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Posts posted by noel386

  1. Sorry this is OT and don't mean to "highjack" this awesome thread, but I can't find Rosie's quote!? :confused::confused::confused:




    Here it is:


    Just my thoughts about making your cruise a pleasant experience...


    Pull out that childlike awe and playfulness buried deep inside you, plan well before you cruise, choose your stateroom carefully, don't let small inconveniences upset you, explore new adventures, try new foods, talk with total strangers, participate, let yourself go and you will enjoy yourself. Be realistic about your cruise expectations, nothing is perfect, things do happen. If you cruise with a sense of entitlement, you will be disappointed. Pack your humor, imagination, childlike curiosity, flexibility and your brain. Leave your negativity and bad attitude home.


    Someone will be cleaning up after you all week, making your bed, delivering room service, cooking all your food and washing all your dishes, leaving cute towel animals to greet you, dazzle you with shows and demonstrations, then transport you to exotic ports of call.


    I follow my own suggestions whenever I cruise and ALWAYS have a great time.



    LOVE LOVE LOVE your attitude!!!!!! :D:):p

  2. hey guys! i did awesome over thanksgiving! lost 2 more since ....took my own food, excpet for green beans, made the pumpkin cheesecake off lowcarb friends site......it was delicious...cant wait to make the pb fudge.......we sail in 10 days and im ready to go NOW!!!!! happy holdidays~~~~:D

  3. :D Hey Guys! Ive not posted alot but I went back to low carbing and have lost 7 so far on induction.....its amazing how it makes you feel like a balloon has popped and is deflating LOL......im pretty much taking my own food for Thanksgiving......mock mashed potaotes, sugar free jello with canned whip cream, maybe the pumpkin pie on shelias site.....lots of salad and visions of the scale being less the next day!!!!!! i want to lose 5 more by the time we sail and ill be 5 less than i was 2 years ago when we got married!! that is my mini-goal.......hope everyone has a happy and healthy thanksgiving holiday!!!!! thanks for all the support that is available here!!!:p

  4. i just found this thread and lost around 50 lbs on atkins 5 years ago, and of course quit following it and gained it back plus some....soi saw the link for kimkins...[url]www.kimkins.com[/url], has anyone else been on it or tried it?, it sounds alot lower fat than atkins, which i like the idea of.......we are crusing on dec 8th on freedom and would like to lose at least 15 more lbs. I ve been doing WW for the past 2 months and always do good at first then come to a stand still and get discouraged and end up giving up!! catn wait to hear from you all
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