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Posts posted by mykidsrock76

  1. Taking a girls trip in May with my daughter (19) and thinking about a beach day at Nachi. We like the laid back atmosphere and just want to relax. My main concern is the cab ride to the beach club. I’ve always had my husband with me other times and I’m a little nervous about taking a cab with just my daughter. Has anyone had any safety issues while taking a cab in Cozumel? Any suggestions to calm a nervous mother? 


  2. I’m sorry if this has been asked before, probably a million times, but does Wi-Fi calling work while on board? My cruise leaves in 2 days and the person we have as an emergency contact for our kids (16 and 18) is let’s say not the most reliable. So I’m freaking out and on the verge of cancelling my trip. I’m just wondering if my kids need to reach me will my phone work with the ships Wi-Fi. I’ve already purchased the premium plan so we can communicate thru apps but after the whole Instagram and WhatsApp fiasco yesterday I’m a little nervous. 

  3. I was wondering this too. I called last Thursday to cancel our June 2021 Radiance sailing and was told they couldn’t cancel it until after July 20th (with zero explanation as to why), which I thought was odd. I do see the cancel option on my reservation though. Going to call today and try again but if I’m told they can’t do it then I’ll just cancel online.

  4. Cancelled our June 13th sailing at the end of February. Was told then 7-10 days. Called back on March 20th, told it was processed right away and to call my CC company to make sure they processed it. Called again March 28th was told then it was processed on the 23rd and should have it by April 23rd. That date came and went. Called again last week and was told up to 90 business days. I’ve received so many conflicting answers that I’m ready to dispute the charge, not sure I trust it was processed.

  5. 4 minutes ago, shof515 said:

    digital. the photo gallery is a bunch of ipads that you order the pictures from

    Thanks! That's what I thought based on the pics of the ship. Wasn't sure if they then printed them for you or if you only received the digital image.  Thank you for clarifying that.

  6. Actually saw one of these headpieces in person last night at the Los Angeles County Fair. The gal was dressed normal for the fair- jeans and a t-shirt. I was the only one staring at her because I wanted to check it out.


    Wear it proudly.


    There are so many new and interesting things out now for hair. Very cool that you saw one.


    I can guarantee you that I won't be wearing it with jeans and a T-shirt for elegant night.... that's a whole other thread here on CC! ;)

  7. What's your comfort zone.

    You bought for a reason.

    What the heck, wear it, you can always take it off.

    Besides, you will never see those people again, and you may get to see yourself on You tube.

    No, really, no pun intended.

    I would do it and if It got awkward (sp) take it off.


    Sea Ya


    Yes I bought it because it was different. But also because it was pretty and eye catching. My hubby calls me his Grecian goddess. Love him!


    If I start to feel uncomfortable, I can simply lift it off. The lady that made it for me said she wore one on a cruise and was a hit... we shall see!

  8. LOL - thanks! I'm not sweating the tattoo - it's my 5th one, but 1st large one. I've actually been buying backless dresses just so I can show it off on my upcoming cruise. ;)


    A tattoo AND the headpiece? Scandalous! True ladies will be shocked to the point of fainting, I would imagine. :D


    Celebrate the large tattoo. I love them and have a "few". Those alone usually get me some looks, but I'm used to it by now. I also tend to buy clothes that display my cross, but why not?!? Luckily I have a job that I can get away with it.

  9. I say wear it and rock it!! I'm 36 and would totally wear it. It is in fashion right now, and not costumey at all! and I would love to see a pic too:) Our next cruise is NEXT nov, so I might get some inspiration ;)


    I'll have to remember to come back and post a pic!





    I am 56 years young and I would wear the first one shown. You said the dress matches the theme of the head dress, so why not!!!!! Forget what all the other yahoos say, you only have to make yourself happy and of course your husband. Win Win situation!!!!


    Can't go wrong with a win-win situation!





    So I guess I'm confused as to whether I have class or not since I will likely stand out having just gotten most of my back tattooed with a phoenix to celebrate being cancer-free for one year. :confused:


    First, congrats on being cancer free for a year! That is awesome!


    Second, don't sweat the tattoo... I have a large Celtic cross on my back people can stare at if they have an issue with the headpiece. :)

  10. We go to Las Vegas every couple months. Sometime we sit at the bar to enjoy our evening drink and watch people walking by. Last year I saw a lady who wore a high low white dress with a gold crown on her head. She looked beautiful. I walked to her and said” you look fantastic! I love it!” Then sometime I wonder; why do people wear high heels when they can’t walk in them:rolleyes:.




    just my own opinion but if you feel great and love the look then what the heck go with it .... I wore some unique jewelry for my wedding and yes some people made remarks about "how bold of me" but you know what I loved it and my Hubby picked it out for me and that was all that mattered .... Have a great time on your cruise !!!:)



    Heck, I wonder that all the time!!

    It seems that anytime we go anywhere where people can get dressed up, you will see women who can barely walk in their shoes ... or you will see them carrying their shoes and walking around barefoot ...




    I also have some serious heels I'll be wearing with this dress! But I can walk in them! Yes, my hubby loves the look and that's really who I'm trying to impress! ;)





    I say go for it. It might not be what I would wear but that's beside the point. I love a visual treat and if it looks great I will appreciate how you look in it. And I may tell you so if I see you! If it does appear costume-y, so what, it's not like cruising is real life anyway!


    Thank you! I plan on having fun on this trip.. if you can't have fun with clothes on a cruise, where's the fun in that?!

  11. with the proper dress and it sounds like you have it, the head dress jewelry would go really well for formal night but expect a few stares because it so different,but that's OK ,you will look marvelous.!!!!!!:) rose


    Thank you. I am assuming that some people will look, that's just the nature of people. Heck, I love to watch people and see what they're wearing!

