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Posts posted by usafchick1980

  1. We are sailing on the Splendor in February of 2015. On our two previous cruises, we never had breakfast in the MDR. Thought of trying it this time around since it will be our daughter's first cruise. I've always been a t-shirt, shorts, tennis shoes and baseball hat kind of guy for morning meals. Will this be allowed on the Splendor or will I/we need to be a little more dressed up?


    You will be fine in that..I don't know if they will ask you to remove your hat or not..but that would be the only thing. Other than that you will be fine.

  2. After the 5th time of checking the file cabinet, we took all the files out and found them! Instead of being in a folder, they were on the side between the folders and the side of cabinet! I called carnival and they said the copy of passports would not work. Today I was going to send for a new consular report of birth abroad. The fee was $50. I could overnight to them and include $15 to have it overnighted back. But now I have everything I need and can check in online and start packing! Thank you everyone for your help.


    I am so happy that you found them. Have a great trip.

  3. After sailing several other cruise lines, we're still wondering why Carnival still print out photos just like 1999?


    We've been on other lines, where we insert our S&S/room key into slot at photo area's big screen TV, & it shows our family's photos (check in, dinner, specialty photos, etc...) on screen in high quality, then it prints only if we decide if we want to buy it/them.


    Last week's cruise on the Magic, DW mentions while we look for our pictures among the thousands of photos on the wall, that this is still the same same when we first cruised in the early 90's. It's such a waste of photo paper, ink & work to post all those pictures on the wall, when 90% + of photos are thrown away because of their high cost ($18 for 5X7 & $23 for 8X10).


    Although we think that the photos Carnival photographers take are great & very high quality, Thinking that if they use modern tech to reduce their costs & wastes, & thereby lower the prices, maybe more people will purchase them...


    I completely agree..and it would make it so much easier to find your photos as well.

  4. I've received that comment as well when i booked a balcony room for the first time, and you know what, although it was nice, i didn't get that wow factor from a balcony which would make me absolutely need one for the next cruises. If it's free, sure, but i wouldn't spend a dime to have one. Some people just aren't cruising for the room, i go to my room to sleep and shower, that's it!!


    I am with you on this one. I mean I would spend a little bit..but not too much. My DH and I figure if we book the cheaper rooms we can cruise more often and we are hardly in the room.


    However, to the OP, great job on getting a great deal. I do love the balconies so I would never sway someone away from them. But I am just as happy in an interior.

  5. I had said that before; I think most people (except my wife) consider the 2nd elegant night to be a nuissance, especially if on a port day. I think the only people that like it (besides my wife) are the photographers.


    I am with your wife then. I love it. I actually dress up every night. I take 3 or 4 dresses and then different accessories and mix and match. Not that anyone cares if I wear the same dress to dinner twice.

  6. I loved this review..I just have to say.

    I also need to tell you that I thought of this review a few times on my honeymoon on the Valor in October.

    I thought about your comments about the soap..and I found myself trying to get my hands squeaky and not so slippy.

    I pointed out the ding and ding dong of the elevators to my husband.

    We also had fighting neighbors. Only 1 night though..or should I say morning..they woke us up around 3am one morning..and every other word was the F word. I was very close to calling security..and it wasn't for a few minutes..nope..it lasted at least 1 hour.
  7. We make our way back to Mom and Dad’s cabin to retrieve our children. Nothing notable happens. We get to the cabin, we knock on the door, Mom opens the door and we come inside. Dad is sleeping the bed. Their cabin has the bathroom on the left side as you enter, and the bed is against the left side of the room. Dad is sleeping on his left side, knees bent, and facing the balcony. All we can see is the back of his head, the back of his shirt which is almost popping out of his pants, and the back of his legs. Daughter #1 is sitting on the other half of the bed closest to the balcony, and staring blankly at the television… and I can tell by the dialogue that it’s Tangled… uh-gain. Daughter #2 is sitting on the couch-thing with her coloring books and papers quietly drawing pictures and writing letters.


