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Posts posted by Eppe4

  1. Thank you, I'm really enjoying writing it. It will be a great memory jogger in the future and it's fun taking people along with us now!


    If this is your "first" live, then I think we're all waiting for you to cruise again. Can't wait for your next post. We board the Regal on 8/30 for 25 days sailing the Baltics, Northern Europe and a t/a into New York. We have already packed our rainy weather gear, but how have the temps been?


    Thank You for taking the time to be so helpful to all of us sailing after you!

  2. The taxi fare from CPH to Oceankaj will be in the vicinity of 350 - 400 DKK. There will be plenty of taxis at the airport when you arrive.



    Thank you so much for your response. Are there plenty of the luggage carts in the international terminal? We'll need one to get all of our luggage to the taxi line. Also, looking at private car services, prices all over the place!


    Again, many thanks!



    Sent from my iPad using Forums mobile app

  3. Marriott is in walking distance from the Central station, you however just take a bus from Kongens Nytorv to the central station.

    Bus 26 will get you to the same bus stop ad Frihedsstøtten.


    If this service is not offered in 2017 then they just opened the Carlsberg S-train station on line B towards Høje Taastrup and line C And H towards Frederikssund or Ballerup.

    Its just 2 stops after the central station.

    The visitors center is located 500 meters or so from the station.


    Just when you exit the station you turn left on the steep ramp up to the bridge, on the bridge you turn right and are on Gammel Carlsberg Vej where the visitors center is.


    Our flight arrives in CPH at 7:15 AM, will probably be around 8 AM after getting luggage. Do you know if there will be taxi's in the area that early to take us to Oceankaj for the Regal Princess. If so, any idea of price for 2 people and 4 large suitcases plus carry on's. Thanks so much.

  4. We cruise to unplug, we take our family (3 mini's ) every Thanksgiving and also cruise though out the year. We love the down time when we bring our family on a cruise. It's the only time we see them without a phone in their hand! On all cruises, the phones go in the safe unless we're checking in with family back home. Please don't give up on this last little wonderful part of cruising ünplugged"!!!



    Sent from my iPad using Forums mobile app

  5. If your in Nynashamn, there is no tender since they have the seawalk now. Watch this video from last month which shows it hooking up with the Regal Princess



    Yes we're going to Nynashamn on our sailing but I meant to say we're going to stockholm that day from Nynashamn :)


    Anthony, amazing and thanks for posting this. I had read about it but it was hard to imagine. Many of us headed to Stockolm for the day.

  6. I really didn't feel that the two day tour was that strenuous. I just know that if we had done an evening tour that included lots of vodka that we would have been exhausted and not enjoyed the second day.


    Thanks for your input, your post makes more sense than the first. We've been on many long tours and have done just fine, however, we're getting older :eek::eek::eek:


    If we can arrange a tour from 7 to 11 with some drinking and some extra time to shop, then it's a slam dunk!


    Again, thanks for your input.

  7. It 2013, we specifically decided not to do anything in the evening because we wanted to be fresh for the second day. We selected a private company, SPB, because the price was much less at $285/person and offered more than the more expensive Princess options. We had a fantastic two day tour. The was a Russian folklore performance in the evening on board.


    We're boarding the Regal Princess on 8/30 for 25 days, it's a b/b with the first cruise being the Baltic's. We're booked with SPB tours for the 2 day Deluxe Tour and we're considering the "Like a Local" evening excursion that includes lots of vodka! I've been walking for months to make sure my stamina is at it's best for this cruise. I know in my heart that if I over book us (me) it's my problem and no one else! Cancellation is quite clear, 48 hours in advance. So suck it up and sleep on a sea day or loose some money but most sadly, why would you loose the experience of a lifetime for a few hours of sleep? We only live once!

  8. I wish Princess had a better way than you leaving your bags out in the hallway. Something like being permitted to take your bags to a secured check in area on the ship. I seems to me that it would be quite easy to steal bags from the hallway by just switching bag tags.


    Totally agree with you. We would much rather wheel them to a bin that's being locked after you place your luggage inside.

  9. Sea Day



















    You will think your brand new jacket will keep you warm and dry...and then you will realize you should have tried to zip it up BEFORE leaving your cabin...


    You think you're smarter than everyone else that's paying 15 Euros to get into town partially dry only to find out you're a schmuck...and your kids will be more than happy to whine about it all of the way there...


    You will walk all of the way uphill from the port to the top of old town, expecting amazing views...only to have everything shrouded in cloud cover...and you're soaking wet from the walk...and cold...nothing new there...


    You'll be excited to see the inside of the cathedral only to be almost crushed to death by tourists all jockeying for position...


    While the cobblestone streets are quaint and lovely to look at they'll kill your feet...


