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Posts posted by COLLEYBERRY

  1. I will be sailing on the Niew Amsterdam next month and am very fortunate to have received a killer deal on a Neptune Suite. :eek:


    I will be in cabin 7047 directly across from the Neptune Lounge. I am 5 star so already get the laundry done. What other goodies can I expect?


    Are there any secrets it would be good to know. I want to quiver with anticipation. :D


    Not sure if you will remember me....I haven't posted for awhile.

    But just wanted to wish you a fabulous voyage and it was wonderful to read about your suite choice..how exciting for you enjoy every moment.Best Wishes Colleen

  2. Oh my goodness, you couldn't be more wrong! I smoked for 40 years (in two separate stints) and completely understand. Quitting smoking is extremely difficult and takes a lot of self discipline, something I have to work on daily. I'll be smoke free (this time) for a year next week.



    Congratulations !!! Well done. No easy feat for sure.Hope all is well with you, Best Wishes Colleen

  3. I haven't posted in a while but do drop in on occasion to see what is going on and look for familiar names....and there was your name and the word " happy" which made me happy.

    So glad you are cruising, have a wonderful trip ...sending love and best wishes Colleen

  4. You Go Girls !! :D..having worked with the public for decades (health care ) I have found it to be an "equal opportunity" for bad behavior ...oh the stories I could tell :D

    I just keep smiling and try to remember everyone has a story and if we knew what that story was they might not seem so unreasonable after all.;)

  5. Goodness, who knew a ship's laundry facilities could be fraught with such peril.


    The elderly shoved against a wall,someone being clocked with an iron,stolen clothes,and chocolates in the dryer (Lordy the mess !!) I guess "duds overboard "

    isn't such a stretch after all.:D


    My laundry room at home is very tranquil ..ya know why ?? Cause most days there is no one there but ME !! ;)

  6. Well silly me :o....however I do know one of the parties well ..not exactly the legend type :D...and the other party had actually been in the tension filled laundry room(and from what I have been told not exactly the legend perpetuating type either),,,having said that... I hope it is a legend...:)

  7. I have not had occasion to use laundry facilities aboard a cruise ship...but I guess things can get a little testy.:D

    A co worker's friend, returning from a cruise(not HAL) around the tip of South America, related this tale to her...apparently the friend decided to try the laundry facilities for the first time (it was after a three day ban on self laundry,so I am guessing a little busier than usual)

    The atmosphere in the laundry room seemed a little prickly..nothing she could put her finger on...just tension in the air ..minded her own business and got out of there as quickly as possible.

    She heard later that a person had taken someone's load of washing and threw it over a balcony. :eek: They were nearly put off the ship for the offense.

    I don't know how mad someone would have to be to do this....still shaking my head.:)

  8. Sail , Kazu and Sapper too (that rhymes lol )...stay safe and warm your forecasts are alarming..We've had some nasty days here but nothing ,nothing ,like our East coast friends....it is beyond cold and wind chill is making it ridiculous however the sun shone today which makes it bearable.

    Four blizzards in a row, that is just not fair.:(


    Thanksgiving's Spell


    The warmth and peace of gratitude,

    the scents and savor of plenty.

    A table laden with favored food,

    surrounding hearts no longer empty.


    Family,friends and friends like family,

    we gather safe, knowing all is well.

    Grace filled thanks we give most happily,

    secure and blessed in Thanksgiving's spell.


    Happy Thanksgiving Canadian CCers...wishing you much health and happiness this holiday weekend.

    Love Colleen






  10. Well what do you know ..ya learn something new every day....my pot knowledge is quite limited lol...sooo I asked my actor boy son...if tobacco is often used with marijuana...he said yes especially if the person smokes ...it apparently burns better and the smell is somewhat masked,,the French often use more tobacco and less marijuana (more expensive in France and charges are greater) this is called a French joint.

    Never really thought I would ever have this conversation with my son ...he was perplexed his mother wanted to know how marijuana was used lol..looked relieved when I explained it was a Cruise Critic thing .:D

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