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Posts posted by Saranade4

  1. Hello, All.


    Well, it hasn't been so good. :( So, I'm trying to get back to the gym. Not up much, but enough to make me mad at myself, & motivated a little more. DH had to be at work early this morning, so I "wogged" almost 3 miles around our neighborhood instead of going to the gym. At least 3 days a week, all during the holidays, I need to either get to the gym or walk outside! ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY!

    My home scale says I'm up a bit compared to my last check-in here, but I lost .2 at WW weigh in yesterday, so that is good! ANY WW loss is good!


    "I'll see a little less of you next time!" :)



    SW (Original) 183

    CW 167.0

    GW 145

  2. I hope this thread is still alive, since the last post was in October! I'm Alaska cruising in late June. It's a long trek from West Lafayette to Vancouver, BC, so I'm going to take it in little bits, while training for the Indy Mini-Marathon, too. It's hard when fighting a cold, though, IN the cold!

    Because it's 2318 miles btw the 2, I'll break it into chunks. We're taking Amtrak to Vancouver. So, the first chunk will be the train from West Lafayette to Chicago.

    Wow! I just checked the Amtrak route from West Lafayette to Vancouver. I have a lot of work to do! Let's see how far I get between now & 6/23 when we board the train! Wish me luck!



  3. Smart Ones Chicken Santa Fe for lunch today...3 PP!!!! And it's one of my faves! Can't get much better than that! Now for a HoneyCrisp apple for dessert!

    Funny, but yesterday & today I have been complimented on how much weight I've lost. Well, these people have only known me since AFTER the initial weight loss. Must be the clothes. Chico's is what I wear primarily, & I guess I've just found the right combo! For the past 6 months - 1 year, I've been staying between the same 5 lbs. THAT will be changing soon, though. I'm sticking to plan, & getting back to my "wogging" (walking/jogging). My next 1/2 marathon is 5/5/12. Between tracking & training, I plan to actually LOSE this time WHILE training!

    I’m one of those who needs to weigh every morning before my shower. I know that the WW scale is about 2 lbs more than my home scale, so I use my home weight as my base.

    SW (Original) 183

    CW 166.6 (not as evil as it sounds!)

    GW 145

  4. Hi!


    I first joined WW to lose weight before my 15th wedding anniversary cruise. Lost about 25 lbs. Since then, I gained about 15 lbs back, although I've been faithful in attending meetings. I'm back on board though, because we're going on a family Alaska cruise in June, & I'm tired of maintaining, which I've done for a long time. The hardest thing for me to do is track. It's a lot easier in the week when I'm at work, & food is limited. We got our new PP info at yesterday's meeting, & I started at 173 when this current session began (still 10 lbs less than when I began 7.5 years ago!). So, my 5%, I've been told, is 9 lbs. My mini goal for the week is to keep tracking thru Friday, at least! If I can track beyond that, BONUS! I would track w/e-tools, but I don't have my own computer at home, & I don't have a smartphone. So, I need to be accountable on my own, w/no electronics! Obviously, I do have computer access at work, but I really shouldn't spend much of my work time doing "me" things during work time. Sigh.

    Anyway, being accountable here will help my efforts, too, I believe. Thanks for letting me unload!


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