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Quartzsite Cruiser

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Everything posted by Quartzsite Cruiser

  1. The wind arrived before I could run my errands, but I survived. It is 41F, but the 21 mph north wind is making it feel like 32F. Now that I'm home, I don't plan on leaving the house again today. I even skipped my walk and drove to the mailbox. At least, I walked through two grocery stores, so that should count for something or is that wishful thinking? 😄 Vanessa, I hope the insurance agent can lower your premiums. It's very nice that you are helping BFF with going through his DD DF's house. Welcome home. Annie, I like you idea of setting a day aside to be together without work or doctor's appointments. Fortunately, our doctors allow the spouse to come in with the patient. I'm glad Fern is out of the coma, and I hope the doctor's figure out what caused her to faint and can fix it. I'm also glad her sister is taking care of the cat. Graham, that's a stunning photo. We saw the northern lights in North Pole Alaska in September in 1996. Photos, no matter how stunning, don't do them justice. BTW, for those who want to see the northern lights, September through winter seems to be the best time to see them. Sadly, most cruises that go very far north start around the summer solstice and through August. That is when the sun is up for long days, and 24 hours for part of that time. That makes seeing the northern lights extremely difficult, if not impossible. Lorraine, ouch on the tech ended the cast on the incision. Is there something soft you can put between the cast and the incision until the cast is redone? Lenda
  2. We were back in Bacelona in 2002 on the Noordam III. These are some pictures of Park Guell designed by Antoni Gaudi. It is named for Gaudi's patron, Eusebi Guell. In the name, park is in English as Gaudi admired the English city gardens. The entrance to the park. The flat area in one pictture is on top of the area above the columns. As the park followed nature, there are no straight lines in the park. Gaudi's famous lizaard guarding the entrance steps. The flat area Looking down at the city and the buildings flanking the entrance. Noordam III from a long distance. We tried to revisit the park in 2019 when we were on the Veendam. At the park, we were told all that day's tickets were sold. We needed to have purchased tickets online at least the day before. We just looked around the area near the park then took a city bus back toward town. We were glad we had seen Park Guell and La Sagrada Familia on early visits when there were not as many tourists. Lenda
  3. In September 2001, we took the train from Sitges into Barcelona, and then took the Ho-Ho to see the town. All these pictures were taken by DH as he had the digital camera, and they show how uncrowded Barcelona was in the two weeks following 9/11. A couple of pictures from the Ho-Ho. The second one is a bocce ball tournament. We had no trouble getting into La Sagrada Familia then, and pretty much had the place to ourselves, except for the workmen. Even walking around the Gothic quarter and the Rambles was not a problem. Our last visits to Barcelona were on the Veendam in 2019, and the same areas were very crowded. Lenda
  4. Good morning from central Texas where our few days of warm weather ended about midnight. It will be in the 40sF today and tomorrow, but 80F by Sunday or Monday. It's also cloudy and windy, but we missed the big storm that moved through Texas. I hope those in it's path remain safe. Before I go any further, Barcelona has been the port of the day at least twice, Saturday, October 23, 2021, and Saturday, March 19, 2022. Here are the links to Rich's @richwmn posts for those days. It's amazing how many times Barcelona comes up in the Fleet/Daily. I try to do favors for grouches, but I don't know too many. We still use satellite tv but not cable because of the motorhome. It's difficult to stream when you're parked in the boonies without internet or cell phone service. The O Henry quote is interesting, but I don't agree with it. The meal looks good, and the wine sounds nice, but it's too $$$$. We'll pass on the drink. We have been to Barcelona many times as a port and as the embarkation port for our first European/TA cruise in 2001. @ottahand7 Nancy, Santos is a nice small city, and was home to Pele and the Pele Museum. If you don't have a tour booked, you can get a nice on in the port terminal. @grapau27 Graham, I'm sorry you and Pauline have raspy coughs, but glad you tested negative again. @rafinmd Roy, I'm glad to see your sleep is beginning to get a little better. I hope the CT scan shows good results. @kazu Jacqui, I wouldn't call you a grouch, but maybe "happiness challenged" right now. 😉 @0106 Thanks for the pictures from Barcelona. @aliaschief Bruce, welcome home. Once I post my pictures and Sandi's @StLouisCruisers pictures, I'm off to run errands before it gets too windy. They are predicting 20-30 mph winds with gusts to 40-52 mph. In case you're wondering, I did not find any pictures from Sandi except one of her family who joined them in Barcelona on a cruise. Lenda
