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The Rowdys

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Posts posted by The Rowdys

  1. ConSTILation... because we were STILL in the water...


    give me a break! we all know that the lines give ASTRONOMICAL discounts to fill rooms the last few days before a cruise... folks (like my family) can't just drop kids and jobs and other commitments to take advantage of a discounted cruise on a whim... we book a year in advance and pay full price.... they could give us some sort of incentive to try a "do-over" cruise... they do it every day! so some were not impacted by staying in KeyWest and not traveling to MX? AWESOME! they can forego their incentive.... something tells me though, that all of those saying they aren't owed anything would be the very first in line to get that "gift" if offered!


    two words: mechanical neglect! we're not talking about weather, civil unrest, oil spill, etc...

    how convenient that we were scooted to a naval pier.... press can't get to ship to document...



    lastly, not beating a dead horse... OP states that they went thru proper channels to express dissatisfaction... as did many others - including myself... to no avail! this social medium is protected by free speech (within reason)... some feel it is the only platform from which to possibly be heard... amazing how posts magically disappear from Celebrity facebook page... emails never get answered... phone calls are placed on hold/ignored...

  2. "He is a lawyer who is well known to prey on people such as the OP in an attempt to make a profit for himself. He is recognized in the maritime industry, especially the cruise industry, as someone who will exploit any irregularity if he feels he can make a tidy paycheck from it. "


    this is good to know! thanks for the heads-up!

  3. just an interesting post I ran across on cruiselawnews:


    "Debbie,check out the YouTube video a guest took.- if the link does not work just google: you tube constellation engine Key west. The part is huge and I was wondering the same as well. My hunch is they ( celebrity) knew, and planned this all along , we were the last cruise before the heavy duty x mas season , so we got " sacrificied". PS- I posted the link of the video on the Celebrity web- and guess what it was deleted asap- they do not want to have this get out.


    http://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=celebrity+constellation+key+west+engine+failure++you+tube+&FORM=VIRE6#view=detail&mid=80FC5B275332E04E7AA380FC5B275332E04E7AA3 "


    if this truly happened, it just makes me sad!

    husband already has "put his foot down" and said if this is not "made right" with us, our upcoming X cruise will be our last... :( I love Celebrity and I'm still hopeful that customer loyalty will come thru in the end!

  4. pleasantly surprised in a nicer, more helpful crowd on this thread... my faith in humankind may be restored... only slightly :)


    firstly, I don't think the OP is stating that a full refund is expected... my group (as well as theirs, I'm sure) had a good time... in fact, their post "ANY REASONABLE Compensation would be fine, but NOTHING is not!!!" states this...


    here's one of my main beefs about the whole ordeal:

    background: my husband is a mechanic by trade... I've learned the HARD way:confused: that when you hear a bump under the hood or a dreaded dash light comes on or something just doesn't feel quite right, you better take the truck into the shop or at least mention it to said mechanic-husband OR EXPECT TO BE STRANDED at the wine store at least opportune moment!

    in comparison:

    -I read of a similar Connie malfunction on Celebrity FaceBook page from another X passenger (now post is gone...hmmm?).

    -the emergency turbine replacement of which this thread is based.

    -don't know if y'all were onboard when this happened, but while we were on the ship (sorry, cant remember the exact day... we had the all-inclusive Premium Drink Pkg as well:rolleyes:) the power went out for 10-15 minutes-no big deal-aux lights came on immediately and we didn't think much about it.

    -the Connie was powerless for 90 minutes during a recent cruise in Feb....


    my point: is there MORE going on with Connie? are there bigger issues that need to be addressed? at what point is it no longer "an act of God" and becomes mechanical neglect!?


    yes, didn't sign up for Nassau... very disappointed... BUT I am so thankful that we were safe on American "soil"... if there ARE bigger issues, I hope everyone onboard at the time is equally safe!!


    gkbiiii, stumbled upon this site when trying to find history of connie breakdowns:




    seems we are part of a larger crowd of unhappy cruisers.

  5. I did not book a Bahamas cruise, I booked a Caribbean cruise to Mexico. The only entitlement, is "corporate entitlement", as a way of not compensating passengers in ANY way, shape, or form!!!



