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Posts posted by WendysMom

  1. We were on the same itinerary as you were (Hi to Plano Tim from our M&M Group). My only complaint was a duck that was much too greasy. Jeff, our waiter took it back and brought me a strip steak. Unfortunately, it was too tough, but still edible. The rest of the time, dinner was great!


    If any of you happened to be the ones who stole the keys to our scooters, you can keep the mini-Converse High Tops, but please return the keys! Ask and I'll send you my address.

  2. Thanks so much for your detailed report. Last Spring, we sailed on the Magic out of Galveston and experienced the same issues with debarkation. We were called to leave the ship at 9 a.m. and it was well after noon before we left the dock area. Just getting an elevator was a challenge. We weren't surprised, it was only fitting after what had been one horrific cruise. We're disabled and while I went to find our luggage with my scooter, my husband tried to locate a porter with his. The people in the dock area were almost surly and when he went to the head of the line to ask for a Porter, he was told to "just wait in line like everyone else." This was more than a bit unusual - and we've never experienced it before. They told us that it's faster to get those who need assistance out of the way first. It was 11:30 before he got to the front of the line, only to get there and hear "why didn't you come here in the first place," again in a surly tone of voice by yet another Carnival lackey. The porter was great, and we tipped him generously. He apologized and said that every week, departure is a mess. As we were loading our bags into the car, I noticed that the bottom of his large piece of luggage had a huge crack in it, and from nothing that the porter did. DH didn't want me to say anything because we'd already waited so long and it was noon, but I rolled it back to the warehouse and showed the folks there what had happened. They sold me I was SOL and I should have noticed it and brought it to their attention before the porter moved it. My spine's lowest four vertebrae are fused, and I've been told not to pick up anything more than a sack of sugar, so there was no way I could have done it. That was our final cruise on Carnival (and especially on the Magic!) We're looking forward to sailing on RCCL again - and next time my daughter sails on Carnival, she'll have a broken suitcase to report...Fair is Fair!

  3. By all means, you can turn this into your credit card company if you paid that way. We don't buy much of anything that has value on a cruise (although my husband is a fool for Cruise Line watches - I think he has one from each and every cruise we've taken.) Your credit card company or possibly even your homeowner's policy (under fraud) should be able to help you.


    We had an issue with a camera one time - it was on St. Martin, I think. At any rate, it did not do what they said it would and we used Visa to return it after they told us that they would not take it back. They changed their tune with Visa. If they give Visa/MC/etc. a hard time, they will simply refuse the payment, so don't toss them out!

  4. Regardless of the cruise line, when returning from a Jamaican Port my mobility scooter is always thoroughly checked by the ship's security as well my cane. I also receive a full pat-down by security. Just because someone is disabled doesn't mean that they should be exempt from a thorough Security check and that they're less likely to bring contraband on board the ship. Security was just doing their job despite the fact that the OP did not like how it was all handle.


    Anyone who is disabled is used to being groped by security, however, this man says that these people went above and beyond what is normally done. I don't know if you're disabled or not, but sometimes these people go way beyond what is expected. Somehow I don't think you'd appreciate someone feeling your crotch! It's easy to say it's for security until it's you being groped.

  5. If you're disabled, look out for trouble! Carnival is okay - our last 2 cruises have been with them, but after all the changes lately and getting stuck with higher tips just because we didn't want to prepay them 6 months early, we're going back to RCCL and Princess...happily!


    Seriously though, as long as you don't have a problem you need to have solved and aren't too picky about food, it's an okay line and definitely good value for the money. We've just decided that that little extra is well worth it. We've learned that you get out of a cruise what you put into it - and if you're determined to have a good time and not let little things bug you, then you'll enjoy it. It used to be mainly young folks you'd see on board the "Fun Ships" but now, it's definitely a cross section.

  6. Thanks for the pix. This will be my first time on Carnival...2 previous cruises on RCCL. Is there anything in particular that I should look for, or is there anything not to miss?:D


    If you're disabled, look out for trouble! Carnival is okay - our last 2 cruises have been with them, but after all the changes lately and getting stuck with higher tips just because we didn't want to prepay them 6 months early, we're going back to RCCL and Princess...happily!


    Seriously though, as long as you don't have a problem you need to have solved and aren't too picky about food, it's an okay line and definitely good value for the money. We've just decided that that little extra is well worth it. We've learned that you get out of a cruise what you put into it - and if you're determined to have a good time and not let little things bug you, then you'll enjoy it. It used to be mainly young folks you'd see on board the "Fun Ships" but now, it's definitely a cross section.

  7. Egads! If people would put half as much effort into legitimate work as they do for a handout...but I guess that's the idea.


    Gotta go - have to go watch Damian on Glee. Back later.


    Would one of you pls tell me about Bon Voyage - the who, what, where, etc. Thanks!

