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Posts posted by Brotherleelove

  1. Are you aware that there's an Airport Express Bus (X96) from Piraeus Port to the airport? It leaves Piraeus every 20-30 minutes and takes about 75 minutes to reach the airport. The fare is €6 per person. There's plenty of space for luggage storage.


    An arranged transfer for 5 means an expensive specialty vehicle or 2 taxis, for a minimum of: Day time (05:00-24:00) 45 € and Night time (24:00-05:00) 65 € per taxi.

  2. Yes, there's a bus that will take you to Akrotiri from the same Fira bus square. The fare is €4 return per passenger but you pay €2 going each way. The trip takes about 25 minutes. How long you stay at the site depends on your interest in it. On that route the bus passes the Santo Winery if you want to sample some of the local products. For bus schedules look up the "Santorini KTEL Bus" on Google search.

  3. Here's a suggestion that will save you a lot of time.


    Take the water taxi from the Tender Dock to Oia for €15. Fare includes a shuttle up the cliff into Oia and a bus ticket back to Fira. But if you want to take that hike just walk to Fira instead. Following the clifftop trail and pathways you will eventually pass right by the Cable Car building for the ride back down to the Tender Dock.

  4. The fastest and easiest way to get to Oia is by water taxi from the tender dock for €15. Included is a shuttle up into the village and a bus ticket back to Fira.


    Please, please don't ride the donkeys and please tell others on your cruise not to ride them. They are terribly abused. They are forced to run up and down all those steps all day long with no breaks for water, shade or rest. The donkey men poke them with sharp sticks or sticks with little metal tips they can conceal in their pockets and insert in the stick ends when necessary to keep these poor animals moving. The saddles chafe their skin and cause open wounds. This is a serious case of animal abuse and everyone who ignores this for the sake of convenience or "fun" is contributing to the perpetuation of the problem.


    If you don't believe me do a Google Images search for "Santorini Donkey Abuse". Don't let this define your memory of Santorini!

  5. You have received incorrect advice. No matter what you've been told, DO NOT go to Greece without first getting the IDP from your local AAA office. What are you going to do if you get in an accident and don't have one when the police ask you for it, are you going to say "I don't have one because someone on an internet travel advice website told me it's OK to be here without it".......??? That will go over like a lead balloon. Remember: You'll be in a foreign country where you don't speak the language and where your rights vs. those of a local resident will be secondary, at best. Be smart. The IDP is only $15 if you bring your own 2 passport photos. No test or membership required.

    Yes, sometimes it’s possible to rent a car, ATV or scooter just by showing your passport and a current drivers license. No problem.


    If you get in an accident and don’t have the IDP you'll be in serious trouble with the Greek Police. Greek Law requires it and if you can't produce it you could possibly be detained until you come up with the cash to pay for any _and all_ damages to the vehicles involved regardless of whose fault it is and whether or not the damages were pre-existing (especially if the other car belongs to a local seizing the opportunity to play the system!)


    Your insurance, including what your credit card supposedly provides, will be invalidated because technically you will have been driving illegally.

    And in that regard I also encourage you to take out the local insurance offered when you pick up the car, as much coverage as you can get. Don't rely on the automatic insurance your credit card claims to provide you. You'll be in a foreign country and there won't be a claims adjuster handy.

    Just as important: Don't take "No Problem" as a substitute for indicating on the rental acceptance form every little scratch, dent, tear, stain, crack and missing part on the vehicle, inside and out and underneath. Take photos to back up your inspection. If the rental agent resists signing off on all that you've indicated walk away and find another agency.

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