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Posts posted by cjw1106

  1. Ah, Matthew, your post did make me chuckle. I can see your point. Really, that is a big reason why I posted the question. I hear the concern, and have had people advise me to leave my "goods" at home, but I would certainly think that people living in Europe will be walking around with comparable jewelry to what I will be wearing, as well as the nice watches my husband is so fond of. We too walk around NY, subway included, and I travel to Los Angeles frequently for work and never bother to change my behavior - so point well taken. I think I will wear what I wear here on a daily basis, not walk down any dark alleys by myself, or wander around with my head in the clouds. If I do get anything stolen while abroad, I will be sure to cry about it very dramatically on this board when I return... kidding... ;) Thanks for all of your input!

  2. I have heard that some travelers to Europe won't wear their real wedding rings and instead just purchase a cheaper band for the trip. Do you feel this is necessary? We will be in Barcelona, Villefranche, and several ports in Italy. I would think residents in these particular ports would also have diamonds and Rolexes that they wear on a daily basis, so would we stand out that much as targets? I live in Chicago now, so I know how to be aware of my surroundings. When I traveled to Eastern Europe, I did take more precautions and did wear much less expensive jewelry (although I don't know that it was necessary), so I'm just wondering if it is really recommended to do the same in Western Europe. Thanks!

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