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Posts posted by resortgirl

  1. Seems convenient to blame it on website glitches. Judging from the comments it sounds like Celebrity have a lot of glitches where they try to overcharge people. Not sure how this is acceptable practice. Obviously if they have a glitch in their system then everybody on our cruise must have been sent similar emails asking for more money or their cruise will be cancelled. I know there are a lot of elderly people who travel on Celebrity who just believe they must owe money when a company have said so. We have traveled on Celebrity before but most of our cruises have been on Carnival and while the cruises onboard have been great the experience when booking a cruise is very important too. Yes I do think it is disgusting that people are sent an email saying their cruise will be cancelled unless they pay what is asked.

  2. Having booked a cruise on Celebrity and paying the deposit and later the balance, I recently received an email from Celebrity saying I had a balance owing which was happened to be the exact amount of the gratuities. The email threatened that if I don't pay by the due date then my cruise would be cancelled and I would only get a percentage of what I had already paid refunded. Not wanting to have our cruise cancelled and thinking perhaps I hadn't prepaid the gratuities I was about to pay what they said we owed. My husband then told me to check my account online and see what had been deducted from our credit card. Sure enough I had paid everything in full including the gratuities. How many people have been told they had a balance owing and more importantly paid it. Seems to me Celebrity are ripping off their customers. If I hadn't informed them I didn't owe anything and they then corrected my account then on the due date my booking would be cancelled. If I paid what they said was owing then they would have ripped me off. Quite a disgusting practice and despite numerous emails to Celebrity they choose to ignore my complaint.

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