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Posts posted by Laticfanatic617

  1. Recently did a back to back out of San Juan on different ships. Embarkation/debarkation was so easy. We were last off the Summit and one of the first on the Jewel-- a tip for the porter and we did not even have to wheel our luggage. It was fun seeing different shows and having different menus.

    Our only regret: second week we did an ocean view instead of a balcony. We missed the balcony. Should have done this leg first instead of second.


    That's exactly what I'll be doing in a couple of weeks ... 7 nights on the Allure followed by 13 night TA on the Indy .. was wondering what happened to us when we got off one ship onto another lol



  2. Does your end of the cruise account show all of the bar bills? have to make a decision in the next 24 hours if I want to purchase the premium package. Probably drink 5 or 6 drinks per day ranging from beer to wine to grey goose. Not sure if it would be worth it or just breaking even.......Decisions, Decisions......:confused:


    Nope ( or at least it didn't in November!) ...


    all it will show is the bill for the packages themselves .. each individual drink tab won't show up ... but like many other posters say .. a glass or two of wine at dinner .. the odd beer by the pool, or devour a few frozen mudslides and you'll soon be getting your monies worth!


    my tip ... a great drink - chocolate martini .. made with clear white creme de cacau for the best drink .. looks llike choclate milk made otherwise but equally as good tasting!


    if you eat in chops etc ... and you fancy a speciality coffee then just get them to bring you normal coffee and get the spirit on your package hence saving you another $10+ lol


    enjoy all the same .. you needn't seem to be a tipsy drunk by having one to make it worth your while ... most cocktails will be $10+ so it's fun to try a few of them everyday ... that's what we did!

  3. I never went into the Champagne Bar at all. I assumed it was basically just drinks made with champagne. Lesson learned. Next time I am on an Oasis class ship, I will definitely try out the Champagne Bar.



    Just tell your beverage server in the MDR that you have heard that there is a special shooter of the day after each meal and you would like one of them with desert every day for the length of your cruise. The Italian Stallion was my favourite of the week.



    I believe it is on all of the ships. I sail on the Independence next year, so I hope it is offered there as well.


    well I'm back on board next Saturday so will be able to let you know! fingers crossed

  4. Sweet mother of Abraham, please tell me these are included in the Premium Alcohol Package! Please, please, please!


    I can vouch for these on the package too!


    We are just off the Indy in November and about to board again in 2 weeks .. and I was hooked on them!!! The ones in the champagne bar were made with 'white' creme de cacau instead of the normal stuff which makes them look like chocolate milk. The difference is they look clear if done with the other stuff and look like a true martini lol


    They are easily made at home too ...creme de cacau (white) and vanilla vodka is all you need at a ratio of 2 n a bit / 1 in that order!


    to make them more chocolate orange you simply add a drop of grand marnier or similar ... wet the glass and dip the edge in coco powder to really add a sparkle to them lol ..


    oh did i forget to say the waiter gave me and my pals a lesson early one morning ha ha ha


    Russ ... i do like the idea of those 'shooters' tho .. again in 2 weeks i'll be on the package .. so do i simply ask when i'm at dinner?


    not an OASIS thing is it either?


    great post all the same

  5. ha have you noyiced how there is always one on these baords, they always seen to get the best suites and then moan about everything, pound to a penny they have not been on the ship or if they did no one liked them, these is always someone you dont like eh, cant get rid of? and his ref to pikey??? where that from,


    I would just ignore them hope they go away, I see they only have a few posts anyway



    great post!!


    and i see you have a pretty busy 18months?? isn't it a shame you can't get ocean miles???

  6. my post was meant to be a 'general' post and not aimed at you specifically....but you're quite right my friend!!!


    i put it down to having that 'empty' feeling you get when you get back from your holidays....


    I'm not known for my tolerance, and i had to be very reserved after my last cruise in relation to the build up before going back to work....

    when i was on the ship, i couldn't fault it one iota! but you soon begin to think...."well if this had of been like that..etc etc.." pointless at the end of the day!



    keyboard warriors are all over the net! they dream about boards like this... let them have their say.... most of it is nauseating drivel

  7. just remember the golden rules....


    these boards are for posting people's opinions!


    everybody is entitled to their opinion!


    opinions are like ........... well, we all have one!


    but nowhere does it say that you have to believe their every word!


    look forward to your holiday!

    enjoy your holiday!

    fondly remember your holiday!


    trust me.... these things aren't worth worrying about.......

