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Posts posted by Veeno

  1. I also took my first cruise with Singleworld, several of us at my office had planned an Xmas trip to Cancun that fell thru, but I still wanted to go somewhere for New Years but the prices were so high to go as a single, luckily my travel agent knew about Singleworld, I paid my "dues", signed up for my first cruise at the discount Singleworld price! It was out of San Juan on a Carnival cruise. I was the only one from the west coast there, but we all had a blast, it was nice to be by yourself, travel across the country to San Juan, board a ship and instantly have "friends" via Singleworld.

    I took I think it was 5-6 cruises with Singleworld, had Dominic as an escort a couple times, plus a nice gal from Coconut Grove FL named Kathy once, they were all nice and helpful.

    I took NCL about this same time of year several years in a row as in the late 80's early 90's they had a rock n roll themed cruise that was SO much fun! Unfortunately, as with now, it was during hurricane season, and Gilbert was out there one time, Hugo followed us back towards Miami once too...but that just added to the fun. I was always finding single people who were traveling alone, did not know about Singleworld and bringing them back to our group like stray kittens so they could be with our group. Loved the fact we always got second seating at dinner too, that always worked out so well.

    I was usually on the Norway, and they had single cabins for slightly more than the price of half a double thru Singleworld, so I usually booked one of them, very small rooms, but the point was to be there. Loved cruising. Can't afford it now but sure would love to go again. Too bad about the Norway being scrapped.

    Too bad they did not advertise properly so as to keep going because most of our groups were good in size, between 20-30 people each cruise.

    Good memories and I guess that is all one can ask for. ;)

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