    When I said that it was “nearing dinner time”, I really meant that we were a couple hours away from dinner time. However, depending on how long it takes to get ready, and to get two small girls ready for dinner, two hours may be cutting it close. We get back to our cabin, and we all immediately go into our getting-ready-for-dinner routines. The girls change into their dresses and then play quietly for an hour and a half. I fold back the corner of the blanket and sheet, sit on the bed, kick off my shoes and neatly place them exactly where my feet will land when I get out of bed, tuck my socks under the corner of the blanket, throw the extra pillow onto Wifey’s side of the bed, and pass out for an hour and a half. Wifey… well, no one really knows what she does for this hour and a half because I can’t see or hear anything for this period of time, and the girls aren’t really good at paying attention to what adults are doing around them.


    I open my eyes, and Wifey is showered and almost dressed for dinner. She asks me to do something with the girls’ hair and tosses their “hair bag” onto the foot of the bed beside me. Their “hair bag” is just a medium sized Zip-loc bag with little rubber bands of varying colors, colorful hair-ties, bows, barrettes, several brush types, and general little-girl hair paraphernalia. I reach into the bag and pull out my hairbrush of choice, two pink bows to match Daughter #2’s dress, and two small clear rubber bands. Then I call over the little one and she stands between my knees next to the bed. She leans her butt up against the bed and tries her best to hold her head still.


    I part her hair down the middle first, then use a rubber band to hold one pig-tail out of the way while I work on the other one. After about 30 seconds of careful brushing and pulling, I get the first pig-tail in place on the left side of her head then I scoot over to right side and attempt to re-create a mirror image. The first pig-tail is always easy… it’s getting the second one to match the first one that’s hard. I normally undo the second one at least twice before telling myself, “It’s good enough… no one will even notice.”


    “OK, you’re done. Go play and don’t touch your hair.” I say as I pat her on the back. It’s really the pat on the back that tells her that she can go now, not the words. I just say the words for my sake. I call Daughter #1 over and ask her, “What do you want tonight? Pony tail? Side pony tail? Pig tails like your sister?”

    “Daddy, will you please do a French braid tonight? Please?”

    “Fine. I’ll do it, but no whining or complaining, got it?”



    I reach in the bag and pull out a small clear rubber band. I dig around in the bag for a red bow, but didn’t find one, so I settled for a white bow. I set the bow and rubber band next to me on the bed and begin to brush her hair out. I normally prefer to use a rat-tail comb for a French braid, but I didn’t see one in the bag, and didn’t feel like asking for one. I also didn’t have the time be that precise, so I just used my fingers and eyeballed it. A few minutes later, I reach the end of her hair. I hold the end of the braid with my one hand and pick up the rubber band with the other. I attach the rubber band about 3 inches from the end of her hair and then stick on the white bow. There, all done with little-girl hair. Time to get dressed for dinner.



    I love how you keep saying about Tangled..at least you have 2 girls..my fiance has a girl and a boy. And the girl likes to watch all of the girly movies..and the boy not so much. So it is always a fight..and each one always feel slighted when we watch the one that the other one wanted to watch. So it is usually are we going to watch this boy movie for the 100th time..or TANGLED for the 100th time. Personally..I like when the girl wins..I LOVE that movie..LOL.


    You saying about it taking 2 hours to get ready for dinner with 2 small girls also made me laugh. My fiance always says to me..don't forget it takes double the amount of time that it would normally take the 2 of us when we have the kids to get ready too. I have always been around kids..but never the one to get them ready..man is he right..LOL.


    I am also very impressed my your hair skills. I do not live with my fiance..so when I am not there in the mornings..so when he has his kids..if I didn't take her braid or ponytail out of her hair the night before..it is probably still up when I get there after work. She will definately be ready before I leave for work after we get married in October. I wish I knew how to french braid though. That is one thing that I can't do.

  8. I don't think you'll be seeing Inspiration on your cruise - I think she'll be cruising the Caribbean, out of Tampa 'round that time.


    (Sorry, I know that was dumb. I just couldn't stop myself. I'm going to go try to do something useful with my day, now.)



    I think comments like that are very excusable coming from you. we have all been reading this memoir..we all can kind of figure out what kind of person you live with and deal with everyday. However don't be alarmed..but..I think he may be wearing off on you!

  9. Sigh.


    Don't you know it's the editor's job to make sure it is quality work the grunt is putting out?


    Hoping something is posted soon to read... I'm working all night, and it's ... well I've got some time (we don't use the "q" word around here, or it suddenly isn't anymore)


    You aren't some kind of public servant as in Police..Fire or EMS are you? I am a 911 Dispatcher and we consider the "q" word a swear word around here.

