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Salt air hair

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Posts posted by Salt air hair

  1. If you don't ride one here at home, don't try it! Driving on the "wrong side of the road" on something you've never operated before, on unfamiliar roads isn't the best idea to have. Our first trip to Bermuda we watched a couple pull out of the rental lot and plow right into the wall across the street. He (the driver) broke his leg...she (the rider) broke her shoulder and both had severe road rash.

  2. I wouldn't trust any type of "procedure" to be done on a ship. #1 reason is who will treat you at home if something goes wrong with the ship's procedure. Doctors are skidish to touch someone else's "mess up" with all the malpractice suits happening. An extensive article in a travel magazine warning travelers about this type of thing. It was mainly focused on foreign contries and having major work done, cosmetic and dental while on vacation, but it did mention ships and what is and will be offered on the high seas.

  3. DH and I were there last year and like you we heard all the same stories of sand flea investation on the beach. We bought all the sprays and repellants recommended and didn't spray a bit. Didn't see a flea and didn't feel a bite. Take some with you just in case, but I wouldn't worry.

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