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Posts posted by twodogmom

  1. :pI called the world desk today, told probably nearer the end of June when the rest of deposit would be due. That means schedule and pricing would be completed

    One thing the smaller ships were made for ocean voyages. In bad seas I wouldn't want to be in a top heavy large ship. There will be bad sea days

    Remember even In route they can and will change ports.

  2. We put down a deposit on this non-existent cruise while we were on the 2015 World.


    We have been anxiously waiting a decision by HAL whether they will be bringing it back.


    Thank you Orlando. Thank you:D


    I also put a deposit on WC 2015. A couple of weeks ago I reconfirmed with the WC desk I had a deposit for it.

  3. At one time you couldn't pay me to go to the Canaletto, but on the Amsterdam on the World Cruise 2014 it was our favorite. On a couple of nights we had reserved the whole place. I usually sat with a group of 6, and we would order for the whole table with each of us ordering our own main course. The sea bass was incredible, but we would order a small portion.


    I believe the pate is some of the best I have ever had. The best way is to order different items and share them.


    I really think it is what ship, and the chef and staff. In this area on the Amsterdam everything was perfect. We stopped eatting at the Pinacle, because of the new management half way through the cruise. The manager acted very snotty. Well so much said.


    I hope your experience is good, on what ever ship you are on.

  4. On the World Cruise the food was fantastic. A group of us ate there many times. I loved the pate, but everything was wonderful.


    Nights we would have gone to the Pinnacle we picked the Cantelleto. I went with groups from 5 to 24. The service and food was so much better after Singapore. At one time you couldn't have paid me to eat there. That was when it was free. If the management of the Pinnacle remains the same on the Amsterdam, the Cantelleto will be my restaurant of choice.

  5. The World Cruise 2014 was not Grand in my opinion. The gifts over all were few and far between, and many of low quality. They said they wouldn't give as many, but they would be better gifts. This was far from true. To add insult to injury they gave us a huge and heavy book about Tutu. I'm sure they paid quite a bit for it. That was certainly not a grand gift. In addition, they changed tradition, by not giving us the gifts on formal nights. This was probably so we would realize how few we received or how bad and cheap they were.


    Paying $100,000 for Desmond Tutu to come on board was excessive. I'm not sure how many rooms were occupied by he and his family, or the singers that came on. Being at sea one extra day from Durban to Cape Town could have given us more time in Cape Town.


    Both the CEO of HAL and Carnival were on board for Tutu's visit. The HAL CEO announced that they were not having the Grand Asia, nor were they

    changing the new policy of dumping everyone in Europe after the Grand Med.


    They ended up discounting the internet people had used near the end to 50%. It was given as an on board credit. The way they handled the internet issue overall was very bad. I would have much rather had the old slower service, than not being able to send and receive emails for around 3 months. The new internet is and was horrible. It was a bad management act to put on a new system right before a world cruise.


    The best things about the WC was the Captain, cruise director (Gene) and the staff. The worst were the shows and internet. In addition, we were lied to many times on the WC.




    I did put a deposit for the WC 2016, unless they change it dramatically I will be cancelling my reservation.

  6. I have only been on one WC, 2014 will be my second, and I booked 2015 when it was first offered.


    I paid the one who takes care of my lawn, windows and does bug spraying in advance. My telephone, gas and electric, water are all paid automatically from my checking account. My accountant automatically files an extension for state and federal taxes.


    My mail at one location will go through the door and I'll have a bit box for it to go into. I imagine I'll have it all over the floor, it should be fun opening the door once I get home. At my other residence I have a service who will pick up and hold my mail for me. It is only $7 a month.


    I travel solo. One thing arrange for your medications in advance. I waited a little to long. It will be taken care of, but it is a pain to carry so much medications with me, and I only take 4 different pills a day. I am diabetic and I found my numbers really go down on the longer voyages. In fact, on my last one I stopped taking one med because of my numbers. You seem to become healtier on the cruises, you eat better and walk more.


    You will make life long friends, and want to return to see them the following years.


    Book early so you can get your choice of cabins or dinning time. If you like early dinning it fills up early.


    I still have trouble trying to figure out how much cash to take. I have left over travelers checks from my WC 2012 I'll be bringing, and still worry about having enough money. I always seem to bring enough cash home to last me 4 or 5 months after the voyage. I don't really use my credit cards when I'm traveling, I pay cash.


    Book, enjoy and don't worry to much.

