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Posts posted by librarycin

  1. (My only small negative on being solo was the speciality dining - I loved all the different restaurants, but sometimes eating solo felt a little awkward (and I always seem to eat too fast when by myself, even with my Kindle to keep me company!). Would be good if RC had some way of getting groups of solo's together for the specialty restaurants.... )


    Oh no! After the first bit there, I was about to suggest bringing a book with you, but I guess you already do!


    As a solo, I pretty much always bring my book with me, unless I know I'm meeting someone, or am likely to meet someone depending what I'm doing. For instance, my book comes with me to the shows, as I tend to get there early and I don't have anyone to talk to while I wait for it to start. For trivia, my book doesn't need to come with me. Eating alone, it does; eating with my regular table (I always do traditional dining... except on NCL, where it's not an option), or even just in the dining room at breakfast or lunch, when I'll be seated with people, of course, I don't.

  2. I met a lot of nifty people during trivia. My best recommendation is to become very active in your cruise's specific Cruise Critic board.


    I'll also second meeting people at trivia. It's a great place to meet others. And hopefully your roll call here on cruise critic will be busy (on my first solo cruise, the roll call was pretty dead). I also met some great people on an excursion I did - this was not a ship excursion, this was through a smaller company, so the group was very small and much easier to chat with the others, I thought (there were 5 of us on one particular one I'm thinking of and the people were great. Whenever I saw them afterwards on the ship, they always invited me to come sit with them.

  3. Hello Charlotte,


    Can you tell me the reason why you didn't attend the singles get together on first night? I'm going on a solo soon and think it's a great idea. I'm just curious.





    I've also done two RCCL solo cruises, and not attended what they've called a "singles" get together. I guess it's my distinction between solo and single. Technically, I'm both, but I don't want it to seem like I'm there to meet someone "special", if that makes sense.


    I also wanted to add that on both my solo cruises, I noticed that on each sea day, there was a lunch planned for solo cruisers. You meet in a particular spot, along with one of the activities staff and they'll usually come eat with the group of you. There have only been about 5-10 people at the ones I've gone to, but once, unfortunately I was the only one who showed up.

  4. HI Librarycin again!

    While there are no taxi stands in the downtown area, when departing the ferry area, there are taxis available. The same with restaurants, you can get them to hail you a cab.

    Another thing, if you don't feel right with a cab driver, ask for another!! A friend and I did this in Quito. We got some bad vibes from a driver and we declined. Better safe than sorry!

    But overall, I've had no problem with cabs in Cozumel.


    Great! Thanks again! I don't think it ever would have occurred to me to decline a cab, but you're right. Better safe than sorry, so if I feel uncomfortable with a particular driver, I will pass and get the next one. Thank you!

  5. I have been to Cozumel many times' date=' but I don't recall seeing a "taxi stand" downtown. There will be, however.....a taxi every where you look.


    No problemo. ;)


    Enjoy your time in Cozumel![/quote']


    Thanks again!


  6. Thank you both for your replies! It's nice to know they are regulated - I supposed that's so people like me know we'll be safe and will feel comfortable taking a cab!


    Just as some added info, it looks like I'll only need to get a cab back to the ship. The tour apparently ends with dropping us all off downtown. Not sure why they aren't bringing us back to the ship, but there you go... Sounds like my best bet is to find other people from my tour to hop in with or it seems that I should be o.k. on my own if I go that way. Thanks again!


    Oh, just to confirm, there are taxi stands downtown, as well, to catch a cab back? It sounds like that is the case, from what you, airlink diva, has said. I had wondered about that, too, as I really prefer not to have to hail a cab.

  7. I posted this to the Cozumel board, and mentioned it in my roll call, but I thought I'd also post it here for a different perspective.


    I am looking at tours to Tulum when I am in Cozumel, but both tours I'm looking at (through RCCL and through ShoreTrips) require a one-way or both-ways taxi.


    I was wondering - as a solo - if people feel safe taking cabs in Cozumel. I've never been to Mexico at all, so I have no idea. Most people seem to think they're o.k.,but I wanted the perspective from some solo travellers, too. Thanks!


    (Actually, I'm a little irritated that the tours don't deliver us to and from the ship. I book tours - in part - because it is safer and I don't have to worry about these things!)

  8. I probably don't need to chime in here, with all the answers you've had already, but I will anyway. :) My situation was slightly different. It was a Celebrity ship and there were 3 adults (all mid-30s) in the one inside room.


    We did o.k. Yes, it was tight. During the day, we tried not to all be in the room at the same time, when possible. Of course, the "extra" beds were put away during the day, but it was still a bit crowded. We really tried to stay organized and put as much away as possible.


    As someone else said, it wasn't easy getting up and down that little ladder to the top bunk, and I'm tall, so I couldn't sit up properly up there, but it really was only for sleeping, so... and it should be easier for teenagers to climb up and down the ladder, I would think!


    Good luck and have fun!!! :D

  9. I couldn't afford the single fare. I take that back, I couldn't even afford the double occupancy fare. :eek:


    I'd love to visit the Galapagos, but it's not within my budget at this time. Go for it, if you have the resources.




    I'll echo this sentiment. I am so jealous that you can afford to go alone! The Galapagos is my dream trip, but - like Roz - (unless I win the lottery ;)) I just can't afford it. I won't be doing this one anytime soon, even with someone else - as much as I would absolutely LOVE to!


    Have a fabulous cruise!

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