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Posts posted by DWofHandicappedCruiser

  1. I take good tea with me when I travel so it was a very pleasant surprise to find the Carnival tea so enjoyable. The salmon sandwiches are very good and the scones are very authentic, that is, they are soft, pillowy little cakes filled with a lightly flavored cream. They also have divine raspberry tartlets and here's a nice touch: When we told the server DH is very allergic to strawberries and raspberries, they immediately got another serving spatula so his sandwiches and scones would not be "contaminated" and he could enjoy the salmon and cucumber sandwiches without fear of a bad reaction. *Aaaahhhh - contented sigh...* Those of us on diets should beware - the scones are addictive and must be very high in calories. Of course, that's one reason they taste so good!

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