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Posts posted by skatermegs

  1. You all are fantastic! If anything, it makes me a little more sure I can do it!

    We are travelling from a tiny town in Indiana (I need to update my location!) so we will have a long drive to a real airport before we go. So my rough plan is:

    Day 1- home to Chicago (or St. Louis, Nashville, or Indianapolis, but Chicago usually has the best prices) Stay the night at a park and fly hotel.

    Day 2- Fly to Rome (looking at a possible 20 hr layover in Dublin, which sounds find of fun!)

    Day 3-5 Explore Rome

    Day 6 Board Cruise

    Day 7-17 Cruise

    Day 17 Fly home

    I am hoping we can fly home the same day we disembark, because we will be using up all our vacation time as it is!

    I have joined my Roll Call, it is pretty quiet thus far.

    Thank you for the hotel recommendations, I will ask for a few more on the Italy board.

    I am holding off on booking airfare for now, but why should I wait until after final payment? Can things change? (I have cruised some, but never had an itinerary change dramatically).

    Keep the advice coming, it helps!

  2. Okay, I am getting to that point where life is crazy, and I need some help!

    I am planning a cruise for hubby's 40th birthday as a surprise. The cruise is in October, and is 11 days in Europe! YAY! That, I have booked. But now, I am trying to plan flights there, a hotel for a few days in Rome before, tours and activities, transportation to and from the airport, a hotel here for the night before, and I admit it,I am completely overwhelmed. His birthday is in July, and I want to have it all set up so I can present it to him all put together and share our plans. For the first time, I am seriously considering a travel agent, just so I can find someone who can probably get a better deal then I can, and take some of the burden.

    But I don't even know where to start to find one!

    So, suggestions, ideas, anything! Feel free to message me, or just make suggestions here that will help. I have never been to Italy, so I have nothing to build from!

  3. My mom and I will be in Fort Lauderdale in June before our cruise, and I have yet to try conch fritters, despite my desire to do so. We will be staying at the Riverside, and I plan to take the water taxi for part of the day to explore the area. Can anyone recommend a place with great fritters that we could get to either from the hotel or the water taxi? My mom doesn't much like to walk. Also- I was looking at Gilbert's on 17th- is that too far from the water taxi? My mom loves burgers and key lime pie-so it seems like she would love it! And finally-what about Flip Flops on the water? I can't seem to find any reviews about it but it looks close to the water taxi.


  4. .......WAIT!!!!!....first we have to inspect the figure underneath the offending garment.......In most cases more coverings should be offered.....:D


    Most of this is all in fun-but jokes like this one (and the previous one about BMI) are in poor taste. You have no idea how those words can hurt other people- and don't say they need a stiff upper lip or should roll with it- I work with people all the time who take these words deeply to heart and are mortified to be out in public because someone things words like these are funny. Every body is different, and every person is amazing as they are. If you have an issue seeing someone with dimpled thighs or a tummy, perhaps you should wonder if they have an issue seeing someone with such an overinflated sense of self? :mad:


    Just like in the Windjammer, cover-ups for the elevator are polite- but not everyone has the same set of expectations. You're on a cruise, be happy about that and try not making fun of anyone.

    (Rant Over) (And for those who didn't make such horrid comments, I apologize. Definitely a trigger!)

  5. I am looking to do the same thing-only tubing instead of the beach, and look forward to hearing what everyone thinks! I was going to go with Phil Lafayette since I have toured with him before but it was significantly more expensive per person :( The pictures and videos look lovely, I am just worried that my mom (70) might have a hard time walking. She is far more adventurous then I am though!

  6. Wow! I guess I never saw this as a big deal? I usually check out of my hotel around 10:00, and have been on the ship by 11:00. If I don't want to carry something around with me-I check it through. They don't require us to carry anything we don't choose to. And that is the key isn't it? We choose when to board, what to carry, and how we handle it. I don't get upset with hotels for not letting me check in until 3:00- and they make me keep all my bags! I guess I like knowing they don't turn around quickly- it means repairs are being made and everything is being thoroughly cleaned and prepped for my fantastic upcoming week. I am happy to wait for a nice clean room! Considering the work that has to be done-completely turning over each room including cleaning carpets, cleaning balconies and hallways, all repairs, I would say they do well! And with a shore side cleaning crew- several problems- they would have to pay them US wages, which are far higher, they wouldn't be as familiar with each ship and may slow things down, and where do you find people who only need work two days a week? Throwing people at a problem doesn't usually help- it just means more bodies in the way. Perhaps what they could do would be to also open the main dining rooms for a first nicer lunch- so people have a place to sit and relax and eat a nice meal. Meet your dining partners, and since nicer meals take a little longer perhaps rooms would be ready when we were done?

