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Posts posted by Wicketsmom

  1. The only other suggestion I would have for Roatan would be to head over to West Bay. The snorkeling there is right from the beach. I can point you in the right direction if you want more info on it as well. :)


    I would be interested in more information on options for Roatan. We are looking to book a snorkel trip for myself, my husband, and our seven year old son. We are diving in Cozumel and Grand Cayman, and working to set up private (not booked by the ship) trips in Roatan and Belize. Our son is already an experienced snorkeler.

  2. It has been awhile since we have been in Grand Cayman, but I preferred Sunset House over Cheeseburger Reef. The best shore dive there in my opinion is the one next to the Turtle Farm I can't remember the actual name of the site, there is a restaurant there. Another favorite that is easily accessible from a ship is Eden Rock. Look to the right of downtown when you dock, it is the Blue building. Lots of swim throughs.

  3. Reading the FAQ's, is juice also something you have to purchase or is it available at mealtimes? We are debating getting a card for our son on our upcoming cruise, although we are not big soda drinkers. But we all like to have juice in the mornings with our breakfast. (Our last two cruises were Disney so this wasn't an issue.)

  4. Pinterest has shown me that if you're on a Disney cruise not only are you expected to decorate your door but put out "fish extenders" for your roll call group. :eek:


    Our last two cruises were Disney and we participated in the fish extender group both times. It is a lot of fun, although a good bit of work too. My son loved coming back to the room and finding surprises. And on the hurricane cruise it gave us something to do delivering to everyone as all the outside areas were shut down.


    Are the doors on the Legend metal? We have magnets that we used on our other cruises, some of which could be recycled if he wants door decorations this time.

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