  5. Good afternoon. The clouds have been coming and going, and it is windy. It is a good day to do some more research on Ancestry. After all the talk the other day about HEB, I discovered that some of DH's ancestors come from a town in the south named Butts. 🤣 I hope you can get the Botox issue with the insurance company straightened out. Susan, you have a really nice neighbor who not only cleared off your care and shoveled a path for you, but cleared an area for the dogs. Karen, that must have been very upsetting for both of you. So glad the nursing staff looked after you once the roommate was on his way to the hospital. Debbie, your new doctor seems good and glad he will make the case for removing the adrenal tumor too. Lorraine, I smiled at the mental picture of you getting helped into the truck. I can sympathize since DSIL has a very tall vehicle that I almost needed a boost to get in. I'm glad you are determined to be a good patient so you can go on your May trip. Thank you for sharing your niece's story, and I hope she gets a job soon. It's good that you could help her with the situation at the old job. Paul, I'm glad you are feeling better, but please continue to rest when needed. Lenda
  6. Good morning from a partly sunny central Texas where t is currently 48F. This will be the last warm day for a couple of days, but it wouldn't be too bad if the predicted wind would miss us. Semarang, Java, Indonesia, has been the port of the day twice. Below are the links to Rich's posts for December 3, 2021, and August 8 2022. Unfortunatley, we have not been to Java, but only to Bali. I'll celebrate singles day in honor of all our Dailyites who are single whether by choice or circumstance. Susan B Anthony, as Jacqui @kazu said, did a lot for women. I'll skip gum drop day. Today's quote from Chevy Chase is true, but goldfish are quieter. 😉 The meal sounds good, but tomorrow night we'll be having shrimp gumbo using the recipe from the Zuider Zee restaurants that were open decades ago. We'll pass on the drink, but would love to try the wine even if it's pricey. @Seasick Sailor Joy, wishing you and Allen safe travels today, and many, many hugs from your little nephew. @cat shepard Ann, I loved the cat meme. @kazu Jacqui, I hope the elbow pain eases as you do your therapy. How nice of your neighbors to bring you flowers. I loved the story about planting the tulips, and the story about the actress. @Lady Hudson Katherine, what a sweet and thoughtful gesture by your DH to get flowers for his caretaker. I'd say he is a keeper. @rafinmd Roy, I'm glad you slept well, at least, until 3 am. @ger_77 Gerry, you weren't alone waiting on CC to finish their update. That is a beautiful card with a lovely thought. @smitty34877 Terry, I'm sorry Tana had a few bad moments yesterday. I hope her morale improves quickly. @kochleffel Paul, thanks for the great information on Susan B Anthony. @Cruzin Terri Terri, I hope the announcements about using the hand sanitizers are more from precaution than an outbreak of illness. @Sharon in AZ Sharon, I hope you and your family were not in the evacuation area after that horrible accident on I-10 yesterday. Getting into Tucson from the east will be a challenge while they clean up the road. Lenda
  7. Great picture, Vanessa. Roy, I hope you don't gave to wait three weeks for answers. Vanessa, beautiful flowers. I agree, he's a keeper. A wise decision. Safe travels for you and Allen tomorrow. Jacqui, maybe I should have said wineries. 🤣 Ann, great pictures in both posts. Thank you for sharing. Lenda
  8. At least, the end results don't reflect the mess getting there. 😉 Lenda
  9. Good afternoon from a sunny central Texas. The weather turned out better than predicted, and the wind is not being felt near DH's grill. That means tonight's dinner will be a ribeye split between us, plus what ever we decide to add. Today, I turned into a messy baker. Making the cake wasn't too messy, but the icing is another story. There was powdered sugar and cocoa powder over much of the kitchen and me. While the icing is setting, I'm letting the butter for the icing for the decoration soften. My always reliable cake pans have let me down the last two times I've used them. Part of the cakes stuck to the bottom of the pan, so I needed to "glue" the layers back together with icing. These pans have been around for decades, and I guess it's time to let them go. So I ordered new pans as a Valentine present to me. Graham, I'm glad the doctor got all the cancer in December. Thanks for the information. It's good to know that some of my parts might still help others. Jacqui, I'm glad your therapy session went well, and that the therapist was please with what you've done on your own. With your determination (an a few bottles of wine), you should make good progress. Karen, I'm glad your DH is doing so well. I hope he is able to come home soon. Terry, I'm glad you got a good report from the surgeon. Carolyn, I'm glad the ultrasound didn't show any surprises, just what you expected. I wish what you expected had been better though. Roy, I'm sorry you didn't get any answers, just more tests. Hopefully, the tests will give you some answers. Lenda