  7. 93 pages and four years of information...my brain is spinning! Here is what I tell people-


    No one cruise line/ideal/behavior fits everyone. Know thyself! I am a fairly quiet introvert, but I like to have a lot to do. Nothing is quite so fantastic as relaxing and watching the ocean while reading a good book for me-so I look for ships and places that will let me do so. Parties are simply not my style, and more stressful then fun! So don't feel like you have to do everything-do what looks like fun for you. (That said, do try new things, but don't feel like anything, aside from the muster drill, is mandatory).


    Choose the cabin that makes you happy. I love my balcony- it fits all my needs for a quiet place to read and relax. I also do extensive photography. So for me, it is worth it. For you? Maybe not! And don't doubt your decision- you will have fun!


    Even if you aren't an OCD cruise planner, at least read a little about each port before you go. You'd be surprised what you can learn, and you will have a better idea what you want to do. If you feel more comfortable with ship excursions, do them and ignore the naysayers! If you want to try a private tour, do that and ignore the naysayers! I've done both (private in the Caribbean, ship tours in Alaska) and had a great time on both. I decide what I want to do, and find the excursion to match- I never decide based on what is available. If I want to try something, chances are a lot of people do as well.


    Ask questions. Ask people who have cruised, and since you're already here, explore the boards. Use your cruise line board for Line specific questions, Port of Call boards for port ideas, Departure boards for pre-cruise hotels and help, and general boards for broad questions. And, of course, join your roll call! Everyone here has something in common- we love to cruise, and enjoy talking about it. So ask! I ended up booking an amazing hotel for my upcoming cruise by asking questions-I wouldn't have even known it existed without the amazing folks on the departures board.


    Read every packing list you can get your hands on, and every bit of advice offered. Then take it all with a grain of salt, and pack what makes sense to you. Just remember-you are out in the middle of the ocean-there is no Walmart. I always take extra midol, Tylenol, immodium, pepto, etc. Just in case. I may not need them, but usually a travel companion will! It takes very little space, so why not?


    Finally, the things I can't live without when I travel:

    1. Olay face cloths-dry. They are pre-soaped, but don't bother my sensitive skin. Easy and disposable, and they wont spill like my usual face wash. I usually wont use anything disposable, but I make the exception here.

    2. Shampoo-I have long, thick hair. So I really need good shampoo and conditioner when I travel. I either bring bar shampoo (like from lush) or I save the end of a bottle so I can throw it out after the trip. Big empty bottles are light, but make sure I have room for my finds on the way home!

    3. Also hair related- Make sure to get hair ties that don't have any metal- saltwater and wind and metal are a bad combination! I get a 30 pack of metal free hair ties and they live in my travel bag.

    4. Pop up hamper. It actually lives in my suitcase always for travel. I love the convenience of just tossing anything I wont wear into it and having it out of the way in the closet. I do carry a small tide stick to treat any stains before putting them in the hamper.

    5. Reef Safe Sunscreen! Coral is sensitive, and many current sunscreens are very harmful to the coral-and actually aren't allowed in places like Cozumel. Yes, you can apply it on the ship and they wont know- but it doesn't cost any more to buy reef safe and you are protecting that place for the future. Especially important if you will be diving or snorkeling.


    But my most important tip? Be excited! You can learn everything anyone has ever figured out about cruising here, but only you know you. And be aware- it is addicting! Your pocketbook won't appreciate the new addiction, but your soul will!


  8. It appears I have found my true family! :p I adore planning vacations! In fact, I think half the reason I love Disney World is that it really requires intensive planning to do it right-so any trip there requires at least 6-9 months of planning, a year for any good dining reservations! And I am thrilled for the new dynamic dining on RCI- more planning to do. I am just about nine months out from our B2B and I am in full planning mode. The hardest part is the trip is a surprise, so I can't brag about the awesome things I am finding! Also, with it being a gift/surprise, I am trying to do what my mom would want-which means (gulp!) not planning many activities or shore excursions! So I am over-planning the rest, down to looking at menus nearby the hotel we will stay at the night before and determining how much meals will cost so I can do the whole trip without credit cards. Thank goodness for the CC boards and TripAdvisor so I can find every last possible detail I could use! For example-I had booked a decent balcony, but upon research found that a center hump cabin was available for both legs-AND it was cheaper! Yay!

