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Posts posted by 25years2gether

  1. Hi. You mentioned linens. I am interested in getting a nice set of made in Italy sheets. I will be in Venice, Rome, Florence and Naples, among other ports. Where would you recommend I look? Do you have a fav. store for linens? Thanks. Diane

  2. Thanks for all the useful information posted here and the pictures are fantastic - I can't wait!!!


    Question: We have the opportunity for a personal guide for 10 people costing $38 USD per person. Could anyone tell me if they feel this is money well spent or if DIY is just as beneficial? I'm torn as with booking this guide, he would be with us the whole time, giving instruction on what it is we are looking at, making sure we got to all the 'must see' places and from reading the previous posts, I'm thinking there's a lot of history that if you didn't do your research, you would miss. We would still be responsible for our hydrofoil costs as well as any extras that we chose to do like the funicular. The guide would arrange for booking the times as well as a mini-bus to drive us around on the island.


    I guess what I'm asking is 'is it worth the extra $38 per person or would you just go with out the convenience of the guide and pre-booked transfers and wonder on your own?'


    Any information would be helpful. Thanks!!!


    Could you please share your information on the personal guide? Thanks in advance.

  3. What I would like to add to our story is that we both lost our spouses about 7 years ago, and neither of us will see 60 again. We met through a grief recovery group. My wife is truly a blessing!

    We will be celebrating our 5th anniversary on the Paul Gauguin with the special Tahitian ceremony they perform on board.


    I can't think of a more memorable way to spend your 5th anniversary. Enjoy, the two of you deserve it.

  4. Thanks for your kind words Terrific Surprise! You would really love my Paul . . . everyone does! He is the best person I know! 40 1/2 years and counting!... 34 years ago I almost died from another wierd disease and at that time we made a pact that NOTHING was ever worth fighting about! And we have never fought since . . . no harsh words ever between us. We learned to forgive and forget very quickly! We also decided to make a concerted effort to enjoy everyday and live life to its fullest. I counted everyday after I had my miracle of health restored as an extra day . . . one that I should not have had but did! So when the cancer hit, I figured it was pay up time! I had more then my share of extra time and it was over! But with a lot of good care, love and faith I am well again. Who knows for how long? They make no promises you know! But somehow God saw fit to give me more time. So Paul and I have really cranked up the volume (so to speak) on our life together. You think that you can't love someone anymore than you do right this minute, and then you DO! It is an amazing journey to love so deeply and so well! I think you two also are on this journey! Enjoy!


    I can feel that this is going to turn into a beautiful thread of beautiful stories -- all because of a wonderful husband doing something so sweet for his wife. I have had 2 cancer surgeries and both cruise critic and planning memorable vacations with my family and friends has gotten me through some low times. My husband is also a wonderful man. He knows how much I enjoy cruising and spending time with my family and friends that he works hard at side jobs just so we can travel. Just today I got home from work to a note on the counter (he had woke up from 6 hours sleep, spent 7 hours at his side job and is now at his 'real job' for another 9 hours). His note said - "Good day, more $$$$ for your trip". Gotta love these wonderful men!!

  5. Hi: I hope this question hasn't been asked -- if so, sorry. We are a group of 8 travelling 2 nights pre-cruise Dec 30-Jan 1. I would like to book 4 rooms with 2 double/queen beds each. I like the idea of using the resorts but also know Priceline doesn't guarantee 2 double/queen beds. I read that Hotwire could but I don't see the 'resort' section under their star rating. Does Hotwire not offer resorts? Thank you.


    oops. I meant to say I want to book 2 rooms with 2 double/queen beds in each.

  6. Hi: I hope this question hasn't been asked -- if so, sorry. We are a group of 8 travelling 2 nights pre-cruise Dec 30-Jan 1. I would like to book 4 rooms with 2 double/queen beds each. I like the idea of using the resorts but also know Priceline doesn't guarantee 2 double/queen beds. I read that Hotwire could but I don't see the 'resort' section under their star rating. Does Hotwire not offer resorts? Thank you.

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