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Posts posted by SINGLEWORLD

  1. Stevedan - Everette was the best - real class act. My parents were good friends with him and his wife Lillian. She was a lovely lady. My dad had an office in Boston and they would spend time up there with them. I'll have to ask my mom if she knew their daughter - I'm sure she did. Best band - that's a tough one. Romy Formica - they were good friends but Donzelli were good too. Do you remember Zeili - that's when I was really young. There was a woman in the band. I'm not sure of the spelling either.

    NYCgal - I'm sorry - didn't mean to ignore you. 1965 was the maiden year of the Oceanic and my first cruise year. My family would go on in February (the 14 - 16 day) and then the 7 day in the summer each year. Finally in 1980 I got a job on the ship. I might remember Mario if I saw a picture of him.

    And the question is still out there "Where's Stanley?"

  2. OK Stevedan - who are you?! You remember everyone! Did you ever work on the ships? Lilliana sister used to work in the shops. Can't remember her name either but she had the little shop up by the midnight buffet also.

    And Robert let's put that out there "What ever happened to Stanley Kayne?" I always liked Joan his wife. I know they used to live in New Jersey. They're probably in Florida by now - isn't that the law of the North - You reach a certain age - you have to move to Florida.

    Happy Thanksgiving everyone. Don't forget to work on your assignment - Where's Stanley?

  3. Otti that was her name - thanks. That drives me crazy when I can't think of someone's name. And yes I do remember Luciana. She was a very attractive, classy lady. Luisa was another one. She was with Home Lines a long time - I remember her when I was like 10 years old travelling with my parents. I have memories of travelling on Home Lines as a passenger with my family and working on Home Lines as a staff member. They are all great memories! Does anyone remember the summer of '83 when the casino manager jumped overboard and then the following week Angelo a navigator died in the pool? I was working on the Atlantic that summer and it seemed like every time we pulled into New York there was another horrible story from the Oceanic. I got transferred to the Oceanic in the fall and everyone was telling me to BE CAREFUL OVER THERE!

  4. If you go on Richard Joseph's web site and click on staff photos you'll see a picture from 1983 Oceanic. I'm in the purple jumpsuit (can you imagine! I'ld say "what was I thinking" but it was 1983) On one side of me was Michael whose father owned Singleworld the other side of me was Rick Spath then Maureen, CD Bill Gable, an entertainer - I can't remeber her name, Richard, a hostess - can't remember her name either and Marty. Do you know Marty passes away - it was very sad.

  5. I don't know if I knew that particular dance team. Was Jimmy O,Connor on the Oceanic one winter with his band in the Europe Observation Lounge? I remember Stanley Kayne brought a group from Bermuda on the Oceanic and they were treated like crew instead of entertainers. They were soooooo mad! I remeber the Celebrations singers - there were 3 or 4 different groups. One of the lead guys was Chris - he was such a nice guy. Do you ever get back to New York? If so we'll have to try to plan one of those reunions.

    And Mark - I do remember Capt. Mussemicci he was very nice.

  6. I remember the Scandanavian Sun. I think it was in the spring of 1982 I worked on it as a DJ. It was a small ship with the inside hollow - to carry cars. You couldn't cross from the port side to the starboard side on the lower decks. We left out of Miami around 6:00AM went to Freeport and returned midnight to Miami. I used to have to make the evening announcements when we were leaving Freeport and since it was the same everyday (boring) I would have a different accent each day. The rest of the cruise staff couldn't figure out at first who was making the announcements. I was only on it for a couple of months but met alot of great people.

  7. You lost your hair and I found more weight. We all have something! But we were great back then weren't we. It's hard to believe all these years have gone by. I just stumbled onto this site a couple of weeks ago. I didn't know about any of these reunion parties. My husband Sal was an officer and we still keep in touch with some of his friends. Do you remember Maureen - she was a children counselor with me (before Singleworld) She is now a principal. Richard the DJ is now a CD for Princess - I stumbled on to his web site. Didn't you used to live in New York? Do you keep in touch with anyone from Home Lines?


    And Mark - I have to rent that movie. I vaguely remember it - I vaguely remember most things these days!

  8. Did You Have Dark Hair And A Mustache. (notice How I Put That In Past Tense - Because If You're Anything Like Me You Have To Enhance It Now) Anyway, I Do Remember An Assistant Cd We Used To Call Him Robert. Did You Work With Stanley Kayne And Another Assistant Mark? And I Do Remember Going Back To Visit The Year After I Got Married And Robert Was The Cruise Director. Could That Be You?

  9. Hi Mark, my name is Christy. I worked mostly on Home Lines and sometimes Carnival. Home Lines went under because no one was watching the store so to speak. No one actually owned HL. My understanding was that it was a trust for a school in Europe - i think in Switzerland. Did you ever notice that the same carpet on the Oceanic was in a lot of stores in Nassau Bahamas?! There was a lot of things supplied to various islands thanks to some people on the Oceanic/Doric/Atlantic and finally Homeric. A few of the people ended up in jail in Bermuda but there was a lot more involved. As far as Singleworld - i'm not sure. Dick basically retired and Wendy his daughter took over. They were nice people. Maybe Wendy just did not want it anymore.

    My husbank and i take our kids on Celebrity now. Royal Caribbean is ok but Celeb is a little more elegant - i like that. I'm working my way up to Crystal! Take care.

  10. I worked on various cruise ships between 1980 - 1986. Mostly on Home Lines because that was my favorite. My parents used to take my family twice a year since the early 60's. I started as a children's counselor - then a DJ and finally a tour director for Singleworld. It was a great job and I met a lot of great people. Most of all - my husband Sal. Salvatore was an officer (engineer) on the Oceanic. I know - a lot of woman are probably saying "oh my god". I wouldn't go out with him for months because I thought he was such a hound dog. We were friends for a while but I finally gave in. Now 22 years and 3 kids later we're taking our family on cruises each year. But, nothing compares to Home Lines. It was a shame what happened to that cruise line - goes to show you what damage a few greedy people can do! We'll always have our memories!

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