  9. You are looking for something called a Discover Scuba. It is minimal instruction, but let's you try diving in a shallow pool like environment. That said, as an experienced diver- find a dive shop where you live and ask them to do a Discover Scuba. While you may not see as much (depending on where you live) it will cost a lot less (often Discover Scuba in the Caribbean costs close to full certification in the US!) and you'll know immediately if you like it or not. Most people know in their first five minutes underwater if it is something they want to do! It's a lot easier (and less expensive) to get certified at home and then get to do actual dives on your trip!




    Sent from my iPad using Forums

  10. I am also really excited about DD. I love the idea of having choices-and being able to see new places and try new foods. That said, why don't they try for the best of both worlds? Disney does so by having people rotate from restaurant to restaurant, but in a set pattern. Maybe, for those who are so traditional dining oriented they could offer something similar where instead of choosing restaurants and times the cruisers simply select a set time and if they want a shared table or not, and RCI could assign them a rotation of the free restaurants for the cruise? And for those of us who are excited to choose our own, we could go ahead and make reservations? I love planning, and do a lot of Disney trips, so booking dining far out from a trip is standard and fun! (Yes, I am one of those planners!) I figure I enjoy MTD and NCL's dining, and after all, I am on a cruise ship! It's food! I am happy just to be aboard, they can give me PB&J three times a day and I will probably be thrilled. :D

  11. The prices truly are insane! That said, I have booked an Indy B2B in June, which is now included in the sale. The cost is exactly what I paid-what is the chance they will give me the on board credit if I call? I really don't want to lose the room I have, but it seems crazy that I booked only a few weeks ago and now they added the credit. Do I have any chance, or should I just be happy with my room?

  12. Snorkeling is a great experience, and for anyone overweight the stress taken off your joints is fantastic!! That said, I would call whoever you are booking with and ask why they have a weight restriction- it may have to do with the transportation or what their snorkel vests are capable of. I wouldn't just book and not say anything- if they decided to verify his weight you could be out the price of the excursion since you knew the limitations.

    Would it be possible to get your own gear and snorkel in the location you are going without a guide? (As a scuba instructor, I HIGHLY recommend buying your own gear anyway- for sanitary reasons. Good snorkel gear is costly, but the ease of use and the comfort of the fit is very much worth it. I don't mean the kits from Costco or a sports store, but fitted gear from a dive shop. Especially for a bigger guy an easy to use snorkel will deliver more air.)

  13. OMG! SOOOOOOOOOOOO much better than the LaQuinta Hollywood!!!!! SOOOOOOOOOOOOO many good restaurants around there, just take your pick(let me know what you like i.e. cuisine and style and price range, and I can make recommendations)! Each of your taxi rides will be about $20. Oddly enough there are very few massage spas in that area and I haven't tried any. Maybe the hotel concierge can arrange a massage in your room or in the neighborhood.


    Yay! Affirmation! :) I find it crazy I will actually be paying less for a hotel everyone says is much nicer! I did go ahead and go for a tower room- the regular rooms didn't get nearly as good a rating. I do like the idea that the water taxi is right nearby and that they have (apparently) a very nice pool. I know we will end up taking a red eye and will get in early (it is just the easier way to fly from Washington to Florida). So we should have a full day to either lounge by the pool or explore. I love French food, and Mexican/Cuban, but my mom loves classic American (burgers, steaks), and she LOVES Eggs Benedict. I also really like Pastalitos- we can't really get those here!


  14. Is the Riverside nice?:D YES, YES, and YES:D and are restaurants

    nearby? YES.....only about a dozen of them;) (if not more) ALL within

    walking distance:D.....

    If you are getting a good price with them? BOOK IT!:)


    You won me over! I booked a tower room and I am thrilled! Now, I just have to wait until June...AUGHHHHHHHHH!


    Even with taxi fare the cost will be about the same as the La Quinta, and it looks like there is a lot more to do in the area.

    One more question- I would like to find a place close by that I could get my mom a massage the day before we embark-any suggestions? I would prefer reasonable, but I am going all out on this trip!


