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Quartzsite Cruiser

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Everything posted by Quartzsite Cruiser

  1. A late good evening. It was a busy afternoon in Waco. DH had an appointment with a new doctor, and we think now we are finally on the right track. We were there 1 1/2 hour between the nurse getting the information and history, and time with the doctor. Sorry for being vague, but we still processing information, plus it's very early in the process. After we left the doctor, I had a few errands. Somehow last week when replacing our ancient towels, I didn't get enough. Not sure what I was thinking, if I was thinking. Anyway, this week, the towels were 25% off. At the next store, I had to return some chair cushions which didn't work out, and I wasn't sure they would take them back, but they did and no questions asked. At the last store, I needed to exchange a top for a different size. The tops were marked down further, so I got a small refund on what was an even exchange. We even filled the car up and paid $3.999 per gallon. @durangoscots Susan, I heard back from Paw Pals rescue in our county seat, and they will take themold towels and sheets. @Vict0riann Ann, I hope you and Pat had a safe flight to Gatwick. Joy, I'm not Roy, but before the shut down, captains and staff captains like Sabine were on three months and off three months. She was on Koningsdam in early December, but was she was off when we boarded Kdam in early March. She returned about March 20, so it seems they are still using the same rotation. BTW, I'm glad you are enjoying Maui and are out of the Texas heat for awhile. We've found over the last several years that it's difficult to get an appointment with a specialist without waiting weeks, if not months. However, they would return calls and answered requests in a timely manner. I'm glad your nurse practitioner was able to get you a referral with a hand specialist and that you have an appointment relatively soon. Mykonos is walkable. In Santorini we did a tour to Akureyri and Oia. However, at the end they gave us a ticket for the gondola down, and there are steps involved at each end. Ephesus, as someone said, is fairly rough walking in some areas. However, in 2019, there were boardwalks in some of the worst areas. Because of all the steps, I would not advise doing the Terrace Houses. DH found his walking sticks helped in the rough, uneven areas. Katakolon is the port for Olympia. You can catch a bus from the end of the pier, and do it on your own. That way, you can go at your own pace and avoid the rough areas. The bus gives you two hours there, which was plenty of time for us to visit the museum and walk around the area. There is a slightly steep walk down from and back up to the drop off point. Also, Katakolon is a easy town to walk around. It has a small museum that was interesting, and there are cafés along the waterfront.. The toboggan in Funchal was fun, and we enjoyed the cable car to the top. There is also a Ho-Ho bus in Funchal. In Ponta Delgado, it is easy to walk along the main street, or you could take a tour in the countryside. Ann, it sounds like the cruise without the friends will be more fun. Lenda
  2. Way to go girl! I'm very happy you decided to get out of your comfort zone and booked a great cruise which includes an trans-Atlantic. We like longer cruises since you can get in a routine and really enjoy the ship instead of unpacking, running around for 6 or 7 days and repacking. We have been to some places that were out of our comfort zone, and with very, very few exceptions were glad we did. You will have a great cruise and meet new friends even if your friends decide not to join you. Just think of the fun you and DH will have planning for and anticipating your cruise. And you have a family here to answer questions and give advice. Sandi, I am sorry about the sad news about Buddy. I hope hospice can give him the comfort he deserves. It sounds like Amy, the family, friends and members of the church can help make his final days peaceful too. Familiar surroundings with friends and family should also bring him comfort. My father also wanted his last days to be at home. All the outpouring of help renews our faith in our fellow man, especially in the wake of all the tragedy lately. Amy, Buddy, and the rest of the family will be in our thoughts. Gerry, what a nice thing you are doing to let your "daughter's" cousin stay with you for the summer. It's another example of the good in people that we should never forget. Lenda
  3. These are the pictures I shared when Geirangerfjord was the port of the day. Our tour the day we were in Geiranger started in another town and ended in Geiranger. These pictures are from our stop in the icefield and at the overlook above the town and fjord. The ship nearer town is the Saga Rose, and the Marco Polo is further out. The two pictures I took in town, both while we waited for the tender. Our sail down the fjord and the Suitor and Seven Sisters Lenda