    By the third day of walking in the rain you REALLY regret not bringing that travel umbrella...especially when you coat doesn't zip up...


    And finally...all you will hear from your kids is...."When can we find some decent American food...you know...like tacos?"


    Coming up….Two amazing, beautiful, exhausting and overwhelming days seeing EVERYTHING in St Petersburg


    I'm beginning to think that this will be a BAD HAIR cruise for the ladies, I really don't like Bad Hair Days and Hat Hair IS THE WORST!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. Thanks so much...just wish my kids would find me funny!!!!




    I seriously stalked the weather for two months before the trip...up until an hour before we left for the airport. It was SUPPOSED to be 70 and sunny everywhere we went.....bring layers, a waterproof jackets and waterproof shoes.

    That way you'll be sure to have 75 and sunny everywhere you go!


    Oh wait, that's just MY luck with the weather....


    Hi FraudBroad, I'm NOW planning on plenty of rain and will brings lots of cheap small umbrellas along with my NEW hooded raincoat, all I'll need will be ducks to follow behind me.


    In Oslo, we're doing a 4 hr SPB tour, part walking (guess that's the Penis Park) and some bus tour. Then a group of us are taking a 2 hr. canal boat ride that we booked through Viator.


    You're an amazing asset to this forum, enjoy every day and God Bless!

  11. Oslo day we awoke to rain…a lot of rain…and it would continue throughout the day.


    My group of 6 met two other Cruise Critic folks in the International Café (IC) at 10:00 to walk off together and catch the hop on hop off (HoHo) bus. My group had pre-purchased our tickets online at www dot city-sightseeing dot com/tours/norway/oslo. I’d pre purchased as much as possible for this trip to minimize wait times. Ha! Best laid plans…


    We met our group and when everyone was ready to leave someone had to go to the bathroom. This became a reoccurring theme throughout the trip….I heard more times than I can count over those eleven days “I need to pee.” Once the bathroom break was taken care of we headed off the ship and to the bus.


    As luck would have it, my sweet mamma left her HoHo tickets in her cabin. So the other 7 of us waited…in the rain…for 15 minutes for her to get back on the ship, get to her cabin, get the tickets and come back out. Waiting….oh how I love to wait…


    Finally, the eight of us were together and we were ready to start our Oslo adventure!!!! So excited we made our way towards the bus and then we saw it…the line…the very, very, very, very, very long line. Buses were coming quickly, but not quickly enough. We waiting a half hour in line to board the bus…in the rain…did I mention it was raining?


    No worries! We were finally onboard the bus and ready to start out adventure! At last we were here and ready to go!!!


    And then the headsets didn’t work. At least 4 of the 8 headsets on the bus were dead and you couldn’t hear any of the commentary. No worries, I can look at the map and identify all of the landmarks!!! We are here, in Oslo, on a moving bus, no commentary, but I have a MAP and we can start out adventure. Did I mention it was raining? Do you know what happens on the bus when it’s raining outside and the bus is full of people on the inside? The windows all fog up….


    It’s okay, we are here…in Oslo…on our adventure…we will have fun!

    And then the bus comes to a complete stop.


    Did I mention that John Kerry was in town? Yes, he certainly was! And do you know what they do in Oslo when John Kerry is in town? They block off streets….a lot of streets….and it was raining…and the headsets didn’t work and we couldn’t see anything….


    No worries, we are here…in Oslo…on our adventure…and the bus with no commentary with fogged up windows is going to get us through the grid lock and we are going to the Sculpture Park and it’s going to be fun…in the rain….FUN!!!!


    I don’t care what country you are in but grid lock ain’t fun any way you try to enjoy it. Especially when you want to see the sights and the FREAKING WINDOWS ARE ALL FOGGED UP!!! It took us over an hour to finally get to the Sculpture Park.


    We FINALLY made it! We ran out of that bus like our lives depended upon it…FREE AT LAST!!!!! So excited to make our way through the rain and see all of the beautiful sculptures…and then someone said….


    “I need to pee.”




    So we waited…they stood in line of course…they peed…and we finally began to make our way through the beautiful Vigeland Sculpture Park, one of the highlights/can’t be missed places in Oslo.


    Did I mention it was raining?


    Even in the rain the park is lovely. Lined with beautiful sculptures….very breathtaking….and then you can pick out the Americans.


    They’re the ones pointing at the sculptures and exclaiming “IT’S A PENIS!!!! HAHAHAHA”


    I heard the word penis more times in one day than I’ve ever heard in my entire life.


    At one point I asked my kids “Where’s Grammy?”


    Their response: “Looking at penises.”


    My response: “That’s because she’s never seen one that big before.”


    And then I look over at my dad pointing at a penis with his mouth hanging open.