  10. 💖 HAPPY VALENTINE DAY! 💞 For a change, the weather forecast was correct. We got 0.36 inches of rain overnight. It is clearing right now, but will turn cloudy again, with a wind advisory. Later the clouds will move back in, and it will be cloudy for the foreseeable future. At least, our temperatures will be warn until Thursday. Until 2020, when we stopped exchanging gifts, the DDs and I would often give books. Older DD still takes some of my books to read after I've finished them. I am not a fan of traditional Ferris wheels, but would like to go on the London Eye. My driver's license says I'm an organ donor, but I might be past the age to donate. An interesting quote today. We'll pass on the meal and the drink. The wine sounds nice, but pricey. We have been to Malaysia, but not to Pulau Penang. As far as I could tell this is a new port for the Daily. So, I guess those that have been to the port will have to hunt for pictures to share with us. I see Sandi, beat me to this. @aliaschief Safe travels home today, Bruce. Thank you for all the wonderful pictures from Cancun. @smitty34877 Terry, I'm very sorry that yesterday's doctor's visit was so depressing for Tana and you. She is very lucky to have you to discuss things with and to help her. Good luck at the orthopedist today. @rafinmd Roy, I'm sorry today brings sad memories of your brother's death. I hope you get a good report from your pulmonologist today. @summer slope Dixie, I hope the ultrasound does not show any surprises. It's always good to be proactive about our health. Enjoy your visit with you nephew, his family and friend. @dfish Debbie, thanks for including the HEB recipe. HEB is a regional grocery chain in Texas and Mexico, and is owned by the family 90% and employees 10%. it was recently named the number one grocery chain in the US. The company has turned the name into their slogan: "Here Everything's Better". I hope your DB will soon realize he needs to get up and walk. @superoma Eva, please wish your twins a Happy 52nd Birthday for us. @Suslor Sending Happy Birthday wishes to your DH. @Seasick Sailor Joy, I also think it's time for a new doctor, and maybe a new clinic. Glad you are feeling better. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, I'm sorry your DB's medical report was not good. Lenda
  11. We're native Texans and have never visited tne Hogg home. I guess that's typical of people skipping local places, but touring places away from home. We've tried to visit more local places. Lenda
  12. Thanks for asking, Graham. He is doing well, and improving a little bit everyday. Recovery from back surgery takes time and patience. It takes the bone about ten months to grow between the vertebra and to fully fuse them together. Lenda
  13. Good afternoon from a very gray, cloudy day. I caught a brief glimpse of the sun as it was rising this morning, but then it disappeared into the clouds. It looks like the sun will stay behind the clouds for the next ten days, and tonight there will be rain and high winds of 20-30 mph with gusts to 50 mph. I survived the house cleaning, which was more thorough than a regular cleaning. Now, if it would just stay that way for a day or two, but that would mean we'd have to move into the the motorhome. 😁 @ottahand7 Nancy, I hope you can get the obc issue resolved before you disembark. If things don't seem to be working out the way you want, would it be possible for you to get your TA involved? Years ago, we were getting nowhere on compensation after an issue on a long cruise. When we got out TA involved, we wound up getting a lot of credit for future cruises. I'm glad you did not get a heat stroke on the horse ride. @marshhawk Annie, that is good news you got more hours and your DH is getting his own computer. Have you thought about getting a lottery ticket? @0106 I've never put carrots in my tomato sauce, but they are part of my tomato soup recipe. The problem is finding really good tomatoes for the soup. @grapau27 Graham, thank you for your kind words about my pictures, and those comments you posted on yesterday's Daily. I am glad that the injections are working for Sarah. Unfortunately, they did not work for DH. @kazu Jacqui, I hope the weather holds until after you get home from your therapy tomorrow, and I hope the worst of coming storm misses you. @cruising sister Lorraine, I'm happy that the pain is beginning to ease, but please be careful. @Cruising-along Carolyn, I'm am very happy your kidney issues aren't as bad as you feared, and that you have an appointment with a nephrologist. It sounds like your doctor is on top of things and has a plan for you. @durangoscots Susan, more good news on the medical front. It's always great when the doctor is happy with test results. I've been amazed at all the names people have shared today. Sometimes, I don't think parents think about how a names sounds or how people, especially kids, react to shall we say odd names. One of Texas' former governors was Jim Hogg, who had a daughter. Her name was Ima. Growing up, there was an urban legend that Ima had a sister named Ura. Miss Ima, as she was called, was a beloved figure in Texas who did a lot of good for a lot of people. Lenda
