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Posts posted by nolaluv

  1. 12 hours ago, 5waldos said:

    Agree that giving them a call might be a good first step. Or just try and book something and see what happens. I don't even think that the credit card would be banned, although I might have a Plan B in place if it is a trip you really want to take. It takes a lot for a cruise line to ban a potential passenger and banning a credit card might not be the best business approach- credit card companies do not like that sort of thing. Imagine if Visa were to ban Celebrity- it would be a BIG deal. So you fought for your rights and won. Personally I wouldn't give another thought unless I ran into a problem.

    I’ve been told I need to stop creating problems before they exist. I’ll try to book once I find a cruise that fits my needs.






    • Haha 1
  2. 9 hours ago, Covepointcruiser said:

    After having such a long dispute with  Celebrity why would  you even want to sail with them??!!

    There are other cruise lines so pick one under the Carnival umbrella, not under the Royal umbrella. The company didn’t perform to your expectations regarding your refund, why give them a second chance?

    Those were “unprecedented” as they said in their most of communication about Covid rules.  Unlike a lot of other companies that were shut down, cruise lines weren’t eligible for bailouts or other U.S government financial assistance at that time because they are largely registered overseas.  I’ve been reading recent reviews about experiences on several cruise lines. A lot of them talk about all the the different cutbacks but what I’ve read consistently is a  big decline in food quality.  I can’t imagine the food like I’ve had  on other cruise lines being cut back.  They also own RCCL, so that wouldn’t leave me a lot of options in my price range.  

  3. 14 hours ago, Pinboy said:

    1-- You did the " right " thing -- and , won--- Good for you.

    2-- I doubt Celebrity would deny you from cruising with them over a credit card dispute-- it happens all the time.

    3-- For Celebrity to ban someone from cruising with them ( I only heard of one who posted it on CC a while ago without an explanation as to why ) , it must have been an extremely serious violation of their policies.  

    4--Best advice-----Call them and ask. ( Experts ( ?? ) like me, really don't know ).

    Maybe I’m just overthinking.  It wouldn’t be the first time, lol.

    • Thanks 1
  4. I filed a cc dispute against Celebrity and I was refunded 100% of my charges. I canceled the day before Celebrity canceled my March 2020 cruise. Celebrity didn’t go down without a fight but I made phone calls to Celebrity, had email records and screenshots of the policies in place when I canceled and submitted all of this. At that time, their policies  said immunocompromised people would be denied boarding due to Covid concerns. There was also some other policy that was the first iteration of what ended up being the cruise with confidence policy. It ONLY offered (and I received) FCC which my husband couldn’t use based on the policy at the time I canceled since he is a transplant recipient. Ultimately, I rebutted all of their rebuttals to the cc dispute and prevailed after a lengthy process because the no immunocompromised people being allowed to board wasn’t a thing when I purchased but it was when I canceled.  I was legally entitled to a refund under consumer protection laws because I was not able to use the goods/services as described when I paid for them at the time of my cancellation.

    I am planning on taking another cruise (without him) and I wonder if Celebrity or RCCL has policies in place for those of us who won cc disputes such as not allowing us to book or adding “cancellation” or other fees to current bookings. Anyone else who won cc disputes face hiccups when attempting to book a new cruise? 

  5. 33 minutes ago, MMastell said:

    If things become much worse or there is an outbreak on the ship before sailing then cancel but otherwise enjoy life.


    I think this is going to be the plan for us as well, although my husband thinks it might be a "ghost ship" by the time we sail.

    BTW, I am envious, our transplant team doesn't have a travel pharmacist.  We only have regular transplant pharmacists.  Thanks for sharing your story.  From your upcoming plans, I can see your are living.  If we cancel, I will be checking out the Alaskan cruise 

  6. 2 hours ago, nolaluv said:

     He works for a family owned business that let(s) him attend a ton of MD appointments. His receptionist always made the point he only was at work about 5 hours per week  before his transplant but he sold more than the sales person who was there full-time.  

    This should be 5 hours per day.  If he were that good, I'd have him work overtime everyday and then charter a yacht instead of booking a cruise ship. 

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  7. 27 minutes ago, nolaluv said:


    Agreed except for Princess.  Being the info junkie I am I have been obsessing over the CC boards it seems there is ANOTHER PRINCESS ship with issues.  According to a Carnival thread one crew member who worked the ship with the 19 crew members worked the ROYAL PRINCESS ship as well. 

    But wait, there's more on the Carnival boards. Carnival Panorama passengers who returned this morning and have not been allowed to debark and the passengers on board posting to CC says Carnival lied to them about what was going on most of the day.  Someone on board failed a CDC screen and is being tested somewhere and the results take at least 6-8 hours to come back. They are spending at least 1 extra night on board because the tests allegedly have not come back yet. 


