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Posts posted by cruzaddict4life

  1. We just got back from a 5 day cruise on the Victory and 4 out of 5 days...we had Chocolate Melting Cake SOUP:mad: What a Dissapointment!!


    Wow, they must not have cooked it long enough. My husband had it on the Conquest for 7 nights in a row and it was very good...mostly cakey with some chocolaty ooze in the middle.

  2. I begged our maitre'd for the recipe. The one I have is autographed by the head chef on the Pride.... good luck with conversions.

    For ten Portion:

    375g Black Chocolate 64% (very important not to use other types of choc)

    375g Butter (not margarine)

    8ea Egg yolk

    7ea egg whites

    250g sugar

    170g sifted flour

    -Melt the chocolate and the butter together until 64 Celsius

    -Blend the egg yolks, egg whites and the sugar together then add the butter-chocolate mixture

    add the flour, using a wisk

    Put it in the forms (prepare with butter and flour) and leave it for one day in the fridge

    bake directly in the oven at 200celsius for 8 minutes


    This one is the best recipe!! I tried it last night and it came out wonderfully. I have a small kitchen scale that measures in grams so that was easy.

    I only had to make one adjustment, I had to keep it in the oven for 12 minutes instead of 8 at 400F, but I am sure that varies by ovens. Also I used the Ghiradelli 60% Cacao Bittersweet Chocolate, which made it taste just like Carnival's. It was so easy to make and I am not a baker!

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