  14. These are the pictures Sandi @StLouisCruisers posted on May 19, 2022. On May 20, 2015 our cruise on Royal Princess stopped at the port of LeHavre, France. It was a long port stop because many people like to head out for tours of Paris and Normandy from there. Our Myrtle Beach buddies were with us that trip and he sent me his photos when we got home, and I sent him mine. However he didn't change the time on his camera to reflect the local time. That means his photos are all out of sequence with mine (6 hours difference). So I'm working my way through them all and trying my best. We went to Paris that day, so here goes! One of our first sights was the Arc de Triompe. It's situated in the middle of a huge roundabout so the bus went around and around the roundabout several times so everyone could get a good look at it. We did not stop there of course, so all photos are taken through bus windows. Here we are approaching the roundabout and the excitement builds. The glass roofed Grand Palais built for the World Fair of 1900. Heading down the famous Champs-Elysees stuck in a major traffic jam. The Place de la Concorde which is a large public square. Again, the Place de la Concorde with the Luxor Obelisk to the left. The Pantheon The Palais Garnier Opera House with the gold statues on top Maxim's the famous French Restaurant in Paris We passed the Louvre briefly. It would be great to have a tour of the Louvre next time. We saw the Conciergerie which was a former prison that once housed Marie Antoinette. It was part of the Royal Palace, the Palaise de la Cite. The sun came out as we arrived at our lunch restaurant, Chez Jenny. There were quite a few people from Princess tours eating there, but it all turned out great. The meal included wine and dessert so no complaints from us! The Colonne de Juillet, a column with a Spirit of Liberty statue on top, the the Place de la Bastille. Onward, we saw the Hotel De Ville The bus let us off here so we could walk to the Notre Dame Cathedral. We walked across the Seine on this bridge to get to the Cathedral. Notre Dame We went inside but the photos didn't do it justice. Poor lighting maybe. Statue outside Notre Dame of Charlemagne Last we saw the Eiffel Tower. We all wanted more time here but we had a long way back to the ship. We were a little delayed by traffic, and were the last tour back to the ship. Thankfully they wait for ship's tours! But we didn't miss our late dining that evening, thank goodness! It was Baked Alaska night. What a day!
  15. We were back in Le Havre on September 18, 2009, on Tahitian Princess. That time since we were not in port overnight, we took the ship's transfer to Paris. From the drop-off point, we took both loops of the Ho-Ho and then toured the Louvre, or at least part of it in the time we had left in Paris. These are random pictures taken as the Ho-Ho drove around Paris. We also drove by their very modern library, but I guess I didn't get any pictures. These next pictures are from the Louvre. We were surprised at how small the Mona Lisa is. The second picture gives a good idea how small. We then went down to the lowest level and saw some of the ancient Roman statures including Venus de Milo. We also saw the walls of the palace that is now the Louvre. The entrance hall under one of the pyramids. We were lucky that the Louvre was not very crowded that day. Lenda
  16. We were in Le Havre on June 7 and 8, 2004. On June 7, we took the train into Paris for the day. Using a combination of the Metro, Ho-Ho, and walking, we saw quite a bit of the city. I tried to chose different pictures of our day than the ones @StLouisCruisers Sandi posted. These first pictures were taken from the Ho-Ho as we got an idea of Paris. That day, there were long lines at the Louvre, so we decided to stay on the bus. We got off at Notre Dame and walked through the church. There was some renovation going on, and a temporary wall was erected in front of the main altar. A group was putting on a concert and the church was crowded. We also walked around the back of the church and across the Seine before returning to the front of Notre Dame to re-board the Ho-Ho. We walked down the crowded sidewalk on the Champs-Elysees and found a sidewalk café for a sandwich and a coke, which turned out to be our lunch and dinner. The Arch de Triomphe Our next stop was the Eiffel Tower. DH went all the way to the top, but because I got nervous looking up at the top as we waited to buy our entrance tickets, I stopped on the mid level, where I explored both floors of that level. Looking out from the tower The stairs you can walk to get to the top if you're really fit and a wheel for the elevator cable It was getting late, so we headed to the train station. We were in time for the train, if I hadn't misread the schedule. That train was not running the day we were there, and we had an hour or more to wait for the next one. We got back on the Metro and headed to the Arch de Triomphe where we went up on the top. This picture is looking back down the Champs-Elysees, which was not as congested by that time. We made it back to Le Havre about midnight. There was one taxi at the train station, and a couple jumped in ahead of those who had been waiting. The driver said more taxis were coming. After waiting about 15-30 minutes, DH called to get more taxis, and we finally made it to the ship about 1 am. It was a long but interesting day. The next morning, we rented a car and drove to Caen and visited the Peace Museum. Also drove to the beaches and then took the coast road back to Le Havre. I know I took pictures after we left the museum, but I can't find them right now. These are the pictures from the museum, starting with part of the Berlin Wall. Lenda
