other knee and keeping the right one straight. Haha, funny thing though. Was watching Eat, Pray, Love yesterday on Netflix and one of the scenes was Julie Roberts fell and the local medicine woman was looking at her leg and told her: I can tell no sex for you for a long time, you knees all dried up. Sex produces a hormone that lubricates joints." TEHE...........oh my mind was working, lol. Just kidding. I probably need some fish oil or something. I might have to break bad and see someone other than my chiro about it. But I know what I will hear: "You are fat and its too much pressure on your knees. Lose weight." To which I will have no problem responding: "No S*** Sherlock, you go to med school for that?" Problem is I gotta be able to move to lose weight, so whatcha gonna do about it?"


    So cynical today, I just have lost most of my faith in any Dr. They bug me and I didn't have a good impression of them from the beginning when one told my grandmother she had IBS, when it was really cancer.


    Positive is........that today is a new day and I can start over. Its great to be able and wake up to new opportunities.


    Good Choices

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