  8. Our first cruise was in February, 1993, where we celebrated our 25th Anniversary aboard Carnival's Celebration. We left frigid IL for sunny Miami, where we followed the Carnival Rep's instructions to join our bus even though my luggage had been delayed in Chicago. They assured me that they would pick it up and bring it with them before the day's end. Well...day ended, and it still hadn't appeared. We checked at the desk yet again before we sailed...and after we sailed, and they assured us it would appear before morning. They lied. I did have my carry-on case and a formal dress which had been packed in my husband's suitcase; but all my brand-new finery, sexy lingerie, and every bit of my underwear remained behind in Miami.


    They assured me it would meet us in Puerto Rico...and they lied. They PROMISED me it would be there in St. Thomas...and they lied again. I spent most of my time either on the phone with Carnival Corporate (I had no faith in the Purser's staff) or searching for undies, not an easy task back then, but I did find a small store "somewhere" that had two pair of panties and a bra my size. I snatched them up even though they'd assured me my luggage would be on the ship waiting when we returned. They lied.


    Then we proceeded to St. Maarten and I was assured that my suitcase was in the trunk of the Carnival rep in St. Maarten--where it had been sent, instead of to St. Thomas. It was there in the Carnival car. I could SEE the car just sitting there. But the rep had called in sick so HE wasn't there to OPEN the car and set my luggage free!! At least I had a change of undies, even if I did have to use the blow dryer to dry them - nobody from Carnival even offered me so much as a T-shirt!!!


    It took me a long while before I would even think of sailing with Carnival again - even though they gave us a substantial discount towards a second cruise with them. In fact, it was ten full years before we sailed again...on RCL's Rhapsody of the Sea. United once again lost my luggage, but this time, we were spending a few days in Houston before our cruise, so they just brought it out to my niece's home! Now, we always add a day at the beginning of our trip...just in case...Thank you, Carnival!!



    P.S. My suitcase was waiting at the United counter in Miami, where they assured me that it had been ever since we left...they LIED AGAIN!!!

  9. Thanks all for the positive comments! I'm thinking they'll make great christmas gifts (always buying ahead). I'm on the Elation leaving Saturday and Thursday so I'll have two stops in Cozumel to look for a good deal!


    (I did read online that clear vanilla was not real vanilla - by the way - to not buy in my researching)


    You're right that clear vanilla is not the same as "real" brown vanilla, but for recipes where color is important, it's a good substitute. If I want a more vanilla-ey flavor, I add a bit extra, but remember that a little goes a long way, and don't just arbitrarily double it!

  10. I love it and told DH that everytime I start running out we need to plan a cruise to Cozumel;).


    I tried that, and my DH slipped an extra large bottle in his suitcase! I also love their clear vanilla. You can say that vanilla is vanilla, but I will debate that with you 'til the cows come home!' There's just that extra something about the brand that Los Cinco Soles carries...

  11. I love it, & just ran out :(



    If you get to Texas, you might check in the Mexican section of a grocery store - many of them carry the same brand as sold there, although I swear it's a bit different. At least it'll hold you over until your next trip to Cozumel!

  12. Los Cinco Soles is the only place where I buy my Mexican Vanilla! (...and it's the only place I shop on Cozumel as well!) Get a big bottle and you won't go wrong. I also get several smaller ones as gifts for friends.

  13. My daughter and I went there 3-4 years ago, but I'd suggest taking the address with you because our driver didn't know where it was. We'd planned to go somewhere else,but he told us it had closed, so this was our next stop. We loved watching him work, and some of the things they sell are truly works of art! Be sure they pack the ceramic pieces well though - my daughter bought a lovely piece, but when we got back to the ship, it was in pieceS. Check out his walking sticks - I have a Snakewood one that's just gorgeous and I'm hoping to get a cane this trip!

  14. "St. Kitts arrival backed into port, the port side of ship was facing the gangway. The orientation of ship if parallel to pier, but perpendicular to shore. It is a very long dock, and gangway is at far end of ship near front.:


    I have enjoyed your review and your pictures.


    When I read your quote above, I am concerned that it will be a challenge for my husband who get leg cramps when he walks. Have you been to Roatan ?


    Dear "Dear",


    I, too, am mobility challenged and I'd like to make a suggestion - that you get or rent a scooter that he can use throughout the cruise. I always worried that it would be difficult for my family to push me in the wheelchair and so on - and this way I can keep up with everybody. There are a few places that won't accommodate you, cut if you use a lightweight scooter, you can generally load it yourself - I can and do! I've done several cruise reviews which were all designed for those who are mobility challenged - including our daughter's wedding cruise aboard the "Legend."


    If you have any questions, feel free to email me directly at cathi.deal@sbcglobal.net and I'll do what I can to answer them - my scooter's have been all over the Caribbean!

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