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Posts posted by kalves

  1. I have been on several Carnival cruises including the Breeze and a few Royal Caribbean. My last cruise was on the RCI Independence of the Sea (sister ship to Freedom). I absolutely loved this ship and would sail again in a heartbeat - my favorite ship to date. Loved the layout (promenade), kids areas, ice show and our cabin. Large ship but never felt crowed. I loved Haiti as a port of call.

    I think it depends on your family dynamic and whether or not you are sailing for the ship or the itinerary. My family consists of myself, husband and a 10 year old daughter. I find RCI expensive compared to Carnival and to justify the extra cost I have to really like both the itinerary and the ship.

    Coincidentally, I am sailing on the Sunshine this Saturday on an 8 day to Aruba and Curacao. I'll let you know my thoughts when I return. This cruise is all about the itinerary for me.

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