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Posts posted by neacat

  1. I’m thinking about a Greek cruise in Feb/March but I’ve seen several mentions of this ship being almost overtaken by large groups sometimes. Is there anyway of finding out when these might be occurring? I was once in a hotel that was packed with people for a wedding - we were real outsiders feeling very isolated and sidelined so don’t want a repeat type of performance.

  2. In the spirit of moving forward, I would like to offer to help with some information on this board and maybe if it works, Andy would be happy to make a sticky out of the thread


    On the Celebrity board, there is a very useful spreadsheet kept up to date by one of the cruisers where others can search for information on a cabin. Here on Azamara, we have to try and search and trawl for information and I am offering to create and maintain with say forthnightly updates a similar spreadsheet.


    For it to work, everyone has to post information in a consistent way and also only use the thread to post information, not to engage in debate (pop over to the Celebrity board if you want to see more on how it works)


    For Azamara, I would suggest the information should be


    Cabin Number


    Month/Year sailed

    Would you choose this room again Y/N

    Is noise an issue Y/N

    Balcony size Normal/Larger/Smaller

    Any other comments (keeping these succinct so the spreadsheet does not grow too much)


    How do others feel about this - if you think we do not need it here, please say, I will not be offended!!!!

    I am sorry to be so thick but I can't seem to find the spreadsheet- I have found the Celebrity one but not the Azamara - any helpful hints?

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