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Posts posted by Rachel5309

  1. I'm glad you shared your story. And I wish you the best of luck in losing the weight! Your 20's are some of the best years of your life. I regret that I let myself go for the majority of those years. I always gave up on everything (diet, etc) when I didn't see immediate results. I finally hit rock bottom and had to force myself to realize I can change this, and it's my own fault. IT IS SO HARD!! Some people just say "just eat better and exercise!" that's so much easier said than done when food is more to you than nutrition. I still have a hard time with it. The hardest thing for me is that I didn't have anyone around to help/motivate me. So I would just give up and have those chips and queso with them....I could go on and on! Best of luck to you. I like your idea of setting small goals. Reach them one at a time, and reward yourself for reaching them. That's what helped me...doing the small goals. Do you ever watch Biggest Loser? One thing Kristen said last season has stuck with me..."I am WORTH IT!" Do it for yourself girl...and don't let anyone/anything hold you back. But also realize you will stumble, that is inevitable. I used to beat myself up over it...and almost give up again. Just have to smack myself around and tell myself to get up, get over it, and keep going :)

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