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Posts posted by Johnthed0g

  1. We went to Sandals Grande (£200) up near Pigeon Island, it was "OK" but didn't inspire me to want to stay there! Way I see it, if the hotel is AI then a pass is essential...but if it's just an ordinary hotel you can wander in as long as you have lunch & spend a bit.

  2. Unfortunately that's not an option. Plus I don't want to tie up my only cash funds either.


    Anyone know if it's a $500 authorization the cruise line holds? I'm speaking about Carnival for a 5 day cruise. This is what my travel agent advised me, but an earlier poster said it's a $200 per day authorization on your credit card. Didn't know which to rely on and haven't been able to get through to Carnival on the phone yet

    Trouble with this thing is you never see it, I suppose if you go online every day to check you would see it but who does that? so what I mean is most people don't know if or how much the amounts are. I know what you mean as this happened to me once, card declined due to lack of available credit when it was ''empty,'' in those days ''normal'' cards only had maybe £1000 on them & our hotel reserved some but did not release it when we went to pay!! Can you get an increase if only a temporary one?

  3. If you answer the question someone will say just provide a link, if you provide a link someone will say why can't you answer the question yourself, if you reproduce what is on the link someone will say this uses up too much space, just provide a link. I too find it a bit irritating when someone can't be bothered to read the thread & just provides the same answer again.

  4. We just go the cash route...it's so much easier than having to go and get traveler's checks cashed. Unless it's a huge store in port, I wouldn't attempt traveler's checks at some of the small "straw market" type places....; Same with credit cards...the "real" stores take them, but not all vendors (streetside) do,.


    If you bring large bills (with a few smaller for initial tips) the casino will break them down for you, if you need to.


    We keep any excess money in the safe---we do NOT carry alot around with us in ports, and there's no need to carry ANY cash on the ship.

    Just goes to show how things have to be explained, I didn't think when I posted about credit cards being accepted that anyone would think to use one at a market/street vendor...sorry for being vague.

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