    Case closed


    Seriously folks, I can’t make this up…


    We spent about an hour at the Sculpture Park before we decided to head on to our next destination. You guessed it…huge HoHo bus line. So we waited…in the rain…for the bus…for thirty minutes…in the rain.


    The bus arrived and we decided that we’d next head back downtown to the Nobel Museum and City Hall. Back on the bus we went, wet, with windows fully fogged…and made our way back downtown.


    After a 45 minute ride, navigating blocked roads of course and massive traffic, we made it to the Nobel museum. We were required to leave our purses in lockers and we waited for about 10 minutes for the free tour to start. This was for sure one of the highlights I was waiting to see.

    It really wasn’t a problem waiting for the tour to start because of course people had to pee.


    The guide started off showing us a new exhibit about Carl von Ossietzky. Ossietzky won the prize in 1935 for speaking out against the **** regime. While interesting, it wasn’t quite what I had in mind. Once finished there she started talking about another group of Nobel Peace Prize winners that once again I’d never heard of.


    Then the guide began to talk about Edward Snowden and how he’s been nominated several times and how he will eventually win because he’s considered a hero.


    This is where I said “Peace out”


    Actually, my kids were falling asleep on the bench and if I wasn’t going to get to learn about Alfred Nobel or see some exhibits about more well-known winners that myself and my kids could relate to…and the guide was going to continue to spew her personal beliefs and thoughts I was outta there.

    Got the rest of my group together and we headed out to the bus…in the now pouring raining.


    After waiting ten minutes for the bus to come, in the pouring rain…I hailed the first cab we saw and headed back to the ship. It was 2:00, the kids were starving and we were all soaking wet.


    Wish we would have realized where we were and the weather had been better. Found out the museum was only a 10 minute walk from the ship. Could have saved the 8 Euros!!!


    Thanks so much Oslo…beautiful city…wish we could have truly enjoyed you!

    Once back onboard we dried off, changed and headed to different venues for lunch. Old folks hit up the buffet and the girls and I went to our favorite Alfredos.


    It was nap time for me after lunch. Seeing all of those penises is downright exhausting!


    For dinner that evening I headed to the buffet with my oldest around 7:30. When we got to the Horizon Court you could see beautiful Oslo laid out in front of us. Sun was shining and the city looked beautiful. My daughter turned to me and said:


    “Why could we see THAT today?”


    Good question kiddo…


    After dinner that evening I attended several different trivia games and made my daily deposit in the casino.


    Random thoughts on Oslo, Norway....


    It feels great to wear a different pair of jeans for a change...the ones I wore for three days straight may be permanently retired...


    Your kids will start the day laughing at your rain poncho...and end the day wishing they had one because they are soaking wet and at least your shirt is dry...


    The Hop on Hop off (HoHo) buses are excruciatingly slow...and the Norwegians will be happy to tell you it's all John Kerry's fault because he's in town today...


    After taking an hour to get to your first destination and fleeing the bus like you're running for your freedom you will stand in the rain for ten minutes waiting for people to go to the bathroom before you can actually see anything...and then all you'll hear is the bathroom cost $1 to use...


    While visiting the sculpture park you will see people pointing and then hear....over and over again..."that's a penis!!!!"


    You'll realize all of the sculptures of the women show them short and round...the only thing that goes through your mind is "why couldn't I have lost my luggage in Norway...they would have had clothes that fit...."


    While exiting the park you'll be amazed at how many times you've heard or said the word penis....


    There's a pasture of cows in downtown Oslo...seriously, there is....


    My last two cents is I wouldn't waste my money or time on the HoHo in Oslo. Book a real tour and you'll be able to see everything! Oslo has a lot to offer and the traffic, weather and slow HoHo schedule didn't give us the time to truly enjoy the city.


    Next up….At day at sea and Berlin


    Thank You so much for taking the time to write a wonderful review filled with great facts and wonderful laughter. We're on the Regal boarding in CPH. on 8/30 and we're very excited. I will now NOT be packing any summer clothes, oh the beautiful things that I've bought! They'll be replaced with everything I can layer, my wonderful new hooded raincoat and lots of shoes for the rain I've read about! Thanks So Much, Great Review.

  12. We disembarked the Regal Princess on 3/6. We did not use walk off, instead opted for Creme 2 at 7:10. It was flawless, our luggage was downstairs waiting for us and we were at the airport before 8 AM for our 9:50 Jet Blue flight. I would only book a flight this early when it's FLL, after a Caribbean Cruise.

  13. Would you like to expand on that? We have never sailed with Princess so have no idea how this location will be, would really appreciate some specifics.


    I think you will be thrilled with the cabin! We just spent 2 weeks on the Regal and we love the Deluxe Balcony cabins. Princess is not a late night cruise ship, we were on Emerald Deck for one week and Caribe for the 2nd week. No noise problems. Have a wonderful cruise.

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