  4. An early good morning from central Texas where it's sunny, breezy and heading into triple digits. International Kissling Day sounds interesting. I like fried chicken, but haven't had it in a long time. The air fryer chicken has not turned out as well as I'd like, but I may change the way I fix it and give it another try. I haven't used an umbrella in years, as I too prefer a hood or hat. I like the Emerson quote. Since my next door neighbor is an "old" friend of 70 or so years, we can be ourselves around each other. The meal sounds good. I like mojitos, but the peach one sounds a little too sweet. The wine sounds interesting as it's a dry Riesling. We have been to Geiranger once in 2005 on Marco Polo. Since we left the ship in one port and reboarded her in Geiranger we did not have much time in town. I hope to return someday and explore the town. @dfish Debbie, I hope the blood test finds the source of the extra calcium. @Ichiban Nekko Wow, you have been busy. I hope when it's ready, you enjoy your new home. @Crazy For Cats and @rafinmd Sorry your weather isn't better today. Roy, there is always one or two that keep everyone waiting. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, and @dfish Debbie, thanks for your great pictures. It looks like I'll be heading to Waco today. I need to exchange one thing I got last week, get a few things I forgot and try to return a couple of items. I'm not sure if they will take them back. Lenda
  5. We had some really good news yesterday. Our credit card company sent an email that they'd received two refunds from Princess Cruises. The refunds were actually received last Friday by the CC company, but only posted last night. Our TA canceled one cruise on Thursday afternoon and the other early Friday, so that was a quick refund from Princess. The request to return the funds to our bank account is in the works, but according to the person I talked to, it will take a few days. Ray, thanks for the nice comments on my pictures. Since peach is a legitimate word, spell check didn't mark it as misspelled, and I didn't catch it when I proofread the post. Proofreading is not my strong point, and I often read what I meant, not what I wrote. Even autocorrect would not have caught this, and I don't use it because of the weird things it tries to substitute. I hope I did better proofreading this post. Lenda
  6. We have been to Stockholm twice on BHBs. In 2003 on a 33 day roundtrip from NYC on Rotterdam IV, we stopped in Stockholm as part of the Baltic portion of the cruise. In 2016, on a Baltic cruise on Prinsendam, we spent another day exploring the city. The first time, we walked around town, and the second time we took the Ho-Ho and the water Ho-Ho to see more of the area. The pictures are from both visits. A view of the city as we sailed into port in 2016 The amusement park along the way to the dock Scenes from our walk around town in 2003. The picture of the palace is from 2016, and the changing of the guard is from 2003. In 2003, we toured the Nobel Museum which honors all the Nobel Prize winners except those who receive the Peach Prize. They are honored in a museum in Oslo. In 2003, we also went to the Vasa Museum. This is the only picture that is not a little fuzzy due to the lighting in the museum. The outside of the Vasa Museum from the water ho-ho. Another scene from the water In the same area as the Vasa Museum is the amusement park and the ABBA Museum. We really enjoyed the ABBA museum. The area from the boat dock leading to the ABBA Museum and the museum. One of ABBA's early tour "buses" One of the attractions in the amusement park. I loved how they had so many flowers in the park. I'll leave you with a picture of our home away from home in 2016, Prinsendam, docked behind a beautiful flower arrangement and a fence with a picture on it. Lenda
  7. Good morning from sunny, breezy central Texas. It's been a while since we had an apple turnover. I never wore a bikini, but did have a two piece for several years. Now, I wouldn't even think about wearing either. I was never a work-a-holic, but some might have said that about DH when he started his company and was updating the software program. Since he enjoyed what he was doing, he never considered it work. The quote is true of some people, but I don't think it applies to the vast majority. The cookies sound good, but then I do have a sweet tooth. We'll pass on the drink and the wine. Last night, the only fireworks we saw or heard were on TV from Washington, DC, NYX, and Boston. Our gas prices dropped again the other day. The lower prices range from $4.23 to $4.28 a gallon. Since we are on a lake, the prices are slightly higher than in other areas. Last week, I paid $4.15 in Waco. The shooting in Highland Park yesterday and the other shootings are very upsetting. I saw a headline yesterday, that there had been 308 mass shootings this year. That's almost two a day. 😒 I wish we could civilly come to an agreement about assault weapons. Sadly, a social issue has become highly politized. @Heartgrove Congratulations on the second booster. My second one threw me for a loop for about 12 hours, but I consider that a small price to pay for protection. @Overhead Fred Your deck and view are lovely. Safe travels and enjoy your visit with SIL. @TiogaCruiser Just WOW on the sunflower plant. It's stunning. We have been to Stockholm twice on BHBs. I'll put my pictures in another post. Lenda
  8. I totally agree with you about people are the same the world over. We may look different and have different customs, but basically we want the same things out of life. Watching very young children who have not been taught to hate those who are different really brings the lesson home. It always reminds me of the song from South Pacific, "You've Got To Be Carefully Taught". Children aren't born hating others, they are taught by those who hate. Maybe someday, we'll learn from the little children of the world, and look at others as people. Lenda
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