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Everything posted by niksmom630

  1. Day 7 blues intensified 🥹 assuming future Galveston Allure cruisers might find this of interest tho!
  2. Last nights wild festivities involved room service soup, bread and salad and as I recovered from a few too many Miami Vices, (courtesy of our great waiter at Nachi Cocum) followed by Sorrentos, and a frozen yogurt cone. I don’t know why I overindulge so much on sailings when I maybe eat one to two meals a day at home. Then it will take me a week to recover once I’m home and I’ll be hungry every two hours and foraging the cabinets for snacks. 🤦🏼‍♀️😋
  3. Perfect last day at sea….. literally no wind, easy to walk across ship on deck 16 which is a rarity. 10:30 am and still many open seats in the Solarium and on the pool deck. I’m still befuddled by this, but in a good way 😉
  4. I coordinated a cabin crawl on this class of ship before. Do you have and cabins on deck 17 for your crawl? if so, it’s a good place to start because you can meet right outside the cabin entrance area since they have unique key access. I’ve found it’s easier to start the crawl in the highest deck and work your way down for two reasons….it’s easier going down than up, and you will have to use the stairs as much as possible to keep your group together. Using the elevators is almost impossible on a sea day, especially if you have a large group. If you must use the elevators, try to stick with the forward elevator banks, because they are less busy than mid ship. Finally, if you need to move from forward cabins to mid shift or aft, try utilizing deck 8 since it’s a nice walk thru Central Park! Cabin crawls are always fun! They just require a bit of planning. I just pulled out the deck plans and jotted down the the distances between them, and tried to shorten them as much as possible.
  5. leaving Cozumel today ….. Wandered thru CP, always so peaceful at night and there is usually some kind of musical entertainment with a relaxing vibe….
  6. Imagine my delight when I stumbled upon these! 🎅🏼🤶🎄 I am wondering if the crew or the kids at Adventure Ocean got to participate in this activity 💕
  7. Kind of a quiet day in port today….. ok, I’ll give….. what’s this? Kind of reminds me of the tennis ball my friends husband has hung from the garage ceiling so she knows how far she can pull up. When it hits her windshield she knows to brake before doing some structural damage…..
  8. Lots of choices here, disregard the pricing tho…. It’s included in the $59 pee person cost
  9. Hi @wolfganghowell! Nice to see you pop in! 😊 I think the place I photographed might be new….Margaritaville is still there, this place is between! Casino royale is VERY crowded on this sailing…..probably the busiest I’ve seen on any ship in awhile. Slots mostly, although the tables are getting a decent amount of traffic. 3 card hasn’t been too kind to me this week, hoping for a turnaround by week end 🤗- pretty sure the kids will be disappointed to get a $5 chip and a souvenir yard glass from Senor Frogs for Christmas this year 😂
  10. It’s a beautiful day here….fabulous breeze amazing food 😋 the beach is the freshest I’ve seen it over our last few visits….. very little seaweed or debris….. perhaps it’s the time of year?
  11. thanks, I knew the kiosk was always a charge which is why I was surprised to see the Starbucks branding in the cafe. I wonder if that has reduced traffic at the kiosk. You’d think Starbucks would have objected to that!
  12. Day 6, moon and sunrise over Cozumel Didn’t this used to be a Margaritaville? across from Senor Frogs?
  13. Kudos to you for jumping in and sharing your side of the story. 😊 we prefer the timing of a later dinner, so the change was inevitable. Hopefully the remainder of this cruise brings more positive and happy experiences, and some new table mates as well!
  14. Ok, lest I leave anyone hanging 😂 the Linda saga continues to unfold we are heading out early to Nachi Cocum, so this may be my last post until tomorrow afternoon 😉 As I am speaking to the concierge, the MDR manager insists we are a table of 5, nothing more. “Linda” is apparently a figment of everyone’s imagination. 🤷🏼‍♀️ but, to humor us, I’m told to take our party to deck 4 MDR, and we will be seated at another table. I must admit I have a bit of anxiety about this…..will we pass “Linda” along the way to our new table? Since early dining is 5pm, and won’t be there until 6 pm, will Linda have already left? I was hopeful that a move to MTD which is on deck 3, would assure us no further run ins with Linda….😫 we arrive on deck 4 at 6 pm and we are escorted to our new table. I can see Linda across the room, alone at our old table - she’s apparently wrapping up her meal. We all tent our menus in in front of our faces in an effort to remain incognito. The head waiter vibes over We learn our Linda has a rep in the MDR for being “difficult” . We have two head waiters and the Assistant dining room manager stop by to offer apologies. Linda spent the evening complaining to the dining staff that she was “tired” of dining alone. And guess what? Our friend Linda is doing a back to back……😳. ….. be afraid, next week sailing
  15. 😂 ok….I was guessing at stabilizers. What does this poor girl need????