  15. Hey everyone!

    We are headed back to Jamaica in June, and I am looking for suggestions. I would like to do an excursion that won't be hours on a bus, but is a little bit off the beaten path and doesn't feel "Disneyfied" (Not knocking Disney! I am a huge fan, but I want my Disney feeling places to be Disney...). Last time we were in Jamaica we stopped at Ocho Rios, and did the Dunns River Falls and River tubing with Phil Lafayette, which was an absolute blast! He offers a blue hole and tubing adventure from Falmouth, but it is a lot more costly. My mom is adventurous, but she is turning 70 this year, so I want to make sure she is safe and has a lot of fun. She loved the tubing, and I think she would enjoy the blue hole. Does anyone have any suggestions of who to go with or other excursions that might work? We love being in the water, but are doing beach days in several other ports. I would like to have some jerk chicken, and possibly do a little shopping, but the cruise is all about her.


  16. It must be take our parents on a cruise year! :p I am 32, and I am taking my mom (turning 70) on a cruise in June. I ended up choosing RCI because it seemed to be a nice blend of what we both enjoy-I like to have a fair bit to do, she likes to be able to relax and enjoy the sun or be active when it suits her. The ships are always very nice, the food reasonably good, and there are a lot of choices. I ended up booking a B2B on Independence, but Allure definitely caught my eye. I decided the longer time onboard was better though. We tried HAL, and honestly, while I liked the ship and loved the itinerary, there was very little to do and the staff was awful! Basically, it comes down to what works for you guys? I chose the dates that mattered the most for me, and then looked at what was available then. No matter what you choose, she will love it!

  17. LaQuinta is in Hollywood, about 9 miles from Primo, in Ft Lauderdale. Is there one in Hollywood? Taxi would cost about $30 each way. If you stay at Riverside hotel or downtown Hampton Inn you could walk there. If you book Hyatt Place through ValueTrips it will be in your price range in May 2015....you can walk from there to the bridge to see the port.


    I've been looking at the Riverside hotel- is it nice? The prices seem almost too reasonable for downtown, if that makes sense. What would taxi costs be to the port from there, and from the airport to there? Are there any good restaurants nearby? The help is so fantastic! It is so hard to book a hotel in a place you've never been! :o

  18. I haven't seen anything recent, so I was hoping for some more current opinions. I am booked for my mom and I at the La Quinta in Hollywood for June. The rate isn't great, but we are cruising from Port Everglades on Independence so will only be there one night. Has anyone been there recently? The reviews seem very mixed for the past few months. Mostly, I want a place we can relax and hang out by the pool for the day, and that offered shuttles so I don't have to worry about a car.

    Also-how much would a taxi be to Primo Hoagies? :D I used to live in Philly and miss them like crazy, so the idea there is one in town seems worth a trip.

    I would consider switching hotels- are there any in the $100-$150 range close to the port where we might see the ship? The cruise is a surprise.

    Finally- where can we find out what terminal the ship is leaving from? All the old links I have found don't lead anywhere...

    Thanks in advance!


  19. I think it all comes down to what you are looking for. I cruised NCL first-loved the ports, the food was mediocre and the crowd just really wasn't for me. don't get me wrong-I loved the ship and the staff, but it just didn't scream "amazing!" My next cruise was RCI and there wasn't a single thing we didn't like. The food was good (still, not great, but better) the service was great, and the crowd just felt right. After awhile the desire to cruise Alaska came up, and with far better rates and better itinerary, I went for HAL. AWFUL. Bad food, worse service, the only good thing was getting off at the ports and not having to fly there! Overall the ship experience was miserable, even though we loved the ports. Would I cruise them again? Sadly, yes, because they really do have good itineraries. But, when given a choice, I go for RCI-because they are my "just right".

  20. Pauly- thank you for starting this thread! I have been trying to figure out what to do in Falmouth as well.

    Does anyone have pictures of the port area and the craft market within? I can't get a good image in my head, and it seems like the only posted pictures are of Margaritaville, which isn't really what I want to see. I'd like to see the shopping/etc. within the gate that isn't a chain store (like the wood carvers or basket makers). Are the prices higher within the gate significantly?

    A few years ago we did the Dunn's River/Tubing tour with Phil-but we left from Ocho Rios. This year I would like to do just some tubing and then do some shopping, but it sounds like all the tubing adventures are really far from the ship. Are there any close by? Which would be best for a 70 year old (my mom)?

    I love the sharing of information here- it helps so much to prepare! Thank you for bringing us back on topic.


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