    Look, I am not a Jim Jones Kool-Aid drinker!


    we were on this cruise as well... and yes! some sort of incentive to get us to try the trip again would have been deeply appreciated!


    it was my son's graduation cruise and we had our hearts set on Mexico! if it had been my husband and myself-no big deal! but a high school graduation gift of a 1st cruise to a dream location? I'm sorry but a limited excursion list in Nassau hardly makes up for missing a once-in-a-lifetime Mayan excursion that my son had dreamed about his entire HS years!


    any of you that were on the ship KNOW that it wasn't just like "oh, we'll be here 'til tomorrow night at this time, go have fun in Key West"... it was more like, "be onboard by 10pm so we can sail".... "oh, we STILL can't sail, but we will be sailing before you wake up".... "well, we are STILL sitting at the naval pier, enjoy your day in Key West but be here by suppertime because we are going to sail"... you get the point...


    If I had wanted to spend 37 hours in Key West, I would have booked such a vacation...


    I know that not all points are the same BUT Carnival just prorated their cruises that were held due to oil leak (TOTALLY not cruise line's fault! I understand that is something NOT in line's control) AND gave them a 25% off a future cruise BEFORE they even set sail!


    I don't expect a free cruise or refund of any kind! just some incentive for us to take our son to a day in Mexico that we signed up for!


    ps: at what point is a cruise line responsible to admit, that a ship needs some mechanical work done... lets not promise her service until we know she is 100% ready for the sea!?


    now, go ahead! I know this comment will be attacked.... y'all have fun....

  6. cruiseerf,

    maybe that is the avenue my husband and I should take, instead of switching lines altogether... fell in love with celebrity years ago, but have noticed the not-so-graceful aging of which you speak!

    excellent, specific advice with sensible explanation! thanks!

  7. wvufan,

    my husband and I couldn't agree more with your initial comments!

    we are loyal to a fault... Celebrity has been our line of choice since 2005 (still cruising babies compared to you ;) )

    our last two cruises have been disappointing... kinda like a boyfriend that is trying to distance himself in preparation for breaking up....

    unless we are pleasantly surprised, our next cruise with Celebrity will be our last...

    since we aren't able to cruise that often, I would be interested to know if you find a line that picks up where X left off...

    good luck to you!

  8. from cruisejunkie dated February 9, 2014:

    "Cruise Fever reports the ship lost power on Sunday morning (February 9, 2014) after docking in Key West, Florida. Power went out at approximately 7:15 a.m. and came back on 90 minutes later at 8:45 a.m. This comes less than 2 months after the same ship had engine problems which caused the ship to stay overnight in Key West. During the power outage, the toilets did not work, there was no running water, and the elevators were out. The staff onboard the Constellation was able to serve hot coffee to the passengers as well as a basic breakfast. Also, the staff was selling bottled water (tacky, or what?) as the passengers ate breakfast. Emergency lights came on in the hallways during the outage. The captain made an announcement after the power came back on. He said that they were having a few problems, but said that the power outage was not caused from a fire."

  9. Just curious, what would be the appropriate compensation...let's be real, everyone wants money or OBC...it's BS when people say, "I just want an apology" so please share what would be the correct amount to make you happy...when our Alaska cruise was recently canceled after a year of planning, 24 hours before departure, I knew what I wanted and Celebrity accommodated all of us...



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    My husband and I were discussing this. We think it would be fair to offer some sort of incentive for rebooking the cruise.... the route we actually traveled is listed as a 4 night cruise-so maybe the difference between a 4 nighter and a 5 nighter towards a "do over" would be fair.


    I never said anything about being reimbursed for time off... I am not a rude or unreasonable person. I will not, however, tolerate crazy accusations and assumptions. My posts were based on my experience... not judging someone else's character or reprimanding based on my opinion. I thought this forum was designed to openly discuss the topic at hand in order to educate and enhance others' cruise experience - as well as our own... not to twist words around and fabricate high drama! Some need to go back and reread for detail instead of jumping on the vigilante bandwagon.... I'm finished with this conversation! I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas with lots of friends, family, laughter and love!

  10. "She teaches young children? Here's one beautiful thing about young kids--when they fall, they often just jump back up with resiliency. Many times, when they get upset, it's because they're following an "adult's" lead. Let's take a play out of the toddler playbook here and roll with the punches."