  16. I heard onboard from someone (not sure if accurate or not) that it was a recalibration of the ships navigational systems? Spinning in a circle is what it felt like…
  17. On and off showers today, but we caught some sunshine in between…… so, brief summary of the MDR experience last night. we arrived at 5 pm to our assigned table (6 top, and there are 5 of us) to find a woman sitting at our table. mind you we’ve only been there one night out of the last three, but she was not there on night 2. we assumed because we were traveling as a family that we had a private table since our reservations were all linked. we all share a sideways glance or two, but we’re thinking “no big deal, how bad can this be? “ we’re friendly people! well, pretty bad….. we introduce ourselves to our new dining companion, let’s call her “Linda” . Linda points out we haven’t been there for dinner, and wonders where we were the past few days….. so we made small talk about speciality dining, and the waiter comes to take our order. Linda asks the waiter if the roasted poblano pepper soup is watery or “good” tonight……😒 the waiter says “good!” So Linda orders a large bowl. “Don’t bring me the small one you serve soup in, I want a BIG one” Soup arrives but it’s a small bowl. Linda immediately pipes up “ that’s not mine, that’s someone else’s! I requested a BIG bowl. “ a bit of awkward silence ensues, and we’re all praying the big bowl appears soon, while we silently eat our appetizers…. the BIG bowl arrives, and Linda immediately digs in….. ”there’s nothing in here! Where’s the corn? The chorizo? I can’t eat this! “ waiter runs off and returns with a small bowl of corn. “it’s supposed to have corn and sausage! Where’s the chorizo? “ Waiter mumbles he can bring her more corn, but she waved him away impatiently. This continued…. For EVERY. Single. COURSE. I was never so thankful for a meal to end. In between the food complaints, when she’d come up for air between bites , she shared A few other random complaints about pool noise from 15 that she can hear on 11, not enough ice for her Diet Coke, blah blah blah … as we get up to leave she asks if we will be there tomorrow, and dear SIL, sweet soul that she is says “yes!” At the same time I said “maybe! We might be trying some more speciality restaurants!” the End. Or, so I hope. We hightailed it out if there, I went to see the concierge in the morning about changing to my time dining for the rest of the trip, and we make Chops reservations for night 7. but after the concierge calls the MDR, there’s more confusion. Apparently , there is no “Linda” assigned to our table…. 😳😳😱 off to dinner, have to finish this up later!
  18. Another successful Solarium / Beach Pool day. all aboard at 3:30….. same time leaving Cozumel tomorrow, so our day will seem short. 😐 we’re actually getting off the ship tomorrow so I’ll have something new to report! whale tail on the move…. this girl is definitely in need of a renovation. Starting with some new stabilizers. She was bobbing like a cork all day. It was making me feel green watching 🤢 the water was so angry in port today, it was splashing all the way up and over the gangway…
  19. They always say there’s no shortage of places to eat on Oasis class ships…. unless it’s 10:42 am on a port day 😊😫
  20. Other noteworthy news, or at least news to me is that Cafe Promenade is now serving branded Starbucks. wonder how this works? Do your refreshment packages include Starbucks here, but not at the actual kiosk on the Promenade? maybe it was this way in August, but I just didn’t notice. I drink the regular “free” stuff. Speaking of the regular coffee, it used to be sooooo strong I would dilute my cup with some hot water. Not necessary anymore, it’s definitely a “lite” coffee now…. pastry offerings….
  21. I’ve always loved the jeweled “dresses” hanging in the center of the elevator banks on this ship. I’ve posted countless photos of them I’m sure. But I don’t recall ever seeing this on deck 16 I planned to stop by the flow rider so I could post a photo for @A&L_Ont but the sky’s opened up, so this will have to do, Andrew 😉😎 pretty impressive aerial shot, eh?
  22. Last nights dinner was in the MDR…. What a nightmare that turned out to be, and it had nothing to do with the service or food…. More on that later. Had to do some scrambling this morning to make some alternative dining plans for the rest of the week….🤦🏼‍♀️ Aqua show last night was stopped before the very end….technical difficulties….basically they’d lost so much water in the pool, it was no longer safe for the divers. I’ve seen the show so many times already, so I won’t go back for the second showing replacing it this evening. But I highly recommend the aqua shows on all Oasis class ships. Tried to catch the sunset on deck 5 before dinner but it’s not optimal viewing a few photos from last night this girl was a happy camper to see a compass had been delivered 🥰
  23. I’ve had some interesting port views before, but this is a new one for me 😂👀👀
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