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Posts posted by artymis77

  1. I have been reading all of your work-out ideas and success!!


    Keep it up.


    I was "bit" by the flu a couple weeks back and got back on the band wagon.


    I am down 20 pounds since January.

    Eating healthier.

    Weather is breaking a little bit

    Got to walk more outside.

    On eliptycal (sp)



    Feel Great!

    Got into a pair of jeans I hadn't seen since Halloween.

    Long way to go---




    Motivation is strong.


    Sea Ya



    Wow! 20 lbs is awesome! Great job! I'm at 12 which is decent.

    I'd love to lose a total of 30 so 18 to go. (13 might be more realistic, but we'll see)


    Welcome, Taterhead!



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  2. I've been really sick this week, so dieting and exercise were not even on the table. Lol. I had the flu. All I did was sleep and eat toast. I didn't gain and I didn't lose. I'll go with that. I'll be back in the gym tomorrow. I wanted to go today but my sons in a baseball tournament. Afterwards I have to squeeze in my errands and laundry. Thank God the housekeeper came late in the week this week instead of her usual Monday. :) The house is still clean.



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  3. I haven't checked in for a minute. Life gets in the way sometimes. Still doing pretty well with my food. My exercise is not where it needs to be, but I'm going to focus on that this week. I'm down 12 pounds since January. Still have a way to go, but progress is progress. :)


    I'm jealous of your 'Millie'. Sometimes the drive to the gym is what actually keeps me from exercising. Sheer laziness but it is what it is. Priorities need to be worked on this week!



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  4. Today's eating was right on target. Special K protein shake, banana, grilled chicken salad, baby carrots, apple slices, quest protein bar, roast, potatoes and broccoli. Small treat was a jello pudding sugar free chocolate mousse. I've lost 4 pounds. I was planning on the gym but the weather is horrible.



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  5. Hope everyone is having a great weekend! I'm in West Monroe for the weekend as my DH is riding in a monster truck/mud show this weekend. I'm doing my best to stay on track with a crazy schedule. Went to the gym at the hotel both days. Treadmill for

    30 yesterday and elliptical for

    30 today. Yesterday had Cheerios with almond milk, a plain grilled chicken sandwich and lots of water. Last night proved to be the challenge with the show. I didn't want to eat concession crap. Had half a plain hot dog just to tide me over. Late night dinner was at Hooters. They did not have a lot of healthy options at all. I settled on a grilled fish sandwich (but didn't eat the bum) and a side salad with dressing on the side. My 'treat' was a strawberry lemonade after having nothing but water all day. Ttyl!



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  6. Yesterday was on track again. Special K protein shake for breakfast, a cliff builders bar and an orange for

    Lunch and turkey taco salad for

    dinner. Lots of water and I got

    Cleared to exercise so I did 35 minutes on the elliptical. :)



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  7. Hey y'all! Today has went well. Breakfast was a Special K protein shake, lunch was a 6" turkey sub on flatbread from subway. Snack was half a protein bar. Dinner is a baked pork chop and a salad. Lots of water. :) I'm still not cleared to work out until Friday when I see my doctor.



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  8. Down 3 lbs over three weeks. Not the jump start I wanted but good enough if I keep it up. 1 lb a week is totally acceptable


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    Great job!



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  9. Hey y'all! I've had a roller coaster weekend. Friday was going great until I was 2-3 minutes from completing my circuit workout when I blacked out. Thankfully my husband was there and 5 hours of tests in the ER later, they said I was dehydrated. Drink lots and lots of water everyone! Iced tea is not a substitute! Yesterday, my husband was off (which almost never happens on a Saturday) and we took our kids to New Orleans for a family day. Today is catch up on house work day. I started today off with Special K protein plus mixed with Special K cinnamon pecan, blueberries and almond milk. Have a great day!



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  10. Hello everyone!


    Breakfast: gladiator smoothie from smoothie king


    Lunch: grilled chicken salad (dressing on the side)


    Dinner: turkey burger and oven fries


    Lots of water


    Going to the gym after I drop my DD at dance class. Tonight is treadmill and legs


    Hope everyone is having a great day!



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  11. Wow! I apparently missed a bunch. Lol


    Started my snowy day with a smoothie. Snacks were almonds, a banana and a protein bar. Lunch was turkey on whole wheat with carrot sticks. Dinner was pan seared steak with brown rice and broccoli. I drank water all day with tea with dinner. The bridges in town are closed due to our unusual Louisiana weather so the gym is out. I'll be making it tomorrow though.



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  12. Hello everyone!


    I ate very well all day. Started with a smoothie and included lots of fruits and veggies. No workout today as I've been playing my kids' chauffeur since I left

    work. Glad to see everyone doing so well! :)



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  13. Hi ladies!


    This is my first post in preparation for this cruise. I'm also from Louisiana (Alexandria area) and I'm also cruising the Dream but in November. :) I'm also trying to lose weight. I'm hoping for 30 pounds between now and then. I actually started with the new year more or less. I have not had soda since December 28th, diet or regular. Diet Coke has always been my drug of choice so to speak. I would crack one open with breakfast. I went cold turkey and haven't touched one since. I also started working out at a gym. I honestly haven't lost more than a couple pounds, but have definitely leaned up and dropped a couple of inches. I'm working on cleaning up my eating. Looking forward to checking in with you ladies!:p

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