  8. Hi


    I hate to see our very positive 'all things thread' taking a down-turn. I am very excited about my upcoming cruise but feel that if I read much more negativity about it I am going to ruin it for myself.


    I joined CC to glean information about RCI and the Indy, but now it seems that most of the threads I read just become negative with people doing battle with each other, hurling insults on all subjects whether it be - immersion cruises, smoking, food, currency, poor service, 'things ain't how they used to be', the Butlins crowd, pikeys etc!


    I can only imagine that the 'Butlins crowd' mentioned, describes the kind of people that go to a 'holiday camp'. Here in the UK Butlins is a holiday complex, (there are different camps around the country) where entertainment is provided, there are swimming pools and activities and the accommodation is chalets or hotels. Butlins tends to attract people who are on a budget. So I would imagine people holidaying at Butlins are those who are not as fortunate to be able to take a cruise holiday. My sister goes to Butlins with her kids as this is all they can afford - but I don't think they are are lesser people :(



    personally speaking i chose to book with RCCL for a few simple reasons..


    1. even though I'm booked on the Ventura, (that was booked earlier this year as a stop gap as i couldn't find details about the Independence and TA cruises.....) i have been on a P & O ship and find them very British and fully expect the Ventura to be exactly the same..


    2. having spent time with our cousins across the pond i find them very warm and thoroughly interesting people, the same type of person I'd like to 'remember' a holiday by...


    3. looking back at #1, I'd expect a RCC ship to be far far better in all area's simply because i believe Americans expect that...


    4. each and every cruise i go on I expect it to be out of this world, whether it's my 1st or 101st...



    now to add to Lisa's points...yeah i to joined this site a few weeks ago for similar reasons.... to glean as much information from other posters as possible to allow me to facilitate #4 above!!


    but just recently one or two things have hacked me off a tad!


    these sorts of message boards are about opinions in general and are useful for advice as a result of that... but it appears that sometimes, if you're not prepared to tow the party line then you're simply WRONG in having you own opinion......


    you just have to look at the threads that are on going at the moment!

    DVDs at the dinner table....CRAYONS at the dinner table... POOR QUALITY FOOD... DRESS CODE'S....IMMERSION CRUISES.....etc etc etc


    now i have opinions on all those subjects and have posted about them too, but i don't believe for one minute i should be listened too without question, or for that matter have my opinion ignored! that's the readers privilege to do what they like...IN MY OPINION!!!!



    this is how i will treat my next cruise and any hopefully many more afterwards.....


    if the food is decribed as awful by the vast majority, then i will walk aboard that ship with that in mind...and then form my own opinion from the first taste i have! if i believe it's sub-standard then i will evoke my right as a fare paying passenger and report it as so....


    the above 'rule' i have goes for pretty much everything i do....simply because everyship and every hotel has people that believe it's either;


    too old

    too new

    too big

    too small

    too hot

    too cold

    too cheap

    too expensive.......... need i go on???


    that is their choice, opinion, and their right! i will not try to take that from anyone....



    me? well if things aren't the paradise i thought they were... i will go out and try to make them that way....as it's only the person having a good time that can have a good time!!!!


    but one thing i will say to my cousin across the water....if RCCL want to make the Independence a 'wholly' British institution, then they are on a hiding to nothing..... believe me, the average British passenger that boards that ship (whether a Pikey-Butlins visiting one or not! ) will not appreciate it being like that, as much as an american passenger would!!

    our wallets will not like it....

    our taste for alcohol will not agree with it....

    and how they will define British quisine i don't know!!!


    trust me.... give them time to iron out the problems! as i'm sure they will...


    and let's not fall OUT...


    let's just fall INTO the bar and have a damn good holiday/vacation no matter what happens!!!!!!!


    ps....i'll be the one trying my utmost hardest to have that good time if you're not sure where to find me!!

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