  10. Yes, it should. My girls know that if we didn't "chepper" each other (a yiddish word that mean to nudge, or bother in a loving way) something would be wrong. An outsider would think we bicker - but it is definitely not. It is more like a comedy routine once we get going!:D


    Good..so my fiance and I are not the only ones. My family always says would you guys stop fighting. We really aren't. Just "Loving Bantor"

  11. Further down the hall, we encounter the teenager and tween club rooms like Circle-C, UltraViolet’s Arcade, Club O2, and the White Heat Dance Club which seemed to be reserved mostly for the pre-teen group activities. The White Heat Dance Club has a dance floor with a back wall. The back wall has a large glass window which looks out into the stairwell behind the club. This means that if you’re walking up or down that stairwell, you can look into the kiddie dance club and see them dancing or doing activities. One time, as I passed through this stairwell with my 5 year old, she stops to look in the window – clearly mesmerized by the older kids playing on the other side of the glass. A boy who seemed to be about 7-8 comes running over to the window and waves to my daughter. She, being shy, turns and walks away from the window which leaves me and the 8 year old boy. He looks at me and puts on his mean-looking “I’m a spoiled brat, and my parents aren’t around to curb my A.D.D. or violent tendancies” face, and holds a couple of fists up to the glass. Normally, I would continue to be the adult, and pretend that I was well above such simple taunting. However, I am on vacation. I glanced around to see who was around, turned back to the glass, and discretely stuck my tongue out at the boy. The boy came closer to the glass and stuck his tongue out as far as he could. I thought to myself “ah, yes… now I’ve got him, he’s just bacteria covered putty in my hands”. Again, I glanced around to see who was nearby – no one. My daughter is standing on the steps nearby, but facing away from me. I quickly lean toward the glass, pretend to lick the window in a quick movement. As planned, the boy couldn’t resist… he leaned forward and stuck his tongue on the glass and began to lick up and down on the window making slug trails as he moved along. As soon as the boy’s tongue touched the glass, I turned and walked away. Yes, yes, yes… I know that I was inciting the misbehavior of a child. Yes, I know that I shouldn’t feel proud in being able to trick an 8 year old into licking a window. Yes, I also know that I, for a brief moment, acted childish… I know you are, but what am I?


    This is the first that I have taken the time to read this review. So far I am so glad that I did. The part about the window licker had tears running down my face from laughing so hard. Which would be fine except that I am at work sitting in a room with 4 other people who can see my every action. I am sure that they think I am crazy right about now. But it was worth it..thank you for the great laugh..just at that part..I am sure that there are more to come.

  12. Thanks for not taking offense. I meant no harm.


    Just my wacky sense of humor coming out to play. *LOL*


    It is a fun thread :)


    To be honest with you when I first saw the title of the thread I was suspicous until I saw who the OP was. And from other threads I knew it was a woman so I wasn't concerned..LOL.


    I do like this thread. Since my next cruise will be leaving the day after my wedding I will just have matching french tips on my fingers and toes.

  13. Wouldn't it be a riot if this thread was actually started by a guy named Mel with a foot fetish , who is pleasureing himself to all these pics as we speak

    *LOL* :) :) :) :)



    *deep breathing and moans *


    "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM look at that little piggy that went to market ............I have some roast beef for you that will make you go wee wee wee...."


    *More heavy breathing *


    HAHA..you are sick..LMAO. That is funny.

  14. Can someone tell me what's up with the giant hand. I have seen pics of it before but usually in the bridge windows. Is it some sort of communication from the ship?


    I can't say for every ship..but last week on the Carnival Pride we took the ship tour and when we were on the bridge we asked about the hands..they said that when they were doing the Panama Canal for the relocation they didn't want to feel left out on the bridge because everyone else was on the decks and waving..so they made those giant hands so people would see them waving as well.






    Rented a golf cart in Grand Turk, this was our first turn off the beaten path.. YIKESSSSSS



    OMG..you are my hero for posting this pic..LOL. We were there last week..and my aunt swears that she saw a cow on the beach when we were coming into port..and everyone made fun of her..LOL..so I saved this on my computer so that I could send it to our group. Sorry just had to share because it made me LOL when I saw it.

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