  17. Good morning from a cloudy and cool (39F) central Texas. We're under a wind advisory today, so I guess it's good I'll be staying inside except to put the trash out for pickup. The not so good part of staying inside is I'll be cleaning house. 😒 Once the house is clean, I need to clean my computer. In a way, I changed my name after 9/11, when all forms of id, etc., needed to match. I go by my middle name, but had to add my first name to everything, and it took me awhile to realize people were talking to me when they used my first name. I'm not sure about national wingman day. Today's quote is interesting. We like lasagna, but I haven't made it in several years. We'll pass on the drink and the wine. We have been to Le Havre twice, once on Noordam III and once on Tahitian Princess. This is the link to Rich's @richwmn post for Thursday May 19, 2022. I thought we'd had this as the port of the day more than once, but this was the only one I found. @0106 Thanks for the beautiful sunrise picture. @kazu Jacqui, I loved the memes and the picture of the sign. @aliaschief Thanks for the pictures, Bruce. BTW, years ago I worked as a switchboard operator at the headquarters of HEB grocery company. HEB stands for the founder, Howard E. Butt. We also had his two sons, Howard Jr. and Charles plus cousin Dan working in the building. One day, someone want to speak to Mr. Butt. When I asked which one as there were four in the building, his answer was "the senior Butt". @Lady Hudson Katherine, I was also hoping the Eagles wound win, but it was a good game anyway. @Seasick Sailor Joy, I hope you get to talk to a doctor today, and that the x-ray shows the ribs beginning to heal. @smitty34877 Terri, I hope the pulmonologist doesn't have any surprises for Tana. @rafinmd Roy, I'm glad you slept better last night. Remember, slow and easy until you are completely recoverd. Lenda
  18. DH says thank you to everyone for your comments on the picture of the comet. Most of the astronomy pictures now are due to computer guidance and the programs built into the telescopes. Eva, @superoma in spite of the information about the comet, it is impossible to see with the naked eye. I tried several times ovet the past week, and even with binoculars it was impossible to see it. Debbie, I agree, and I try to be positive and friendly around people. I also make it a point to thank people who help us, and especially all the nurses, therapists and others who were so nice and suppoetive to DH and me. People need to know when they have make a difference, even if it’s their job. A smile goes a long way. Sandi, it wasn't a problem to find yesterday's pictures. It was a nice break from making sure everything was ready for when we do our taxes. Now, that's work. 😉 Carolyn, those are cute names for the kitties, and very appropriate. Jacqui, puppy bowl was cute as usual. I'll be interested in your take on the commercials. I was raised to admit my mistakes, and to apologize for them. It is no problem to post Sandi’s pictures when I'm already going through Rich's @richwmn posts looking for mine. She has done the same for me when I couldn't post pictures. That's what makes the Daily, the Daily. Lenda
  19. Last night was one of the clearest nights in several months with the added bonus of no moonlight early and no wind. DH got several good pictures of the green comet as it headed away from earth. This is the best of the best with a good view of the tail. Lenda
  20. I'm sorry your back is not doing well. I'd hoped the epidural steroid shot would help. That is good news that your DS is scheduled to go home tomorrow. I hope the antibiotics clear up the remaining infection. Thank you, Debbie. I agree totally about the Daily and how this community has nurtured and supported all of us. I wish we could spread this feeling to others. Sadly, I see too much meanness and hatred not only on other threads, but on FB and even in the news. It will take a world wide attitude change for many to realize as Naki wrote, that we are all humans. No matter the cultural, skin or religious differences in the world, we all have the same needs, hopes and desires. Now, I better get off my soapbox before I say something I shouldn't. Vanessa, good for you mother. The teacher probably did take advantage of you. Five dollars seems like a lot of money to young kids. Lenda