    I teach my school children AND my own children to keep promises and to right wrongs!


    "If you express your real disappointment about missing out on ruins but then are an optimist and enjoy the Bahamas, your son's present wouldn't have been ruined."


    I did not say that we didn't enjoy the Bahamas. I did not say the gift was ruined. Just not what we signed up for. It is a contract. I fulfilled my end of the contract by paying...


    "If her school district works like most, she shouldn't have been docked any pay because she'd have both her personal days and her sick days to grab from. "


    Incorrect... you obviously don't know anything about how my "school district works" or docking pay for personal and/or sick days in

    my school district. I don't have the time or patience to explain it to you.


    "However, the $800 a day that she took a hit on would have been spent really well on accommodations ON LAND near the ruins she desired to see."


    I did not say it was $800 per day-I said 4 days for a total of $800. That may not be a lot to some, but it is a good portion of my salary... get your facts straight if you are going to analyze me!


    If I had booked an ON LAND trip and the airport took us to a different location, that would be just as unacceptable.


    "Sorry for the rant here but I think I know who this was and I didn't like the way they talked to the nice guest relations staff."


    this just confirms everything I was thinking about your reply: you don't know jack! you are operating on pure speculation! you OBVIOUSLY don't know who I am, as I did not even approach the guest relations staff! my family treated each staff member as we always do: with respect and full gratitude! even exchanged names and "friended" some on FBook... left excellent reviews on each and every one we had contact with BY NAME!


    I didn't intend for this to be a slam-fest! I attempted to contact Celebrity via email, phone and through my travel agent when we returned to FL...NOTE!!! NOT while on the ship... !!! All attempts were met with rudeness... I posted on here in an attempt to get some sort of acknowledgement & resolution. Look around, there are many others that feel the same! I am a consumer, just like you, I have a right to express my satisfaction or disappointment in a product/service that I paid for.

  11. from a previous post on another thread: "we were in port for 37 EXTRA hours! if my family and/or I were able to leisurely take cruises or planned to stay on the ship the whole trip, I wouldn't have a problem! BUT I was charged for 4 days of work (approximately $800) to go on this Western Caribbean Cruise to Key West AND Cozumel! Since that trip didn't come to pass, as was "contracted", do you think I could be reimbursed for my missed days? My husband, son and I have been planning this cruise (my son's 1st cruise AND his High School Graduation gift) for YEARS! he has been interested in geography and history since he was little... we had planned AND PAID to visit the Coba Ruins (the ones you can actually touch/climb AND the ones they are supposed to stop people from touching within the next few months).... we can't just drop everything and (on a teacher's salary) sign up for a replacement trip! you're damn right we are entitled to some sort of compensation! in fact, we have an adult trip planned with 20+ of our friends next year... my husband and I are the ones that SUGGESTED that we cruise Celebrity.... we have been loyal customers since 2005... if they don't make this right, next year's cruise will be our LAST with them! we're not asking for a free cruise or anything, but leaving it like this is unheard of!"


    we paid full price and reserved as soon as the cruise became available! we didn't get the last-minute bargain either! I'm not debating that Key West is beautiful and fun and exciting! I agree that every staff member we had contact with was helpful and friendly... before AND after the incident! I don't expect ANYthing for myself! I could be left on a cruise ship in the middle of the ocean for weeks and be perfectly happy... I think some who have "been there, done that" forget that this is a once-in-a-lifetime experience for others! at least provide some sort of opportunity for them to experience the FULL cruise that they signed up for! in my line of work (teaching young children), when a field trip is rained out, we bend over backwards to make it as fun for the kids as possible (which the Celebrity staff did)... THEN we reschedule the field trip for another day! sometimes it costs the teacher a little extra $ and a LOT of extra time and effort to fulfill the promise to the kids...

  12. only be concerned if you end up in one port for 37 EXTRA hours, miss a much anticipated port of call/shore excursion, cannot get off the ship unless you take a tender to shore, not being able to purchase anything (even sunscreen) on the ship for those 37 hours, or have 217 nautical miles taken off your anticipated cruise (still had to pay the full amount).... and receive only a "pool party/barbq/one hour of free punch/beer (which means NOTHING if you have paid $310 for a premier beverage package)" ... and expect them to make it right....

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