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Posts posted by lior

  1. Anyone experienced this with MSC in Miami? My folks are considering coming with us on the Seaside and my stepdad is on personal dialysis. I know Baxter delivers to other cruise lines but so far I'm not sure MSC has given me the answers we need to feel secure that all boxes of solution, supplies, etc will make it on board and to their cabin. It's an 8 day cruise and thus way too much in medical supplies to lug. Could you please share your experience? Would it be wiser to go directly through Baxter? We are contacting them anyways to see if they've delivered to MSC in Miami before and what not. 

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  2. Lior-- what ships have you sailed and in what category kind of cabin?


    I have not sailed on the splendor- but going by the deck plans it looks like you have a M category inside cabin-its 138 sq feet. (small compared to what we are used to.


    or me-- i would not book that cabin because

    #1- its next to a cabin that holds 4 people-- if its a family with young kids that could be noisy.


    #2- whats in the white area next door on the other side? if its a steward area--could be noisy.


    #3- under the pool area-- scrapping of chairs is what you may hear.


    THANK you,we have to think it over


  3. you wont hear elevator noise- even while waiting you really have to listen for the ding. now if you have rude passengers sailing with you-- thats something different and will hear them no matter where your cabin is located.


    but you are far enough away anyways.


    its a very convenient location--those aft elevators will take you to the food/pools with hardly any traveling to get there.


    Be aware that inside cabins are extremly dark--24 hours a day with no light unless the cabin light is on. Take an alarm clock and use it-- or you could wind up sleeping most of the day away.


    you know so much about cabins what about 8027?



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