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Posts posted by THUNDERBIRD

  1. Thank you for all the reviews. Looking Forward to our August 25th cruise. We did book the Opera House in Odessa. It will be interesting to see. This will be a first for me. My wife has already been to Ukraine a few times because of her work. I happen to be of Ukrainian parents that came to the United States to have a better life. They came in the legal .....correct way!! I went to Saturday Ukrainian School to learn the language and history and culture just like if you have ever seen the "My Big Fat Greek Wedding" Movie: I can totally relate to that movie!!! I speak and read and write and think as does my wife in Ukrainian......so that it will be a real FUN trip for me because I have met a lot of Ukrainians in the United States and they cannot believe me when I say I was not born there but here ..because I speak it so well like a native.

    SO: "Майте ЗАБАВНИЙ ЧАС!" or in English "Have a FUN TIME!!" on all of your cruises!!!!

  2. My wife and I and some Friends are going on the August 25,2018 Viking Sineus Cruise Kiev to Odessa. It was nice reading some of the posts. As for the very negative review on the web...... I will reserve judgement and will write up a report when I get back from the cruise. However.......my wife and I have traveled extensively and have read many a bad review and then have gone on this cruise or other and have never had a bad time yet...... because if life gives you lemons... make lemonade!!! Life is too short not to have FUN and enjoy every day!!!! Learn to enjoy meeting people and realize that there are many other languages and cultures that are different from what one is born and/or raised in. I wish all of you a safe and fun trip and ENJOY LIFE AND CRUISING!!

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