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Posts posted by AngieB30401

  1. Hi everyone! Sorry I did not post on Saturday like I said but I know you will all forgive me.


    So, here I go with my new "way of eating"....

    Just to recap: I am 33 years old, female, live in southern GA (near Savannah)

    I am currently wearing 8/10/12 and would like to get down to 115 and size 3/5.

    Weighed Saturday morning at 140. Measured my waist and it is 35 inches. I am only 5'2" so in other words, I'm almost a circle !! I will try to attach a pic to this message. I have the "girl gut", "cellulite thighs". "chubby face" and lets not even talk about how my butt looks.....

    Need some constructive criticism to help me make sure I am eating ok:


    Sat morning:

    2 scrambled eggs cooked in a little EVOO


    Sat lunch:

    3 small chicken fingers (breaded in Parmesan cheese and cooked in EVOO)

    I cup green beans



    Sat night: I helped with our local beauty pageant there so before it started I went to Dairy Queen and got a diet coke and regular cheeseburger plain. I only drank a little coke and ate the burger without the bun. Then at the reception afterwards I ate a few meatballs and little smokies.


    I also snacked on a few deviled eggs throughout the day.


    Sun breakfast:

    1 scrambled egg

    3 pieces bacon


    Sun lunch:

    grilled steak

    salad with cheese, bacon, ranch dressing


    Sun night:

    2 all beef hotdogs

    2 deviled eggs


    made a little mock cheesecake for a snack


    Monday morning:

    2 scrambled eggs

    3 pieces bacon


    I have been drinking the kool-aid (with aspartame), diet sprite, diet dr. pepper, and a little diet coke.


    After writing out what I ate this weekend I realize I need to eat more veggies. Been eating a lot of eggs. I am also planning on getting some of the sugar free syrups so I can try SFS's breakfast shake. They do not sell them around here so I guess I will order online.


    I have not had the "hungries" yet or any headaches, guess that is good news. I just stress about what I am going to eat. Guess I need to make a meal plan for the week to help me not stress at the last minute.


    I need to get some ketosis sticks today. Are those located by the diabetic supplies in the pharmacy?


    I am so glad you guys are here!! I have been lurking on the other low carb sites but they are just not as "personal" as our little group here and from reading the thread it just seems like we all know each other. Thanks for being here!!



  2. Atkins book on ebay $ 4.35
    Trip to the grocery store tonight $160
    Changing my life - priceless !!!!!!!

    Ok, so I'm ready to start Induction tomorrow and of course I am excited and a little nervous at the same time. I will weight and measure in the morning and post then.

    I do have one question (situation) that you guys might help with: I hate water. I will eat ice, I will drink flavored water and sugar-free koolaid but I do not like plain water. Problem is that I have checked the flavored waters (like crystal light)and sugar-free koolaids and they all have aspartame. What do I do? Suggestions would be welcomed!! I did buy some Sprite Zero (taste like watered down Sprite but do-able) but I know I am to limit diet drinks so I can't drink that for 2 or 3 weeks.

    Found a great deal on ground turkey at the store. Apparently someone screwed up the order and they received way too much. Since this is a really small town, it does not sell well enought for them to keep that much for an extended period so they placed it on sale. It is the Butterball brand in packs of a pound each and it was on sale for $1.24 per pack. We bought a few packs to see if we like it. Made a turkey-loaf with it tonight. It was ok. Seemed like a less flavorfull ground beef. Maybe I needed to spice it up more. Anyway, if anyone has recipes for ground turkey I would love them!

    Off to watch a little tv and get some sleep before the big day tomorrow!
  3. Hey Ya'll !! Just checking in...
    Got my Atkins book today and excited about reading it this weekend. Also up to September of 08 on reading this thread (will I ever make it to 2009?). I feel like I know everyone already!

    I live in a very small town in Georgia with only 2 grocery stores (Harveys and SuperWalmart) so I am worried that some of the foods will be hard to find. I went by Walmart today at lunch and looked for the sugar-free syrups. They did not have the Divinci, there was a brand called "Toran". I think that was what it was called. Anyone use this kind? On the thread awhile back someone said that they bought some from Walmart and it was yucky so I don't want to spend $5 on a bottle of that!

    I just finsihed my research paper for school - now I have to proof it. Did I mention that among the choices for topics was: Obesity in America. So of course I chose that one! It has been enlightening doing the reseach for it.

    At the beginning of this month, we went on RCL Monarch and they had the BEST sugar free key lime mousse. I LOVED IT! But I can not find a recipe for it to save my life. It was green in color so I am assuming it probably had jello mix in it but none of the recipes I find list that as an igredient. Can anyone help me?????

    Well off to proof my paper.......still dreaming of the key lime mousse....yum.
  4. Hello everyone!! I'm still here, just been busy (as we all are) the last few days. Upon your advice I have ordered the book and hope to get it the first of the week. I have also looked at SFS's site (love it!!!) and have started this thread from the beginning (only at March of 2008 right now!)

    I work a full-time accounting job and I am also trying to finish college full-time (night classes and online classes) I have my 2 year certificate but want to get my CPA license. This week and next is finals so my idea is to start my new "lifestyle" around the first of August. We just did a cruise and I couldn't bring myself to start before my cruise!!! I will have a break from school until Aug 17th so I think that will give me time to settle into a little routine. Maybe by the first I will have read the book and be caught up on this thread.

    Well I have to go now, I have a 10 page research paper to finish and an essay for English. Talk to you guys later.......

    Thanks for being here!!!!
  5. Hello everyone!!!!

    Like SugarFreeSheila, I am 5'3" and at 145 pounds. My ideal weight is 105, as a size 3. I think if she can do it, I can do it!

    had foot surgery and gained the extra pounds and nothing I do seems to get it off. I have tried Weight Watchers and all that. I think I am ready for the Atkins "lifestyle change" so I can get my old body back and feel better.

    I need some help! where do I start? Do I need to buy a book that tells me step by step what to do and what i can eat? is there a website I need to join?

    I am ready, just need some guidance and support !!!!!
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