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Posts posted by KellyB23

  1. Although I've only needed them once, I always have a bottle of ginger pills with me. You can get them at any drugstore (Walmart, CVS, etc) where the vitamins are. If you're susceptible to motion sickness, or cruising during a storm, take these instead of dramamine. They work better and no side effects.


    We were on a ship once with 12-15 foot waves. All four of us took our ginger pills and headed to the dining room for dinner feeling fine. It was empty because a lot of people were sick or sleeping from the pills they took. It was one of the busiest nights the infirmary had seen.


    Last cruise, we didn't need them but one of our tablemates was feeling ill. He didn't even make it to dinner the first night. We ran down to our room, gave him a handful, and got a "thumbs up" everytime we saw him on the ship after that.


    Sorry for the long response, but I can't say enough about the ginger pills (similar to drinking ginger ale for an upset stomach). Don't sleep your vacation away if you are someone prone to motion sickness.

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