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I'm on holiday

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Posts posted by I'm on holiday

  1. Say hey!! Fantastic. It's great that you had a good time and won good money as well. The first experience sets your mind for the future, and clearly you now "belong".


    PS - a 25 minute hand? PLEASE let me know when your next one is - I want a piece of your action. LOL


    Thanks! Oh, and I'll be sure to let you know when next we'll be sailing!


    Hope there will be a few rollers who can hold the dice for 25 minuets in Sept. that would make a great night.


    I hope so as well!


    NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :eek:


    Be nice! :p :)

  2. I have to disagree with you a lot here as I nod by head right and left going tisk tisk........

    If you started with a bank of $100 and left the table with an extra $50-$75 each time you played then you made a LOT of money. Think about it. That is between $25 and $35 dollars and hour. You got PAID not only for having fun but earned a very good profit. You said you played for a few nights. We will call it three nights. It appears you netted $180 for the trip. This is an outstanding return for a beginner.


    Think about if you doubled up your bank and went in with $200 and doubled all your bets. You would have killed the table.


    Congratulations and a job well done. I am proud of ya!


    From the dark side,

    Yo Eleven


    Thanks for the kind words. You're right, I actually did well! Yes, I played three nights. I'm a happy newbie. :)


    There were a couple of dark side players. They were quiet...stealthy...trying not to draw attention to themselves. At least that's how this newbie read them. They did ok...can't say how well, as I was concentrating on my new found addiction, and they seemed to disappear fairly quick. Once I become 100% comfortable, I'm sure I'll have fun toying with you dark siders. :p Dare I say I may become one? Probably not. I really enjoyed the interaction with the other players as we helped eachother win!


    Oh, and the guys running the table were great, both helpful and funny. YES, I left a chip tip each evening.

  3. We had a wonderful cruise, which included a few nights at the craps table. I'm a newbie, did my homework, and am proud to say that after several hours at the table I came back a winner!


    I started each evening with $100 and left each time after almost 2 hours with an extra $50-$70. I know, not a lot of money, but it was very entertaining. I typically bet the pass line with odds, a few come bets with oddas, and occasionally bet the six or eight, with odds. My longest roll was 25 minutes, and made money for everyone at the table.


    Thanks to all of you for your encouragement and advice. I think I'm hooked!

  4. Thanks cruzincurt! :D That's exactly what I've been doing during my practice sessions on bodog.com, and it's seems to be a good strategy. I need to stop second guessing myself, but as a newbie...


    Another question...how do you feel about place bets?

  5. OK gang...question. How do you feel about come bets w/odds? I get the pass line w/odds, which I like, and I understand the come bets. I'm curious about betting the odds w/the come bet. I've been practicing on bodog.com, (fun, and I am holding my own) but would like some advice from you pros! :)


    Obviously, I'm new to craps...gearing up for our cruise on the Freedom of the Seas in 2 weeks. I'm hoping to feel comfortable at the craps table, and have fun!


    I tend to tip well, and keep my game organized, so dealers tend to like me as low maintenance.





    I'm new to this gambling thing, and I want to start off on the right foot. :) What is the general rule of thumb regarding tipping the dealer? :confused: EDIT: I'm starting a new thread on this subject, as to not highjack this one. Sorry!

  7. It was there (and rather visible) when I sailed from Port of Miami April '08. I will be back at the port this Friday, so I will see if it is still there. I would imagine it is, as the longshoreman are paid very well (even if they receive zero tips all year). I will report back if the sign is still up when I return! :D


    Have an awesome cruise, and by all means, report back!

  8. We cruised out of FLL over Christmas, and we took our bags within literally 5 feet of the spot where they were to be dropped off. A porter jumped in to help, and then basically demanded a tip, and then complained that we didn't tip him more. Needless to say, this isn't the way I had hoped to start our vacation.


    I hate that! I gladly tip anyone who actually handles my bags. However, when they jump in at the last second, and with their hand out, that grinds me. :mad:


    Gonzo; I do believe that many folks tip out of fear their bags may mysteriously disappear, or get damaged. :(

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