  12. As for the headgear? (I guess that is what you call it?)....personally,

    I stand my original comment and I never meant it as an insult.

    I think it would look good if wearing a costume but if you are happy

    with how it looks with your outfit? Then go for it.:)


    No worries... I did not take your comment as an insult.

  13. I wear what I like For me fashion is a way to express yourself. I wear a lot of shell jewelry, I happen to like wearing dead sea creatures around my neck! I dress for me.

    I just love the Grecian look and I think the head piece will look just fine with it. Enjoy yourself and don't think about what others might say.


    I have never been able to pull off shell jewelry, but I have seen some beautiful pieces when we go to the beach. Thank you.



    Why did you even bother coming here to get "opinions"? Sounds like you have your mind already made up to wear it and just came here to rile up people. My opinion....it's looks like a Halloween costume accessory, especially when paired a toga type dress as you describe it. Wear it if you like. Honestly, no one on the ship cares.



    Well then, I am a little confused. Why did you ask for everyone's opinion?


    Wear what makes YOU happy. On Carnival, anything goes. I saw a whole family dressed up as the "Honey Boo Boo" clan on "elegant" night in February.:eek:


    I really did come here for opinions on if anyone has ever seen something like this worn to dinner and, if so, how it looked. My intention was not to rile anyone up. I think the riling up started when opinions started sounding more like insults.


    I did not have my mind made up when I posted my question. I was actually very "on the fence". But as the day went on and I read the comments, I actually tried it on with my dress again. And I think the whole ensemble looks really good and not in a costumey way. Now if it was a long white dress, sure it would.

  14. I wore my black Santa hat last year that said "naughty" on it when I boarded the ship and to the party the first night. 4 or 5 nights later I still had people coming up to me telling me how I look and acted like a "fun person" to be around. I'm always doing something/wearing something crazy and I am 55. Wear it, have a GREAT time and don't worry about what someone else cares...Do what YOU (and your husband) want to do because after all.....NO ONE IS PROMISED TOMORROW.....so never regret what you didn't do....as long as it's not illegal or hurting anyone.....GO FOR IT!!!


    Yes, the hubby really likes it.. but he is my biggest fan! But he also would not let me go out wearing something that did not flatter me or would draw negative attention.

  15. I say go for it!! Cruising is all about having fun ...


    This is exactly what I am thinking! It looks great with the dress, so why not?!


    You can absolutely "get away with this". I wish there was more of this in the world. There are plenty of years ahead to be pushed into a mold. I have seen this on someone before and it was very striking in appearance.


    Sent from my SCH-I905 using Forums mobile app


    I do not ever want to be pushed into a mold. Now I am not eccentirc or anything (not that there is anything wrong with that). But I do refuse to "look like everyone else". It's just not me. I think done right, this type of thing can add something to an outfit.

  16. That's a cruel statement.



    I wouldn't wear that in a million years. However, I think any 55 year old in that type of head wear would get the odd look and a comment. I'd expect it! However, if you like it and have already made plans to incorporate it in with your hairstyle and dress, I say go for it. Who cares what the ducklites of the world think?


    :D thank you!

  17. The woman who dresses to fit in with others but carries herself with self-confidence is the woman with class and who will stand out for that, rather than just standing out.


    You do not know me and cannot say whether or not I have class. From what I can tell, your comments have had no added value other than to simply criticize. I understand I asked for opinions. But there is a difference between opinions and being judgemental.

    Thank you for your "opinion" but it really isn't worth much in my eyes. And honestly, if some of the pics I've seen on these forums are women dressing to fit in, I'm more than happy to standout!

  18. I say wear it and am definitely in the old geezer age group. You're young, you say it looks good and your husband likes it. Sometimes people forget what that's like and want you to fit their mold. If you can make it perhaps a little more classic looking (headband) and that makes you more comfortable, fine. You're right in that you probably won't see any of these people again so what matters is that you enjoy looking good on this fun trip with your husband. A few decades back, I'd have rocked something similar.


    Thank you... what a great perspective!

  19. I'm going on 56, I think, and other people tell me, I dress with class and a little something that pops!!!! If you don't especially on a cruise, it's boring. They use to have theme nights on cruises, they were fun too. I think you'll look great. I'd love too see pics, maybe you could show us pictures on cruise critic fashionista's. Anyway, go for it and have a great time!!:)


    I just turned 37 and I too am told (almost daily) about how well I dress or how striking I am. I'm not afraid of color or jewelry or to accessorize in a tasteful way. And before anyone blasts me for being conceited, I'm not conceited. Just confident.


    I think I have the personality and confidence to wear this and wear it well. I will def take pics and post them for you!

  20. Or it means you are desperate for attention.


    I can tell you it has nothing to do with being desperate for attention. Attention is never something I have to dress in costume for.


    It actually takes a much stronger, confident person to not be afraid to express them self, than someone that just goes along with the crowd. Where's the fun in that?

  21. I'd wear it.


    But then again, I plan on wearing my corset one night for dinner, my pirate clothes to the beach in Bermuda and wear my own head dress whenever the spirit moves me.


    In the end, if you are a free spirit, you can totally rock it! Some will stare, a few may even be ill-bred enough to comment.


    A warm smile and a deaf ear tend to work wonders in those situations.


    There will always be those of us who dance to our own drummers and those that haven't quite gathered the courage yet. Wearing something unconventional simply means you may inspire someone to step out of their comfort zone and try something new.


    No matter what you decide, happy cruising!




    Love it!

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