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Posts posted by lindsers83

  1. It seems to me the answer here lies in the ability one has to say "no" to something...or someone. I have no qualms about saying no to someone trying to get me to buy something, especially if they badger me about it. I like to plan ahead considering what things are going to cost up front so that I can plan accordingly. This has been great for that (FYI, getting ready for my first cruise here...). I already have my money figured for tips (onboard and for porters), calculated gas and parking already (driving with friends from NC to FL - huge savings for not flying), have my excursion in check, and as for drinks and anything else on board... Well, I would LOVE to have a massage, but do I HAVE to have one at sea...no. Might I have a drink or 2, sure, but that's $15 bucks or so I am already planning on. One photo perhaps, no more than one. A souvenir, sure, but nothing ridiculous and I've already put a spending cap on that for myself.


    What can I say? I like my money budgeted and to know where it's headed so I can feel more freedom to truly RELAX. By relax I mean before, during and after the cruise - those who charge it up and don't pay attention...might not feel the "after vacation relaxation" when they see their bill. Don't have to spend the dough to have a heck of a good time!!

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