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Posts posted by cox66

  1. I agree - there are some conflicting information in different pages or materials of Costa - hope that they fix it soon...


    I consider at the moment next cruise on Costa Victoria.

    You said that Costa Club do not work on this ship.

    Do you know if they do not calculate points for cruises on Victoria, do not give benefits for Costa Club members or something else ?





    we are going to cruise on Victoria also in October from Shanghai.

    I have been told that we will get the points for the cruise, but no upgrade possible as mentionned for one more Costa cruise than the previous year.

  2. Hello

    same thing for Switzerland - I always book by cruises through MSC France and also got the Status Match mail from France. When I submitted the forms I got a reply saying it does only work for persons having their address in France.!!

    Actually I'm waiting for a reply from MSC Switzerland to know if it will work in a few weeks.

    Status March works in Germany but not in Austria????


    best regards from Geneva

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