  21. I know many of us were horrified and heartbroken by the news of the devastation caused by the earthquakes in Türkiye and Syria. Yes, it was earthquakes not earthquake and aftershock. Some of you have had the pleasure of seeing Naki Ataman perform on BHBs and other cruise lines. He posted the following on his FB page 19 hours ago. His post has some amazing information about the earthquakes and the recuse efforts. It is with his permission that I'm reposting his words here. Dear friends…as we reach the end of the rescue efforts of this devastating earthquake, I would like to give you some insight as to how bad this earthquake was and some related interesting but frightening information. According to seismologist Professor Dr. Cenk Yaltırak, there were 2 distinct earthquakes that took place within a short period of 9 hours with over 7 force (7.6 & 7.7)…evidently this has not happened anywhere in the world before. The 2 distinct earthquakes happened in a distance of 30 Kilometers from one another and they took place only 7 Km below the earth. The closest to the earth surface the more devastating an earthquake becomes. Most earthquakes will shake between 30 to 40 seconds and that will cause a lot of damage. These 2 earthquakes shook for a total of 103 seconds, and this length is also a first. The total destruction zone is 464 Km (288 Miles) wide, in other words the distance from New York to Washington D.C. It devastated 10 cities. In Türkiye alone, it was felt for 885 Km North to South and 1340 km West to East. The basic reason why this earthquake was so devastating is due to its closeness to the earth surface and how long it lasted. Evidently an earthquake with a force of 8 equals to an Atomic bomb of 60 megatons. In combination, these two earthquakes released about 120 megatons of force…currently the biggest payload of an Atomic warhead is 2 megatons…during WWII the Atomic bomb released on Nagasaki, Japan was 1.2 megatons. In other words, with these 2 earthquakes back to back, we have suffered an enormously big earthquake and devastation that has now been recorded in history. Italy’s president of the National institute of Geophysics and Volcanology said: ‘’In 30-40 seconds Türkiye moved 3 meters towards the Arabian Peninsula’’. The latests death count has surpassed 25.000 and the injured count is way over 85.000. Amazingly 71 different countries sent rescue teams and they all did an incredible job of rescuing babies, children, elderly citizens and even pets…rescuing pets also warmed my heart…there were many miracles that took place. All rescue teams, domestic and foreign, used specially trained dogs in their rescue efforts…dogs are amazing and also deserve our gratitude. All in all, this is a great tragedy and along with all the other people, I also pray this doesn’t happen again here or in any other part of the world. Thank you, thank you and thank you for all your loving messages and to all the nations that came to the rescue …it’s too bad it takes such disasters to bring nations and people together. No matter what country we come from, we are all human beings ...there's no need for wars and hatred...we need humanity and love I love you all for your concern and loving messages Lenda
  22. Susan, I hope the weather holds until you get home tomorrow after the doctor visit and shopping. Katherine, it was the germs and the slime that made me skip kissing the Blarney Stone. For all the coffee drinkers For all the former teachers And this is for all of us. Lenda
  23. Now, I'm going to take you back in time -- one day. I found the pictures Sandi @StLouisCruisers posted of Cape Horn and Drake Passage on December 19, 2021. Again, my apologies for forgetting them yesterday. Here's a photo from the 2015 Ruby Princess Cape Horn visit that @Quartzsite CruiserLenda mentioned. There were some moments of fog dissipating. 2/26/2015 And two photos from the Seabourn Quest crossing of Drake Passage. At first it was rough and windy and then I have photos 4-6 hours later of blue skies and calmer waters. Early morning. 12/27/2016 Mid-afternoon, perfect!
  24. It took me a while to find the pictures I posted on November 14, 2022. I'd spent most of the day with DH at the rehab hospital. I also discovered I didn't post any pictures on October 17, 2021, when we were between Texas and Quartzsite. We have been to Cobh at least three times. The first was in 2003 on Rotterdam VI. We did a tour to Blarney Castle, where DH kissed the Blarney Stone, but I decided to skip the kiss. I have enough Blarney without inviting more. 😉 Once back in Cobh, we took the local bus to Kinsale and then walked around Cork on the way back. The next year, we were there on Noordam III and surprise, rented a car. We drove to Kinsale and then to a golf course two business associates had played. Our last visit was in 2016 on Prinsendam. That day we rented a car and drove to Waterford and toured their glass making demonstration. Then we drove to the Jameson's Distillery, where we toured the old distillery and the new modern one. Kinsale A market, but I don't remember if it was Kinsale or Cork Cobh port train station. Roche's Point lighthouse The golf course, but I have no idea which one or exactly where it is. I'm going to omit the Waterford pictures since I posted them just a few days ago when Waterford was the port of the day. Jameson I omitted the pictures from Blarney Castle since they would be repeats. Lenda
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