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Posts posted by frakkles

  1. So happy to see Project Runway discussion underway - thank you Anita! 
    Interesting to see what these designers have been doing since their time on PR.

    Nina selected talented designers. 

    I’ll comment on this last episode as it is fresh in my mind. Kara Saun and Brittany’s designs were so original. Kara Saun’s outfit was stunning as it fit the model perfectly. It was impeccable. Brittany’s outfit was so detailed. Her design and sewing skills really made the outfit pop. Felt either one could have won as the outfits were original.


    Anna’s dress was interesting, but the design was certainly a repeat from earlier in the show. This has happened on past PR seasons, so it is not just Anna. It was up to the judges to address her design, not the contestants. It should not have been one of the top three. Understand why they were ticked, but still up to the judges. I truly hope the bitterness does not go forward with this group.


    Looking forward to reading your takes on this past week’s episode.


  2. Jo, I hope you are onboard right now having a cocktail and gazing out at the water! Truly hope you have a lovely time!


    I thought the PR finale was one of the best in years!  All four designers worked so hard and put together great collections! Even liked Kristina’s work this time as they were mostly fitted vs baggy. Coral’s final piece, with the head halo was fantastic.  I have always loved the colorful designs from Mexico and So. America - I’d buy that jacket (probably couldn’t afford it though 😂😂). Chastity’s collection was lovely, but I wish it had been more colorful. Shantel’s collection was interesting and beautifully designed. I’m just happy I didn’t have to judge them. 

    Sorry this season has ended.  Looking forward to next year.



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  3. Jklc123 and Laurab23, agree with both winner/loser choices and observation about Christian.

    I truly liked the beige dress, where designer thought it resembled a dress for a Greek goddess.  If the designer had put the housewife’s hair up with tumbling curls down her back, it would have been perfect - not the winning outfit, but stunning. The housewife in the hot pink dress looked lovely, but the dress, other than the sleeve, did not seem original to me. Chantel’s design seemed very original. It looked great on the runway.  Happy Christian saved her as she has really risen to the top.

    The bottom two outfits were so badly designed and executed. I really thought Anna would be a finalist, but her last two bad designs sent her home.


    Have been enjoying this season a lot.  Hope you all are well and Happy New Year! 



  4. Hello all,

    Has anyone been watching Project Runway over the past few weeks? 
    Miss hearing from all of you!

    The winning Tara Lipinski dress was beautiful - it was ethereal. I’m impressed with this designer and look forward to seeing more of her creations. Some of the outfits were ridiculous - esp the huge purple shirt for Johnny Weir and the dress 😵💫.

    The accessory challenge was enjoyable to watch as the designers collaborated with one another. Bones was very lucky he wasn’t eliminated. That dress was so ugly. He seems to be either hit or miss. 
    Happy holidays,


  5. 😂😂moose poop is a lot larger too, so your statement is apropos!


    I was waiting for the judges to say Bones’ 2nd design had won the first week challenge….now that would have been fascinating to watch all of the designers reactions!  Wally, I do agree the boobage on Bones’ golden yellow outfit was off.  None of the judges said anything about it. Personally I would have given him top designer too - he had 2 stunning outfits in the top three!


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  6. Jo,

    Agree about the drama. I wish she would have just said no, I’ve already cut the fabric for my model. Sorry, should have asked yesterday before I cut my fabric.  Also Kenneth didn’t even use his original “Asian” design he wanted to put his exchanged model into. His patchwork top was just sad.

    I was looking forward to seeing his original design.

    The majority of the designers this season appear to be very creative. However, I cannot stand the “clownish” fashion being presented, as well as worn, by Kate (I think that’s her name). Colorful outfits can be fun, but these seem to lack design as well as taste (in my opinion). She would be better designing for children…probably would be very successful too!


    Looking forward to this week’s show. 





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  7. Well said and thoughtful comments Anita! The black puffer jacket looked like the model was wearing the world on his shoulders - so impractical but impacting nonetheless! I absolutely loved the brocaded pant and sheer top with brocade squares covering the model’s breast. Geoffrey is completely versatile and creative. That is what I thought about Christian during his season. The judges felt Geoffrey’s designs could be adjusted to sell to the public.  


    Serena Williams was greatly impressed with Sergio’s designs. Would not be surprised if she expands her fashion line to include his upscale designs...either partnering with him or backing him.  I truly loved some of his designs and choice of fabrics - gorgeous! Could have lived without the fringe though.

    Victoria completely lost the season when she failed to remove her “signage/branding” on her outfits. Brandon was right - why? She isn’t a known designer yet. Dreams of grandeur for sure!  However, I did like her pleated capris on the first look. The rest were HoHum. 

    Nancy, happy she made it to the finale, but she didn’t deliver anything noteworthy.


    All the best to you. Stay healthy and safe.



  8. A tiara challenge, what a fabulous idea! I recalled truly liking Brittany’s original butterfly dress, but was appalled when I saw it again on the last episode - it was nothing like I remembered it! Ha ha.  Sorry all. 
    The collections were beautifully displayed at that NY location. Was impressed with Jeffreys manipulation of his material. I’m glad he made it to the finals. Visually Sergio’s train was stunning on the stairs. Looking forward to the finals... I Honestly don’t care who wins either. I’ve enjoyed this season.

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  9. Agree with you about Brittany - her butterfly dress was so unexpected and lovely.
    I like Sergio’s gowns and his sewing seems to be impeccable. Unfortunately his over confidence is alienating the judges. Wish he would just say thank you for the critique and leave it at that. I would like to see him in the finals too. At least Project Runway gives the designers months to prepare for the finale. I enjoy this show a lot! 
    Looking forward to the avant guard challenge too. Who else would you like to see in the finals?


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  10. I agree with ams1130 - Victoria’s design was initially interesting and will add very flattering to the thin models. If I recall correctly the only other design she gave us was that hideous tie dye ruffled shirt & ugly jeans.  She should have gone home on that outfit. She is a one trick pony.


    Could not believe Victoria shaded Nancy for doing the voluminous pants twice, when she keeps her same design week to week. Victoria’s runway would be sooooo boring! 

    Retiring soon, completely agree her attitude is horrible. I believe she was upset Christian used his save for Brittany...who deserved it! Also so funny when she was upset no one went home last week. Thought the judges made the right decision not to send anyone home as all of their clients were happy with their outfits.


    I am looking forward (ha ha) to what she will “design” this week! 

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