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Posts posted by SHINEMAN

  1. What happens if for some reason you have to cancel cruise after you have used the cert to pay part of the fare?

    Will the insurance company reimburse you or is the cert cancelled in some way and credited back to your CC. Or are you out of luck altogether?

  2. Hubby and I are huge water drinkers - as in purified or distilled. Will we be charged for bottles of this on the Star? If so, how much? We will have ample time to buy a case before boarding, but would rather not have that additional chore.


    Becky and Sandy



    Forget the term for the process, it is something like double osmosis, but whatever it is the water you get in the restaurants is superior to any bottled water you can find.

    Not sure about the tap water in cabins. Maybe that depends on ship.

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