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Posts posted by RLG1023

  1. Hi I also have PCOS. I got my first period Christmas morning when I was 13 and ws so happy...then didnt get another for 1 year later. Started growing facial year (mustache) around the same time. Those were my 2 big symptoms. Although nobody ever put a name to it for years nd years. My periods were always unpredicatable and spaced from 6-12 months apart. I saw a new Dr at one time when I was about 22 and of course when the question came up of when was my last period and I answered NO there is no chance I could be pregnant and from the general exam--Im sure he saw my facial hair. He told me he thought I had PCO--I never knew what that was before apparently his wife had it so it was a blessing to me to have him as a Dr that day. I told him my fears of not being able to have children someday and he told me Id be able to with a pill--Clomid. WELL it didnt turn out that easy for me but I came away from that appointment feeling good to at least have a diagnosis and I wasnt just a freak of nature. I was married at 26 and had my 1st baby at 27 from the help of a wonderful RE and injections and IUI. Had my 2nd baby when I was 29 with the help of IVF and many many IVF's after prooved negative. Gave up for awhile. Heard about a new pill that could help if you took it with Metformin and clomid--called my RE up and told him I wanted to try that (I was so done with shots and IVF at that point) I think he said ok but really only said ok thinking it would never work... they did talk me into doing a IUI instead of trying with just sex.....low and behold I got pregnant and had my 3rd baby when I was 35. I think my RE was more shocked then me after all those failed IVF's LOL Then, I wanted to try again but didnt even want to go back to my RE. I asked my OBGYN if I could just go on clomid and met and give it a try on my own....he wrote the scripts for 6 months---on that 6 month we got pregnant with my one and only girl---ALL ON OUR OWN whooo hooo! LOL MY PCOS journey has been all about TTC. I am now about 60 lbs over weight and I have to work on losing that!!!!!!!!!!! I still struggled with the hair on my face and it got really bad on my chin...I was plucking and plucking and couldnt keep up with it. Just couldnt shave--made me feel like a man...I have been doing lazer hair removal for a year now and it is 95% better!!! I have so much more confidence without the hair. I used to be so self concious of it. It was the best $700 I ever spent!!!!!!!!


    Love your story!!! We only have 1 right now and it was through IVF. (TTC 6 years) I do want at least one more and really dont want to have to go back to RE. I am noticing the facial hair is getting worse so thinking baout the laser hair removal. I guess it works??

  2. Thanks for starting this thread and congrats on the weigh loss so far.


    Its amazing how many people actually have PCOS. I had never heard of it until we started TTC. I found out 7 years ago I have it.


    I have noticed over time the hair on my face and chin is starting to get much worse. I pluck everyday, and starting to look into the laser hair removal also. Any other recommendations?


    As far as weight loss....I have done WW twice the first time I lost around 25 lbs, went on vacation and couldnt get motivated to restart it. Now fast forward a few years later (this year) I restarted WW and have lost 32 lbs; again went on vacation and I am struggling to get back on track now. I think I am burnt out on counting points. I would like to lose about 15 more pounds. I have thought about low carb diet but I love potatoes and bread and pasta so it would be extremely hard for me. Any recommendations?


    As far as TTC...we struggled for 6 years. Did the pills, injections, did several IUI's. After none of that worked we bit the bullet got a loan and got into an IVF program. After 2 retrievals we now have a beautiful 15 month old daughter and she has my heart.

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