    I saw a link on the Carnival boards about numbers that was a good (theoretically) but disturbing.  I will share it after I eat because my brain needs food and rest. 

  8. 1 hour ago, bEwAbG said:

    While the screening will stop obviously sick people from getting on ships, it will do nothing to catch those who are carrying the virus but asymptomatic.  There is nothing that could screen for that short of giving everyone a coronavirus test before allowing them to board and then keeping them only on the ship for the duration of the cruise.  That's just not going to happen.


    As far as your list is concerned, Princess is not doing anything different other than those ships sailed from the West Coast where the number of confirmed cases is higher, so there might have been better odds of an infected person being on the ship.  However, confirmed cases have been rapidly popping up on the East Coast this week.  It's not a matter of "if" but "when" a ship on this side of the U.S. will run into the same issues.


    I think the doctor to ask would be the one who did the transplant.  In general, it's better to think about how an individual would handle the virus versus relying on guesstimates of the probability of catching something.  Deaths have been occurring in people who cannot fight it off once they do catch it.  If your doctor is (or is not) concerned about that aspect, I think it would give you better guidance than trying to rationalize on here.


  9. 1 hour ago, Covepointcruiser said:

    With your health history it seems foolhardy to get on a ship right now.   I know we all will die someday but why hasten it.   You have already been given the gift of a better life through donor’s giving up their organs so I would expect you to be more careful.    I am sure you have the opportunity to cancel and get a FCC for a cruise at a better time.   Being in a suite gives you less opportunity to get away from fellow passengers in the smaller restaurant and in the very small retreat areas.

    I certainly understand your point, this is something I think about more than I should and more than my husband does too. His answer to my mother was "I gotta live".  While there's a lot of reason for the panic we've seen, I don't think all of it is for good cause in the places outside of the China, Korea and Italy where it truly is an epidemic. 


    His transplant team said the point of having a transplant was not only to extend his life but for him to get back to life like it was before he had kidney disease.They advised him he needed to balance all of his new cautions with more life.  He never stopped working while on dialysis although he had significantly less energy and didn't always feel well and could not walk as far. He works for a family owned business that let(s) him attend a ton of MD appointments. His receptionist always made the point he only was at work about 5 hours per week  before his transplant but he sold more than the sales person who was there full-time.  

    • Like 1
  10. 21 minutes ago, mahdnc said:


    Yes.  So I guess about 1% of the ships have been confirmed to be infected.  Now if we can keep the ships at least 6 feet apart from one another......

    EXACTLY what I was trying to estimate.  Thanks for the input. About 1% of cruises have been affected by people who are infected. I plan to keep a watchful eye out for new cruise ships being affected after all of the extra precautions have been implemented.  I think all of the the extra precautions should reduce the risk of getting this infection even more. It also might give more validity to the "petri dish" comparison if we continue to see this happening other ships after cruise lines are more aware of the need for infection prevention and control.  

  11. I am booked on a cruise scheduled to depart on 3/22/20.  I certainly understand there is not a lot of info on this novel virus. I read info daily from Johns Hopkins on https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/.  They have a really cool map that tracks the cases worldwide in great detail which to their astonishment is getting a billion hits per day.  Yesterday I listened to their 1:30p live briefing to Capitol Hill (that they will be doing daily). One of the things mentioned I had not heard before is that the test to detect for this virus is not available everywhere in the world especially so for smaller countries so not everyone has info about possible cases. I don't plan on getting off the ship and a lot of places don't want me to anyway. They also said there have been cases where the test has not been reliable, but they are working on that.  


    I am looking for an educated guess about approximately how many cruises sail in a given month?  Given there are 3 or 4 sailings (counting the infected person who did a B2B) total we know with infected passengers, how many sailings during the past month were there that did NOT have passengers who tested positive for this virus.  I am sure that would be a negligible total percentage. I am not sure what "expert" started the petri dish comparison, but my mom called me yesterday freaking out and telling me to cancel after she saw it.