  7. twodogmom,


    May I ask how many clothes and shoes were too many? I need a lot of evening wear because I am going on Cunard so I won't worry about that. But for day wear - right now I have 18 tops, 4 pairs of slacks, 4 pairs of capris and one pair of shorts. I also have 10 pairs of shoes. I was thinking I should be able to get everything in 3 30" suitcases. I do plan to use the washers onboard. Because I am plus size it is not easy for me to find clothing in foreign ports so I really need to take what I need for 17 weeks.








    I think the clothes depend on the person. On my next grand voyage and WC I will take one long black skirt and pants with probably 5 tops for formal nights. I will take a total of 5 pairs of shoes, two black for smart casual and formal nights, 2 pair of birkenstocks and one pair of walking shoes. I'll take a pair of jeans, 2 pairs of black pants, 2 skirts, 2 shorts and one or two capris. I'm not sure what I will take in tops, but I will buy some on the way. One thing I have learned is no one really remembers or cares what you wore, and if it is your second or more times in an outfit. I know the ladies at my dinner table wore fairly plain items and added jewerly or scarves with them. On my last WC I did brown and black and some other colors, so needed more shoes, this time I'll only do black as my main color.


    I have free laundry on HAL, so if I send them out one day, I get them back the next. They ruined some of my bras, so I will wash them by hand.


    If you are going through major climate changes you will need more cloths. If not you won't need as many. I know this time most of the ports will be cool, but not cold. So I will probably put in long underwear, and layer. In Egypt I will need the capris.


    I know on my WC they gave quite a few gifts, so you will want space to bring them home and your purchase. On my last WC I took 4 suitcases and came back with 5. I found out I didn't need everything I took. I do take my own tea, and cans of Sees nuts. They are a popular item. I will do the same next time. That will make space for my purchases and gifts I buy.


    I guess what I learned is nobody really cares if you wear the same clothes multiple time. They aren't looking at your feet to determine if you have 10 different shoes. Now I know of one lady who took 17 suitcases, and I saw her in the same outfits. The only reason I remember is that she had brought so much luggage, I thought I would never see her in the same outfit.


    Good luck, and don't worry about your clothes, you will be all right.



  8. I suspend various services while I am away. These include suspending internet, telephone, cell phone, cable tv and I found out I can suspend garbage.


    I had my DIL pay my AE bill on line. My accountant filed an extension for both federal and state income taxes.


    On the 2012 WC I found out I took to many clothes and shoes. I am going to try to take less next time. You can buy some things while you are away, and you will have a memory of where you purchased the new item. On my last WC I took 4 suitcases and came back with 5. On my next WC I am planning on taking only 3 suitcases. If I didn't need certain items and the amount of medicine I could probably use just two.


    Get with your Doctor, Pharmacy and insurance and determine what has to be done to get a 4 month supply of medicine. It is a few phone calls and visits, but it can be done.


    I had a world clock that some one gave me from Eddie Baurer. You could just dial in the area you wanted and it would show that time. I believe it has 19 time zones. I really liked it, and I loaned it to a table mate who had to make some calls home.

  9. I always order room service for breakfast. I have it delivered at the earliest time. I don't drink coffee, but order 3 teas to get my day.


    The person that mainly delivered my breakfast on my last cruise was fantastic. I was on a 30 day cruise at the time. I forgot to mark one of my ussual items and he brought it anyway. The second to the last day, was his last day of work before going home. I said my goodbyes and wished him well. The morning of departure, there he was with my breakfast. I was shocked, he said he wasn't working, but wanted to bring me my breakfast. He didn't want the tip I always gave. Needless to say I felt very special.


    During the cruise I had written up a commet card regarding his service. He was so thrilled about receiving one. One thing if service is great, write a commet card during the cruise.

  10. Prior to reading this I booked a lanai room on a cruise for 2011. I'll be on the same ship in 2010 so hopefully I can determine if I still want a Lanai. I have never wanted to be on that deck, and was always happy with an outside cabin on a lower deck. Since I travel as single, getting a balcony is expensive for the use I would make of it.


    Hopefully problems will be resolved for everyone. I know I rarely used the chairs before. I was hoping having the ones out side the door I would use them more. The cruise in 2011 is going through the Panama Canal both ways, so I thought it would be great to just walk out of my room to the railing.


    Hopefully others will post regarding there expenience in warmer weather cruising.


    Thank you for the reviews and comments.

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