    My husband is a kidney pancreas transplant patient and is part of the more vulnerable population since he takes medicine to suppress his immune system. I explained to her we asked the infectious disease doctor treating his (I used to be a diabetic for 15 years before my transplant😆) foot wound about being on a plane and cruise ship and extra precautions we should take and her response was "just wash your hands".  She asked what countries we were going to and after saying she didn't know about the prevalence of Corona virus in those places said she would give him a separate prescription for Augmentin in case he starts to feel sick and mentioned diarrhea.  I know if we are on the losing end of this gamble with really good odds in our favor and cruise as planned the results would not be something I could live with (mom's words) no pun intended.  I am also taking the following into consideration:


    1. I will not be sailing on a Princess ship - they have really bad numbers on this issue.


    2. I have a long history and a lot of training on prevention with infectious disease patients as a social worker- 8 years with HIV patients and 3 years on the infectious disease floor of a public hospital.  I have been in the room with many patients with TB which is airborne-meaning you can breathe it in and acquire the disease even after the person has left the room.  I can tell you that wearing a properly fitted N-95 mask is not something you want to do for more than 15 minutes or so because it is extremely hard to breathe in. I know more than the average about preventing transmission of bacterial and some viral infections.


    3. With what seems to be an abundance of cancellations from what I've been reading on these boards, the number of people sailing going down means less exposure to possible hosts of this virus.


    4.  This virus is spreading exponentially.  The experts at John Hopkins say each infected person has infected about two other people on average. 


    5. We are booked in a sky suite and my husband can dine with a smaller number of guests.  He was told from Day 1 of his transplant a year and half ago to stay away from buffets. 


    6.  I anticipate like some others that prices will go as the cruise industry as many other industries are losing money these days and will likely continue to lose money for at least the next few months. They way to make up revenue is to raise prices and/or lower staff, neither of which is good for me. I'm thinking it will be a more money-less service situation to book again using my credit before 2022. 


    7. The number of people with the infection is going up not down so exposure risk for us is only going to be worse at a later date.  We are only at the beginning of this.  The experts say new vaccine development in less than 18 months is almost unheard of,  but they may have an anti-viral (like Tamil-flu) which is effective against Carona virus much sooner than that.  They are doing research where I live at a primate center and people here are freaking out about their risk of exposure from that🤷‍♀️.  I am hopeful they will find an effective antiviral soon but the experts don't seem that hopeful about a remedy for the continued spread of the virus anytime soon. 


    8. Based on numbers our exposure risk is really low, but higher than when we are in other public spaces. 


    9.I am sailing on a ship called the "Edge" and there's so much irony in that these days. 🤔


    9. This post is entirely too long, but so are all of the thoughts in my head about this whole thing.😵 





    • Like 3
  12. Got a call from my pvp and it's for the Freedom tomorrow and the Breeze on Sunday. Only $88 per person inside or balcony. Then the Valor for Sept. 4th for $62 per person. So my daughter and I are going on the Valor with a balcony for a total of $126 for a 5 days. Can't beat that!!! I'm sure they are all gone, pvp said they were going fast.


    Would you mind sharing your personal vacation planners name and extension PLEASE!!

  13. I got a call from my PVP @ 7pm Wednesday evening, offering the sailing for today or Sunday, only paying tax and port charges. I live just north of Houston, so normally I would jump at the chance. Unfortunately, I have work commitments and have to be out of town all week :( Pretty bummed about it, but assisting my neighbors devastated by the flood really puts things in perspective.

    Congrats to all that were able to take the offers. What an amazing deal!


    Would you mind sharing your PVP name and 4 digit extension. I am going to try to take advantage of this.

  14. FYI, this applies to cruisers departing Galveston this weekend too. I booked with Hilton for one night since driving from Louisiana will be a challenge with road closures. Great price with them considering parking at the port is $70 to $90 for a 7 day cruise. From the Port of Galveston emergency alert page:


    The Galveston Island Convention & Visitors Bureau is pleased to offer the discounted rates to any displaced cruise passengers. These rates are only starting rates and may vary based upon availability, require a minimum length of stay and boarding pass documentation. I will be updating this as more hotels participate.


    Best Western starting at $125.00 + 15% tax

    8710 Seawall Blvd


    (transportation provided)


    Hilton Galveston Island Resort starting at $119.00 + 15% tax

    5400 Seawall Blvd


    (transportation provided)


    Holiday Inn Resort Galveston starting at $109.00 + 15% tax

    5002 Seawall Blvd


    (transportation provided)


    Hotel Galvez starting at $99.00+ 15% tax

    2024 Seawall Blvd


    (transportation provided)


    Moody Gardens Hotel $129.00+ 15% tax

    Seven Hope Blvd


    From arriving-9/1-17- departing 9/7/17 guests can call 888-388-8484- or come in person to make a reservation under the block Cruise-Harvey. Sold out September 8th

    (transportation provided)


    San Luis starting at $129.00 + 15% tax

    5222 Seawall Blvd


    (transportation provided)


    The Tremont House starting at $99.00+ 15% tax

    2300 Ship’s Mechanic Row


    (transportation provided)

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